This document provides tips for writing an effective "About" page that helps wedding planners get hired. It recommends including an intriguing headline, snappy introduction, credentials, and a call to action. The introduction should intrigue readers and make them want to learn more. Details should be expanded in a way that shows how the planner's services benefit clients. Credentials and years of experience should establish expertise. A clear call to action prompts readers to contact the planner. The document also promotes a special offer for a copywriting bootcamp.
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Recipe for writing an about page that gets brides to hire you
2. Q&A
Hold questions until the end
Leave 15-20 for the Q&A
Jot down your question so you dont forget
Hang in until the end for a JUICY offer you
dont want to miss
3. About Me
Kristie Lorette McCauley
Former Certified Wedding Planner
Owned and operated event planning
business for 4 years
President, VP & Secretary on the NAWP
Board for the Miami-Dade/Broward Chapter
4. Kristie Lorette McCauley
Writing copy and content for wedding
industry for over 8 years
The Wedding Expert on the Love to Know
Blog Here Comes the Wedding
Published 1,000s of wedding articles
Authored books, such as Your Second
6. The Power of Storytelling
You have a story to tell
You have a way of telling it
Use it
7. #1 Headline
Its about you
Its really about them
Describe who you are and what you do with
a twist
The twist shows how you benefit them
8. #2 Snappy & Punchy Intro
Elevator speech
Intrigue them
Get them asking for more info (so they read
9. #3 Expand with a Twist
Elaborate on what you do
Keep twisting it
Reveal how it helps them with their wedding
10. #4 Bang Out Some Street Creds
Talk about yourself here
Years of experience
11. #5 Throw in a Call to Action
Theyre dying to work with you at this point
Tell them what to do next
Say it in one sentence, a couple of words, or
a short paragraph
Just tell them
12. #6 Official Bio
For good measure
Write in third person
Couple of paragraphs
Can be below call to action
13. Special Offer
Write Sweet Spot Copy Bootcamp
ONLY $297 (Normally $397)
Last time for the rest of the year
TONS of bonuses
Offer ends on May 20