This letter provides a strong recommendation for Jack Liao, who worked as a sales representative from 2010 to 2014. The writer describes Jack as an excellent employee who consistently achieved and exceeded sales targets. Jack was also skilled at communicating with customers to understand their needs and bring innovative insights. He worked well in a team environment and was passionate about his work. The writer gives their highest recommendation for Jack and believes he would make a qualified candidate for organizations looking for motivated team leaders.
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1. 21NOvember2o14
Tovhom itr侶 ay cOncern`
This筝 etter of recornmendation is written on beha|f of Mn Jack Liao honl used to work under me
as a sa|es representative at o-TA GOLFINDusTRY from2o1o thrOugh2014,
As a senior sa筝 es directorin OTA(3oLF lfee|re"ab筝 et0de verthe tasks to N n Liao who a|vvays
achieves the targets soonerthan l expected and shOlAls high qua"ty performance on each critica筝
mission,Jack is a|so gOod at bringing innovation and usefu筝 insightintO what customers want
based on OTA蕋 benefits 筝t`my great p|easure tO have him in my sa|es team
Mn Liao has shown ta筝 ent on gOod communicatiOn ski|筝 to|ead a producti0n projectin the big team,
He is a
coordinator and organizer to he|p team run towards posi綣
ive directiOn and p|ay a main
ro|e in creating r侶 utua筝 trustvith teammates,Jack isn t egoisrn and a|vvays thinks frOrYl Other
peop|e s point view vh e negotiatingvith others,
9 n Liao is a passionate and enthusiastic individua筝 whois w""ng to be assigned t0base in
factory in order to provide accurate information to satisfy customer
s demands.1as Jack s
boss`a| vays find his active /0rking attitude as lAle"as senso Of curiosity on|earning new
things`vvhich enhance his ab"ity on beco ling potentia筝 deta"ed-Oriented sa|es manager and
custOmer-OHented project manager ln addition`
Jack can speak three different|anguages that r侶 ake hirn benefit in cOping with rnu|ti-cu|tura筝
business tasks`andl be"eve his|inguistic sk 筝is certain|y usefu|in the diverse business wor筝
As his mentor and boss`筝 proVide my highest recOrnmendation to Mn Liao and firm筝
y be"eve
he /ou|d be a qua"fied candidate to Organizations|ooking for rnotivated team|eaden
Yours sincere|v
Patrick Tai
PhOne nO# o0286-13691719545 '
Asia Supp|y Tean Manager