Reconciling Religion and Science is a new challenge for human society. Religion is rooted in God, Science rejects the idea of God, hence it is not possible to reconcile the two at this level. However there are other possibilities e.g. reconciling Science and Spirituality.
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Reconciling Religion and Science
1. Reconciling Religion and
Dr. Subhash Sharma
Indus Business Academy, Bangalore
*Fifth World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy, MIT University, Pune, Oct.2-5, 2019, in
the Plenary Session IV: Can Science and Religion Be Reconciled? What are the Main Obstacles?
Scientific? Religious?, Oct. 3, 2019.
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
2. Four Curves of Societys Evolution
Curve of Religion, Curve of Science, Curve of Spirituality, Curve of
Each curve has its own assumptions and methodologies to create
Religion is based on the assumption of a God, Science rejects God.
Hence from this point of view the two can not be reconciled.
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
3. Four Curves of Social Evolution
Religion: God
Science: Nature
Enlightenment: Consciousness
Spirituality: Self
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
4. Essence of Four Curves
Religion: God centric
Science: Nature centric with focus on laws of nature and cause and
Spirituality: Inner Self
Enlightenment: Exploring Cosmic Consciousness
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
5. Methodology of Science and Spirituality
Science: Windows approach Western Windows
Spirituality: Doors approach Eastern Doors
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
7. Need for a Quantum Bridge
END: Einstein, Newton , Darwin
END: Eternity, Nirvana, Divinity
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
8. END to END
Einstein to Eternity
Newton to Nirvana
Darwin to Divinity
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
9. Spiritual Equation
Scientific equation e= mc2
Spiritual equation e=mcn ; n = 1,2,3,4 infinity
Connectivity between two equations through Om
Symbol of Om when viewed through its mirror image
represents e indicating energy
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
10. Om Connectivity Between Science and
e = mc2
e = mcn
v v
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019
11. Implications for Society and Individuals
Consciousness, Head, Heart, Hand
Towards Light in My Heart
(Song by Dr. Subhash Sharma)
There is light in my heart, It is there from the start,
Its mystery you want to know, It says hello hello
(C) SS_IBA_Bangalore_Oct. 2019