This tutorial discusses recommender problems for web applications, focusing on content optimization and match-making. It covers both offline and online components for recommendation systems. The offline components include collaborative filtering methods and techniques for cold starts. The online components involve time-series modeling, online/incremental methods, and explore/exploit approaches. An example application is the Today module on Yahoo's homepage, which uses statistical models trained offline and online to select articles, achieving over double the click-through rate.
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Deepak Agarwal & Bee-Chung Chen @ KDD10
Content Optimization
Effectively and pro-actively learn from user interactions with
content that are displayed to maximize our objectives.
A new scientific discipline at the interface of
Large scale Machine Learning & Statistics
Offline Models
Online Models
Collaborative Filtering
Multi-Objective Optimization in the presence of Uncertainty
Click-rates (CTR), Engagement,.
User Understanding
Profile construction
Content Understanding
Topics, aboutness, entities, follow-up of something, breaking news,
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Content Optimization: High level flowchart
Understand content (Offline)
Serve content to optimize our objectives (Online)
quickly learn from feedback obtained using ML/Statistics (Offline +
Constantly enhance our content inventory to improve future
performance (Offline)
Constantly enhance our user understanding to improve future
performance (Offline + Online)
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Some examples
Simple version
I have an important module on my page, content inventory is
obtained from a third party source which is further refined through
editorial oversight. Can I algorithmically recommend content on this
module? I want to drive up total CTR on this module
More advanced
I got X% lift in CTR. But I have additional information on other
downstream utilities (e.g. dwell time). Can I increase downstream
utility without losing too many clicks?
Highly advanced
There are multiple modules running on my website. How do I take
a holistic approach and perform a simultaneous optimization?
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Deepak Agarwal & Bee-Chung Chen @ KDD10
Recommend applications
Recommend search queries
Recommend news article
Recommend packages:
Title, summary
Links to other pages
Pick 4 out of a pool of K
K = 20 ~ 40
Routes traffic other pages
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Problems in this example
Optimize CTR on different modules together in a holistic
Today Module, Trending Now, Personal Assistant, News, Ads
Treat them as independent?
For a given module
Optimize some combination of CTR, downstream engagement and
perhaps revenue.
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Single module CTR optimization problem
Display best articles for each user visit
Best - Maximize User Satisfaction, Engagement
BUT Hard to obtain quick feedback to measure these
Maximize utility based on immediate feedback (click rate) subject
to constraints (relevance, freshness, diversity)
Inventory of articles?
Created by human editors
Small pool (30-50 articles) but refreshes periodically
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Recommendation: A Match-making Problem
Users, queries,
Item Inventory
Articles, web page,
Use an automated algorithm
to select item(s) to show
Get feedback (click, time spent,..)
Refine the models
Repeat (large number of times)
Measure metric(s) of interest
(Total clicks, Total revenue,)
Recommendation problems
Search: Web, Vertical
Online advertising
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Items: Articles, web pages, ads, modules, queries, users, updates, etc.
Opportunities: Users, query keywords, pages, etc.
Metric (e.g., editorial score, CTR, revenue, engagement)
Currently, most applications are single-objective
May be multi-objective optimization (maximize X subject to Y, Z,..)
Properties of the item pool
Size (e.g., all web pages vs. 40 stories)
Quality of the pool (e.g., anything vs. editorially selected)
Lifetime (e.g., mostly old items vs. mostly new items)
Important Factors affecting solution in Match-making Problems
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Factors affecting Solution continued
Properties of the opportunities
Pull: Specified by explicit, user-driven query (e.g., keywords, a form)
Push: Specified by implicit context (e.g., a page, a user, a session)
Size (e.g., user base); continuity (e.g., session vs. single event)
Properties of the feedback on the matches made
Types and semantics of feedback (e.g., click, vote)
Latency (e.g., available in 5 minutes vs. 1 day)
Volume (e.g., 100K per day vs. 300M per day)
Constraints specifying legitimate matches (e.g., business
Available Metadata (e.g., link graph, various user/item attributes)
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Recommendation vs. Other Match-Making Problems
(except for ads)
(except for ads)
Sponsored search
Content match
Behavior targeting
Display advertising
Web search
Vertical search
Recommend articles,
friends, feeds to
Recommend related
items given an item
Pull (explicit)
Users specify their info
Push (implicit)
The system guesses
users info needs
Relevance to the query
User engagement
Main Metric
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More on Recommendation vs. Search
User intent: See something interesting (browse mode, implicit)
The system tries to guess what a user likes on an entity/topic
No query reformulation (unless we suggest related topics/entities)
False +ve more costly than false ve
Showing a bad article is a worse than missing a good one
User intent: Explicit, users express what they want
Users can reformulate queries
False ve more costly (but depends on the query)
Users want to get the results they are looking for
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Modeling Problems that has received attention
Univariate response (e.g. click); single objective (e.g.
maximize CTR)
Our solution
Initialize online through offline models
Learn corrections to offline models at very granular levels (user,
item) and learn rapidly in an online fashion
Online correction models have reduced dimension through clever
representations of parameters and by exploiting the fallback
mechanism to coarser models
The models are tightly coupled with Explore-exploit to ensure fast
convergence to areas of high valued response
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Recommend packages:
Title, summary
Links to other pages
Pick 4 out of a pool of K
K = 20 ~ 40
Routes traffic other pages
1 2
2 3
3 4
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Deepak Agarwal & Bee-Chung Chen @ KDD10
Problem definition
Display best articles for each user visit
Best - Maximize User Satisfaction, Engagement
BUT Hard to obtain quick feedback to measure these
Maximize utility based on immediate feedback (click rate) subject
to constraints (relevance, freshness, diversity)
Inventory of articles?
Created by human editors
Small pool (30-50 articles) but refreshes periodically
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Where are we today?
Before this research
Articles created and selected for display by editors
After this research
Article placement done through statistical models
How successful ?
"Just look at our homepage, for example. Since we began pairing our content
optimization technology with editorial expertise, we've seen click-through rates
in the Today module more than double. ----- Carol Bartz, CEO Yahoo! Inc (Q4,
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Main Goals
Methods to select most popular articles
This was done by editors before
Provide personalized article selection
Based on user covariates
Based on per user behavior
Scalability: Methods to generalize in small traffic scenarios
Today module part of most Y! portals around the world
Also syndicated to sources like Y! Mail, Y! IM etc
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Similar applications
Goal: Use same methods for selecting most popular, personalization
across different applications at Y!
Good news! Methods generalize, already in use
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Next few hours
Prior estimation,
dimension reduction
Prior estimation
Intelligent Initialization
Bandits with covariates
Multi-armed bandits
Incremental CF,
online regression
Time-series models
Online Models
Collaborative filtering
(cold-start problem)
Offline Models
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