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Presented by: Scott Lydell North American Sales manager
LVS 速  is a World leader in Vision  Inspection and Barcode  Verification. LVS 速   offers a in-line Vision  solution capable of ISO Grading  bar codes, Master to Label  Comparison, OCR/OCV & Data  Validation, All-in-One System.
LVS 速  7000   Features:  ISO Grading of Bar codes Blemish (Defect) Detection Optical Character Verification Duplicate Checking File Matching
Code 39 I 2 of 5 (ITF) GS1 128 Code 128 Codabar GS1 Databar GS1 Databar Limited GS1 Databar Linear GS1 Databar Stacked GS1 Databar Expanded Composite (CCA/CCB/CCC) UPC-A and E EAN  8 and 13 ITF-14 Pharmacode Data Matrix PDF - 417 MicroPDF - 417  QR Code Micro QR Code E-Pedigree Capable Future codes will be added  FREE ! ISO (ANSI/EN) 15416  15415 & GS1
The LVS速 7000 can detect a multitude of print faults:  Skew Hickeys  extraneous marks Print Registration Ink Spray - Spots Ghost Images (Halo) Missing Copy  Ink Fade/dropout
The LVS速 7000 Optical Character Verification (OCV) Module:  Verifies human readable characters at point sizes as low as five printer points (.07 or 1.76mm). Ensures that a string of sequential Alpha-numeric characters is read and/or verified against a known field or database.
The LVS速 7000: Performs number validation for any numerical order requirements such as ascending, descending or algorithmic series to ensure the numbers are in the expected order Utilizes an external data file for the  validation of random number sequence Detects duplicate numbers and warns  the Operator
Financial Benefits Assures accuracy of the printed data.  Saves money as any nonconforming defective labels are caught immediately, not after the print run is completed or even later when the defective labels are in use.  Helps you reach your Green goals through the reduction of waste material.  Reduces fines or disputes with customers due to inaccurate, missing or illegible data on labels.  LVS 速  Offers  FREE  Software Upgrades

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Realize your Quality Vision

  • 1. Presented by: Scott Lydell North American Sales manager
  • 2. LVS 速 is a World leader in Vision Inspection and Barcode Verification. LVS 速 offers a in-line Vision solution capable of ISO Grading bar codes, Master to Label Comparison, OCR/OCV & Data Validation, All-in-One System.
  • 3. LVS 速 7000 Features: ISO Grading of Bar codes Blemish (Defect) Detection Optical Character Verification Duplicate Checking File Matching
  • 4. Code 39 I 2 of 5 (ITF) GS1 128 Code 128 Codabar GS1 Databar GS1 Databar Limited GS1 Databar Linear GS1 Databar Stacked GS1 Databar Expanded Composite (CCA/CCB/CCC) UPC-A and E EAN 8 and 13 ITF-14 Pharmacode Data Matrix PDF - 417 MicroPDF - 417 QR Code Micro QR Code E-Pedigree Capable Future codes will be added FREE ! ISO (ANSI/EN) 15416 15415 & GS1
  • 5. The LVS速 7000 can detect a multitude of print faults: Skew Hickeys extraneous marks Print Registration Ink Spray - Spots Ghost Images (Halo) Missing Copy Ink Fade/dropout
  • 6. The LVS速 7000 Optical Character Verification (OCV) Module: Verifies human readable characters at point sizes as low as five printer points (.07 or 1.76mm). Ensures that a string of sequential Alpha-numeric characters is read and/or verified against a known field or database.
  • 7. The LVS速 7000: Performs number validation for any numerical order requirements such as ascending, descending or algorithmic series to ensure the numbers are in the expected order Utilizes an external data file for the validation of random number sequence Detects duplicate numbers and warns the Operator
  • 8. Financial Benefits Assures accuracy of the printed data. Saves money as any nonconforming defective labels are caught immediately, not after the print run is completed or even later when the defective labels are in use. Helps you reach your Green goals through the reduction of waste material. Reduces fines or disputes with customers due to inaccurate, missing or illegible data on labels. LVS 速 Offers FREE Software Upgrades