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NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

iOS Advanced
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
 觜襯願 煙ロ 覈覦 一危磯伎 (ろ)


 SQLite  CoreData襯 豌危 
襦  一危磯伎
豢豌: LetSwift 2016 Realm.io 語
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
2014 7 15 螻糾
2 讌 讌蠍 Realm  蠍一
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
C++ 蠍磯


豢豌: LetSwift 2016 Realm.io 語
SQLite 蠍磯  螻 C++ 貊企ゼ 螳讌
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/

 覈覦殊 伎 襷れ伎蠍 覓語,
一危襯 ロ螻 覿る 蟆 觜襯願 

 覿 蠍磯

 襷願係伎, 蠏碁 貎朱Μ, 誤 磯 煙 
 蠍磯レ 讌


NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
觜襯 (1)

: v.s. SQLite
豢豌: http://static.realm.io/downloads/java/android-benchmark.zip
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
觜襯 (2)

: Zero-copy
 蠍一ヾ ORM Copy螳 

 Realm Copy螳 覿

 memory mapped file 

 In-memory 豌 disk 

 曙 一危一 offset 螻

 mapped file 曙伎

 property access伎 覲瑚 覦

 Results  一危
豢豌: LetSwift 2016 Realm.io 語
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: 螳蟆壱 貊
 RLMObject襯  覈 

 煙 property襦  

 蟯螻 襭蟲譟磯 蟆  煙企 RLMArray 螳豌
襴ろ碁ゼ  螳蟆 
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: 螳蟆壱 貊
豢豌: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20649350/updating-object-with-core-data-inserts-a-new-record
Entity * entityInstance = nil;

entityInstance = [self fetchEntityForID:entityInstanceID

if (entityInstance == nil) {

entityInstance = [NSEntityDescription


- (Entity *)fetchEntityForID:(NSNumber *) articleID inContext:
(NSManagedObjectContext *) writeContext {

NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [NSFetchRequest

NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate
predicateWithFormat:@"articleID == %@",articleID];

[fetchRequest setPredicate:predicate];

NSArray *fetchedArray = [writeContext
executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:nil];

if ([fetchedArray count] > 0)

return [fetchedArray objectAtIndex:0];

return nil;

Core data襦 insert or update
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: 螳蟆壱 貊
Realm朱 insert or update
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: れ 貎朱Μ
 Chaining 螳ロ れ 貎朱Μ 讌 e.g. 磯

    螳 煙朱  蠍一企  れ
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
覿 蠍磯

: 誤
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
   64 覦危 誤 るゼ 螻牛覃
AES-256+SHA2 覦朱
ろ  一危磯伎 殊 誤襯 讌
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
覿 蠍磯

: notification
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
 addNotificationBlock 覃襯 語伎 RLMRealm,
RLMResults, RLMArray, RLMLinkingObjects螳 一
碁 襷 旧襯 覦襦 焔

  RLMObject 覲襯 螳讌蠍  Key-Value
Observation  螳

 Realm 螳豌企 郁鍵 碁 貉る襷 襴殊 覲企伎
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
覿 蠍磯

: browser
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
 一危磯伎るゼ 所 ク讌   觚殊一 螻
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
覿 蠍磯(4)

: Xcode
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
  Realm 覈語 所 襷   蠏語 螻
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
覿 蠍磯(4)

: Realm
豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
 Realm 蠍磯  螳覦   貉るる
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: Realm れ
 CocoaPods 伎

 Podfile pod Realm  蟆 豢螳螻 pod
Realm/Headers襯 ろ 蟆 豢螳

 貉るЖ殊語 牛 pod install ろ

 Static Framework

 Realm 豕 覯 れ企伎 豢 蠍

 ios/static/ 襴 Realm.framework  
Xcode 襦語 File Navigation j鍵 (Copy items if
needed 豌危)

 Xcode File Navigator 襦 企Ν >
危襴貅伎   > Build Phases > 
Link Binary with Libraries  + 企Ν > libc++.tbd 襯 豢螳
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: 覈 れ
#import <Realm/Realm.h>

@interface EJRealmData : RLMObject

@property NSInteger id;

@property BOOL status;

@property int type;

@property int character;

@property NSString *title;

@property NSDate *date;

@property NSString *start;

@property NSString *end;

@property NSString *current;

@property NSString *unit;

@property NSString *startString;

@property NSString *endString;

@property NSString *now;

@property float percent;


#import "EJRealmData.h"

@implementation EJRealmData

+ (NSString *)primaryKey {

return @"id";


+ (NSArray *)requiredProperties {

return @[@"id", @"type", @"title"];


+ (NSArray *)ignoredProperties {

return @[@"startString", 

@"endString", @"now", @"percent"];

+ (NSArray *)indexedProperties {

return @[@"status"];


+ (NSDictionary *)defaultPropertyValues {
return @{@"status" : @YES};


<EJRealmData.h> <EJRealmData.m>
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: 一危

EJRealmData *newData;

EJDataManager *dataManager = [EJDataManager sharedInstance];

newData = [[EJRealmData alloc] initWithValue:@{

@"id" : @([dataManager getIdManager]),

@type" : @(0),

@"character" : @(timeCharacterNumber ),

@"title" : @"title",

@"date" : [NSDate date],

@"start" : [NSDate date],

@"end" : [NSDate date] 

谿 id 襷り鍵
 data 襷り鍵
- (int)getIdManager {

NSLog(@"idManager: %d", idManager)
return idManager++;

int idManager;

+ (EJDataManager *)sharedInstance {

static dispatch_once_t pred;

static EJDataManager *shared = nil;

dispatch_once(&pred, ^{

shared = [[EJDataManager alloc] init];

realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm];

idManager = [[[EJRealmData allObjects] maxOfProperty:@"id"]


return shared;

NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

: 一危

- (void)addData:(EJRealmData *)data {

[realm beginWriteTransaction];

[realm addOrUpdateObject:data];

[realm commitWriteTransaction];


- (void)updateData:(int)id {

[realm beginWriteTransaction];

EJRealmData *targetData = [self getData:id];

targetData.status = NO;

[realm commitWriteTransaction];


- (NSMutableArray *)getAllData {

NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"status =
%hhd", YES];

RLMResults *allData = [EJRealmData objectsWithPredicate:pred];

NSMutableArray *resultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

for (EJRealmData *data in allData) {

[resultArray addObject:[self setProperties:data start:data.start
end:data.end type:data.type]];


return resultArray;

add or update
update data
get all data whose status is YES
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im
LetSwift 2016 

: Realm 語
NHN	NEXT	Eunjoo	Im

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[AWSKRUG] 覈覦手 企 一広蠍 (2018)
[AWSKRUG] 覈覦手 企 一広蠍 (2018)[AWSKRUG] 覈覦手 企 一広蠍 (2018)
[AWSKRUG] 覈覦手 企 一広蠍 (2018)
覈覦 蟆 企 一広蠍 - 豕
覈覦 蟆 企 一広蠍 - 豕覈覦 蟆 企 一広蠍 - 豕
覈覦 蟆 企 一広蠍 - 豕

Realm.io for iOS

  • 2. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im Realm企? 觜襯願 煙ロ 覈覦 一危磯伎 (ろ) http://realm.io/kr SQLite CoreData襯 豌危 襦 一危磯伎 豢豌: LetSwift 2016 Realm.io 語
  • 3. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im Realm 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ 2014 7 15 螻糾 2 讌 讌蠍 Realm 蠍一
  • 4. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im C++ 蠍磯 襦 豢豌: LetSwift 2016 Realm.io 語 SQLite 蠍磯 螻 C++ 貊企ゼ 螳讌
  • 5. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im Realm レ 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ 觜襯 覈覦殊 伎 襷れ伎蠍 覓語, 一危襯 ロ螻 覿る 蟆 觜襯願 覿 蠍磯 襷願係伎, 蠏碁 貎朱Μ, 誤 磯 煙 蠍磯レ 讌 Object襯
  • 6. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 觜襯 (1) : v.s. SQLite 豢豌: http://static.realm.io/downloads/java/android-benchmark.zip
  • 7. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 觜襯 (2) : Zero-copy 蠍一ヾ ORM Copy螳 Realm Copy螳 覿 memory mapped file In-memory 豌 disk 曙 一危一 offset 螻 mapped file 曙伎 property access伎 覲瑚 覦 Results 一危 豢豌: LetSwift 2016 Realm.io 語
  • 8. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im (1) : 螳蟆壱 貊 RLMObject襯 覈 煙 property襦 蟯螻 襭蟲譟磯 蟆 煙企 RLMArray 螳豌 襴ろ碁ゼ 螳蟆 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
  • 9. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im (1) : 螳蟆壱 貊 豢豌: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20649350/updating-object-with-core-data-inserts-a-new-record Entity * entityInstance = nil; entityInstance = [self fetchEntityForID:entityInstanceID inContext:context]; if (entityInstance == nil) { entityInstance = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Entity" inManagedObjectContext:context]; } - (Entity *)fetchEntityForID:(NSNumber *) articleID inContext: (NSManagedObjectContext *) writeContext { NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:@"Entity"]; NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"articleID == %@",articleID]; [fetchRequest setPredicate:predicate]; NSArray *fetchedArray = [writeContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:nil]; if ([fetchedArray count] > 0) return [fetchedArray objectAtIndex:0]; return nil; } Core data襦 insert or update
  • 10. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im (1) : 螳蟆壱 貊 Realm朱 insert or update 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
  • 11. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im (2) : れ 貎朱Μ Chaining 螳ロ れ 貎朱Μ 讌 e.g. 磯 螳 煙朱 蠍一企 れ 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/
  • 12. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 覿 蠍磯 (1) : 誤 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ 64 覦危 誤 るゼ 螻牛覃 AES-256+SHA2 覦朱 ろ 一危磯伎 殊 誤襯 讌
  • 13. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 覿 蠍磯 (2) : notification 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ addNotificationBlock 覃襯 語伎 RLMRealm, RLMResults, RLMArray, RLMLinkingObjects螳 一 碁 襷 旧襯 覦襦 焔 RLMObject 覲襯 螳讌蠍 Key-Value Observation 螳 Realm 螳豌企 郁鍵 碁 貉る襷 襴殊 覲企伎
  • 14. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 覿 蠍磯 (3) : browser 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ 一危磯伎るゼ 所 ク讌 觚殊一 螻
  • 15. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 覿 蠍磯(4) : Xcode 蠏語 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ Realm 覈語 所 襷 蠏語 螻
  • 16. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im 覿 蠍磯(4) : Realm add-ons 豢豌: https://realm.io/kr/ Realm 蠍磯 螳覦 貉るる
  • 17. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im れ(1) : Realm れ CocoaPods 伎 Podfile pod Realm 蟆 豢螳螻 pod Realm/Headers襯 ろ 蟆 豢螳 貉るЖ殊語 牛 pod install ろ Static Framework Realm 豕 覯 れ企伎 豢 蠍 ios/static/ 襴 Realm.framework Xcode 襦語 File Navigation j鍵 (Copy items if needed 豌危) Xcode File Navigator 襦 企Ν > 危襴貅伎 > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries + 企Ν > libc++.tbd 襯 豢螳
  • 18. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im れ(2) : 覈 れ #import <Realm/Realm.h> @interface EJRealmData : RLMObject @property NSInteger id; @property BOOL status; @property int type; @property int character; @property NSString *title; @property NSDate *date; @property NSString *start; @property NSString *end; @property NSString *current; @property NSString *unit; @property NSString *startString; @property NSString *endString; @property NSString *now; @property float percent; @end RLM_ARRAY_TYPE(EJRealmData) #import "EJRealmData.h" @implementation EJRealmData + (NSString *)primaryKey { return @"id"; } + (NSArray *)requiredProperties { return @[@"id", @"type", @"title"]; } + (NSArray *)ignoredProperties { return @[@"startString", @"endString", @"now", @"percent"]; } + (NSArray *)indexedProperties { return @[@"status"]; } + (NSDictionary *)defaultPropertyValues { return @{@"status" : @YES}; } @end <EJRealmData.h> <EJRealmData.m> 蠍磯蓋 ロ讌 碁煙
  • 19. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im れ(3) : 一危 襷り鍵 EJRealmData *newData; EJDataManager *dataManager = [EJDataManager sharedInstance]; newData = [[EJRealmData alloc] initWithValue:@{ @"id" : @([dataManager getIdManager]), @type" : @(0), @"character" : @(timeCharacterNumber ), @"title" : @"title", @"date" : [NSDate date], @"start" : [NSDate date], @"end" : [NSDate date] }]; <EJDataManager.m> 谿 id 襷り鍵 data 襷り鍵 - (int)getIdManager { NSLog(@"idManager: %d", idManager) return idManager++; } int idManager; + (EJDataManager *)sharedInstance { static dispatch_once_t pred; static EJDataManager *shared = nil; dispatch_once(&pred, ^{ shared = [[EJDataManager alloc] init]; realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; idManager = [[[EJRealmData allObjects] maxOfProperty:@"id"] intValue]++; }); return shared; }
  • 20. NHN NEXT Eunjoo Im れ(4) : 一危 所鍵/郁鍵 - (void)addData:(EJRealmData *)data { [realm beginWriteTransaction]; [realm addOrUpdateObject:data]; [realm commitWriteTransaction]; } - (void)updateData:(int)id { [realm beginWriteTransaction]; EJRealmData *targetData = [self getData:id]; targetData.status = NO; [realm commitWriteTransaction]; } - (NSMutableArray *)getAllData { NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"status = %hhd", YES]; RLMResults *allData = [EJRealmData objectsWithPredicate:pred]; NSMutableArray *resultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (EJRealmData *data in allData) { [resultArray addObject:[self setProperties:data start:data.start end:data.end type:data.type]]; } return resultArray; } add or update update data get all data whose status is YES