2. To study facts related to the insect belonging to
its life history, habits, habitats& host
To get a general idea how to establish an
introduced or indigenous species by rearing
them in large numbers for release.
To accomplish a wider distribution of a
previously established species.
To know the appropriate time to bring biological
control methods to limit them
3. Lepidoptera: Noctuidae
Identifying Characters:
Forewings are grey to reddish-brown, with
a complex pattern of creamy streaks and
paler lines along the veins.
Hind wings are greyish-white with greyish-
brown margins.
Larvae have bright yellow stripes along the
back and the sides and coloured from pale
green to dark green
Row of black dots run along each lateral
5. Damaging Stage : Larva
Damage at night time as it is nocturnal pest
Extensive feeding by larvae, leading
complete defoliation of leaves.
In cotton, bolls are also affected causing
holes on it.
Feeding on leaves and tender part leads to
bared appearance.
6. Materials required:
Plastic box, muslin cloth, camera
Insect species(larva of tobacco caterpiller)
Feed such as fresh cabbage leaves.
Insect sample:
Larva of Tobacco Caterpillar (Spodoptera litura)
Site of sample collection:
Vegetable section, Horticulture farm, IAAS, Paklihawa.
Host selected:
Leaves of Cabbage
Method of sample collection:
Hand picking of Spodoptera larva.
7. Insect was reared in plastic box of 23*18*9
cm3. with a rectangular cut in the centre of
10*5 cm2 covered by muslin cloth.
Larvae was fed & observed daily and photos
were clicked at different stages.
Larvae was found at horticulture field and
start to rear from 25 Nov 2017.
8. Stage Appearance Normal
life cycle
Observed life
Egg pale orange-
brown or pink
3-5 days -
Larva Light green to
dark green,
bright yellow
stripes along
back and side
8 days
Pupa Brown colored 7-10days 9 days
Adult Fore Wing: grey
to reddish brown
- -
13. Use natural enemies like Bacillus
sp.,Aspergelius sp.
Planting repellent plants like garlic
Use IPM practice to control this pest.
Use neem based pesticides margosom
0.03% @5ml/ltr
Chemical pesticides: cypermethrin,
fenvalerate, spinosad, emamectin benzoate