1. The document discusses different models of welfare states and their relationship to gender equality, labor markets, and women's rights.
2. It analyzes how 'reconciliation policies' around maternity, paternity and parental leave are influenced more by a country's 'gender regime' than its political party.
3. The direction of public policies is examined in terms of whether they promote gender equality or reinforce gender biases.
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'Reconciliation' Policies and Gender Regimes
1. 'Reconciliation' Policies and Gender Regime Carmen Castro Garc鱈a University Complutense of Madrid (SP) IAFFE 2010. Annual Conference, Buenos Aires (AR)
2. PHD RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Analysis different models of well-being society, taking into account in a feminist approach: 1. Relationship between welfare state and gender equality 2. Relationship between labour market and family care, who they affect and in what sense. 3. How women's rights provided by the Welfare State are included in the social rights. 4. Which kind of reconciliation policies are established and what's its effect on women's independence.
3. PHD RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Differences about policies for balance between work and family and especially treatment on maternity, paternity and parental leave are designed much by the Gender Regime (Diane Sainsbury) and the commitment to gender equality that by the political party at the government.
4. Gender Regimes Proveedor econ坦mico masculino / mujer cuidadora Male-breadwinner Proveedor(a) y cuidador(a) en igualdad Individual earner carer Gender Division of Labor Separaci坦n roles de g辿nero Separate gender roles New Gender division of Labor
5. Towards a new Gender contract? Direction of Public Policies: Oriented to Gender Equality or Reinforce Gender Bias? Gender equality, a goal both in paid and non-paid work. Use of Time. Effects of parental leave on the labor market Use of parental leave is influenced by social moral and patterns Regulation of parental leave influences men's behavior in terms of how it is used 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .
6. Carlos Ortin Carlos Ortin We need to balance Gender equality, a goal both in paid and non-paid work Dichotomy about 'free choice': having children and pursuing a career. Effect on demographic issues. Autonomous and economic independence for women working at part-time. Optical illusion? Returning to the employment at risk. Measures that are trapping women in gender division of labor EVIDENCES 2.
7. Gender Gap at Employment in EU, 2007 Source: EUROSTAT (2007)
10. Source: EUROSTAT (2007) Effects of Maternity/Paternity on employment Women Men
11. Effect on the salary gap and on occupational segregation. Effects of parental leave on the labor market EVIDENCES 3. 4. Use of parental leave is influenced by social mores and patterns Social changes: familiar diversity, new masculinity, egalitarian attitudes 5. Regulation of parental leave influences men's behavior in terms of how it is used Non-transferable + Payment + length and flexibility
17. Joint (to share)/ transferable Leave, MEANS: - Women: More time as caregivers with the children; - Women: More time off labour market - Women: More risky for employers CONCLUSIONS Individual Rights Maternity and Paternity: equal and non-transferable Elimination of desincentives for women's employment Public System of Childcare Public Services for care RE QUI RE MENTS
18. GENDER SIMETRY / GENDER EQUALITY INDEX PROPOSAL PARENTAL LEAVE (maternity, paternity & parental) - % Paid - Non Transferable - Incentives for Men's Take up - Gender Bias in PL configuration - Transferable PAID AND NON PAID WORK - Use of time ECEC PUBLIC SERVICES - Formal childcare: % Children under 3 years
19. POLICY ACTION PLENT Petition to European Parliament to approve a Directive on parental leave www.equalandnontransferable.org Establish that parental leave must be, for both parents, NON TRANSFERABLE, OF THE SAME LENGTH AND WITH THE SAME COMPULSORY PART and PAID at 100% Specify a Gender Equality Road Map
20. Thank you for your attention and suggestions! Carmen Castro Garc鱈a [email_address]