2. The purpose of a recount is to list and describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened.
3. We are learning to use structure and features of a recount. Orientation Who? When? Where? Why? Events (what happened) are identified and described in time order. Express a personal opinion
4. In a recount we use this type of language: Use time words in the body. Past tense to show that it has already happened. Name people and places . Use action verbs , adverbs and adjectives . Write what people say in direct speech use speech marks. Use specific language stuff
5. As a class our task today is t o write an introduction that would: capture the attention of the audience and give an orientation First, we will read some introduction ideas .
6. Introduction Ideas It was such a sunny day on Saturday that we decided that we needed a picnic at the beach.
7. CLIP CLOP. As Stephen and I went down to the creek on the horse, the pukekos glided up above like a gust of wind.
9. It had been a tricky one! Stubborn, you could say.
10. I awoke so excited. It was going to be Gala Day at school today.
11. Now its your turn Write an introduction that will: capture the attention of the audience and give an orientation Come back to the mat when you have
12. Your task as authors today is to complete the recount we have started writing as a class. You will be successful if you have: The events are in the order that they happened. Use at least 3 time-sequence words in the body. Use at least 2 action verbs and 3 adjectives. Use your senses to show what happens rather than show. Written it so that the audience feels like they are really there.