1) This letter certifies that Osama Alshhoumi has worked as a distributor for Axel s.r.l products since 2013, assigning installation jobs for lifts through a team of engineers.
2) The letter describes Osama as having been a reference point for Axel, with his continued motivation to achieve goals through independent sales and after-sales services.
3) Carlo Spera, President of Axel s.r.l., provides this certification at Osama's request and commends his curiosity, willingness to learn, and focus on project details from beginning to end.
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recommendation letter from AXEL
1. 05/03/2015 19:20Outlook.com Print Message
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From: Carlo Spera (Carlo.Spera@axelsrl.com)
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 3:18:46 PM
To: osama shahumi (osama.shahumi@hotmail.com)
To whom it may concern
this is to certify that engineer Osama Alshhoumi General Manager of Modern
Technology Company for electromechanical Services is working with us as a
Distributor of Axel s.r.l products since 2013 His services in Axel s.r.l is to
assign installation jobs of lifts through a team group of engineers responsible to
install the complete lift packages and its final testing.
Up to this period of time Eng. Osama Alshhoumis main point and with Axel was
a reference. His continues way to achieve matters is always full of motivation to
reach his goals, running on his own sales and after sales services in the best
methods . Always rapid, quick and fast in learning, approaching all matters and
one of his main characteristics giving values with his constant availability acting
also as an independent General Manager in Modern Technology who saw him
always involved in all project details from the beginning up to the end. His
curiosity and awareness in asking questions and guidance lines always seeking
knowledge and improvement was and will be always one of the main and best
This certification was given upon his request .
Sincerely yours,
Carlo Spera
2. 05/03/2015 19:20Outlook.com Print Message
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Axel S.r.l.
Via Borsini, 14
20094 Corsico (MI) - Italy
Tel. +39 0245862301
Fax +39 024501174
email: carlo.spera@axelsrl.com
web: www.axelsrl.com
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