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309:	Recovery	and	co-operations	for	discovery	of	thresholds	in	uncertain
times	(2)
16:50	-	18:30	Thursday,	1st	September,	2022
Room	1	Zoom	Room	2	(Online-only)
Session	chair	James	Nicholas	Furze,	Sanjeet	Kumar,	Amir	Parnian
309	 Recovery	and	co-operations	for	discovery	of	thresholds	in	uncertain	times
Session	abstract
Recovery	and	co-operations	identifying	resources	and	our	integral	responsibility	of	protection	of	our	fragile
Earth	are	focused	on	in	the	second	of	our	sessions.	Industry	stimulation	in	limited	economies	is	discussed	with
use	of	traditional	natural	product	knowledge.	Food	security	risks	posed	from	environmental	devastation	are
briefly	touched	upon.	Although	it	is	accepted	that	prevention	is	better	than	cure,	with	resources	perilously
limited	as	a	consequence	of	our	expansive	populations,	coverage	will	be	given	of	resource	creation	with
surprisingly	innovative	use	of	dangerous	levels	of	our	pollution.	The	final	part	of	our	session	discusses	artistic
implementation	to	effect	realization	of	the	aesthetics	and	potential	of	a	sustainable	world	via	our	behavioural
change.	The	session	concludes	with	a	brief	discussion	of	systems	integrity	and	component	value;	the
paradoxical	nature	of	protection	and	sustainability.	We	detail	a	foundation	in	formation	and	principle	to
complement	the	United	Nations	2030	Agenda,	which	will	sustain	our	beautiful	Earths	diversity	and	her
vulnerable	communities	into	the	future.
Key	words:	Earth,	protection,	community,	creation,	ecosystem-circularity
Session	organiser
James	Nicholas	Furze
Laboratory	of	Biotechnology	and	Valorization	of	Natural	Resources,	Ibn	Zohr	University,	Morocco;	Control	and
Systems	Engineering	Department,	University	of	Technology-Iraq,	UK
Farai	Nhakwi
Bluechip	Engineering	Services,	Zimbabwe
Rima	Hadjouti
Universit辿	M'hamed	Bougara,	Algeria
Khadija	Basaid
Ibn	Zohr	University,	Morocco
Amir	Parnian
National	Salinity	Research	Center	(NSRC),	Iran
Mudassir	Khan
National	University	of	Sciences	and	Technology	(NUST),	Pakistan
Sanjeet	Kumar
Ambika	Prasad	Research	Foundation,	India
Nazia	Kouser
Baba	Ghulam	Shah	Badshah	University,	India
Semin	Sinem	Cacho	Duran
Akdeniz	University,	Turkey
Tayyaba	Hussain
Quaid-i-Azam	University,	Pakistan
Names	of	any	Research	Group(s)	sponsoring	your	session
552	 Indigenous	Traditional	Knowledge	enabling	a	certain	panacea	in
uncertain	times
Sanath	Kumar	N1
,	Sanjeet	Kumar2
,	James	N.	Furze3,4
Office	of	the	Divisional	Forest	Officer,	Bonaigarh,	India.	2
Ambika	Prasad	Research	Foundation,	India.
Laboratory	of	Biotechnology	and	Valorization	of	Natural	Resources,	Ibn	Zohr	University,	Morocco.	4
and	Systems	Engineering	Department,	University	of	Technology-Iraq,	Iraq
The	world	population	faces	a	plethora	of	ecological	and	health	problems.	Bonai	Forest	Division	of	Western
Odisha,	India	contains	cultural	diversity	and	a	rich	biodiversity.	Here,	a	number	of	forest	products	are	being
used	among	the	communities	for	traditional	beverage	(Tadi),	food	(wild	edible	plants),	and	unique	cultural
activities.	These	practices	ensure	ecosystem	diversity	and	protect	resident	people	from	diseases.	Forest	fire
is	a	major	threat	in	densely	forested	parts	of	the	division.	There	is	a	need	to	restore	our	culture	and
indigenous	practices	to	face	contemporary	and	future	global	challenges	and	cooperatively	mitigate
ecological	and	health	risks.	Regions	containing	great	diversity	and	cultural	richness	require	representation,
increased	conservation	status	and	documentation	before	indigenous	traditional	knowledge	is	lost	forever.
Site	visits	were	made	(2020-22).	Documentation	and	cataloging	of	the	Indigenous	Traditional	Knowledge
(ITK)	of	plants	used	by	the	Kisan,	Oram,	Munda	and	Bhuian	tribal	communities	of	Bonai	Forest	Division,
Odisha,	India	were	collated	and	analyzed	for	health	and	environmental	qualities.	Baseline	data	was
observed	to	develop	a	panacea	for	diseases	and	disorders	including	solutions	for	ecological	security.	Results
revealed	that	the	practices	embellish	an	illustrative	path	with	the	capacity	for	lessening	or	solving
ecological	and	health-care	problems.	Future	directions	of	this	work	are	to	qualify	national	natural	diseases
and	disorders,	represent	and	monitor	ITK	in	order	to	apply	solutions	which	restore	health	and	ecosystem
indigenous-traditional-knowledge;	ecology;	nutraceutical;	food;	sustainability
585	 Risks	and	devastion	caused	through	climatic	catastrophe	of	nuclear
Tayyaba	Hussain1
,	James	N.	Furze2,3
Plant	Immunology	Laboratory,	National	University	of	Sciences	and	Technology	(NUST),	Pakistan.
Laboratory	of	Biotechnology	and	Valorization	of	Natural	Resources,	Ibn	Zohr	University,	Monaco.	3
and	Systems	Engineering	Department,	University	of	Technology-Iraq,	Iraq
The	US	National	Academy	of	Sciences	study	on	the	medical	consequences	of	nuclear	war	concludes	that	in
the	aftermath	the	greatest	cause	of	fatalities	would	not	be	from	physical-blast,	radiation-burns	nor	ionizing
radiation	but	from	mass	starvation.	The	subsequent	food	and	health	crisis	is	expected	to	cause	one	to	four
billion	deaths.	Preliminary	data	raises	a	giant	red	flag,	threats	to	humanity	are	posed	by	the	nuclear-arms
race	in	southern	Asia	and	larger,	more	dangerous	nuclear	arsenals	held	by	other	nuclear	weapons	states.
Additional	research	must	highlight	the	urgent	need	to	rapidly	negotiate	a	global	agreement,	outlawing	and
eliminating	strategical	nuclear	deterrents.	Simulation	of	crops	global	average	calories	decreased	7%	in
years	1-5	after	a	conflict	of	5	Tg	soot	scenario	and	up	to	50%	under	the	47	Tg	scenario.	In	the	150	Tg	soot
case	global	average	calories	from	crops	would	decrease	by	around	90%	3-4	years	after	the	nuclear	conflict.
Changes	would	affect	a	catastrophe	for	global	food	markets,	greatly	exceeding	the	largest	anomaly
recorded	by	the	FAO	observational	records	from	1961.The	reduced	light,	global	cooling	and	likely	trade
restrictions	after	nuclear	wars	would	have	disastrous	effects	on	food	security.	The	negative	impact	of
climate	perturbations	on	total	crop	production	can	generally	not	be	offset	by	livestock	and	aquatic	food
production,	demonstrating	international	united	motivations	to	both	remove	frightening	devastation	causes
and	upscale	our	bottom-up	approaches	of	agroecological	complementation.	Increased	intensity	and
frequency	of	climatic	anomalies	caused	by	nuclear	explosions	would	deplete	global	grain	reserves	within	a
nuclear;	food-security;	impact;	climatic;	anomolies
529	 Bioremediation	of	petroleum	contaminated	solids	integrating	on	site
reactor	composting
Amir	Parnian1
,	Amin	Parnian2
,	James	N.	Furze3,4
National	Salinity	Research	Center	(NSRC),	Iran.	2
Young	Researcher's	Club,	Islamic	Azad	University,	Iran.
Laboratory	of	Biotechnology	and	Valorization	of	Natural	Resources,	Ibn	Zohr	University,	Morocco.	4
and	Systems	Engineering	Department,	University	of	Technology-Iraq,	Iraq
End	to	end	oil	and	gas	use	is	hugely	polluting.	Operations	include	exploration,	drilling,	production,	storage,
refinery	and	transportation.	These	processes	create	oil	and	gas	well	drilling	waste	and	cuttings;	solids	and
muds	of	spent	drilling	fluids,	which	are	water	and	diesel	oil	based	muds.	Low	or	minimal	impacting
bioremediation	is	required	to	restore	the	environment.	Micro-organisms	neutralize	or	remediate
contaminants.	Composting,	bioreactors,	bio-slurry	and	farming	are	put	to	use,	to	manage	diesel-oil	polluted
wastes	in	the	field	after	or	during	remediation.	Including	a	higher	amount	of	compost	in	the	initiating
mixture	led	to	enhanced	remediation	of	the	petroleum	hydrocarbons.	This	baseline	investigation	spurs	four
years	experimentation	to	further	resolve	organic	material	ratios,	bulking	agent	proportions,	nitrogen	and
phosphorus	fertilizer	use,	and	the	agitation	of	simple	hydrocarbons	demands.	Drilling	waste	management
was	successfully	applied	in	2019	and	co-composting	of	1200	cubic	meters	of	crude	oil	contaminated	saline
soil	was	achieved	in	Iran	in	2020.	Further	optimal	combinations	of	complementary	processes	utilizing
remediated	waste	in	variable	dynamic	chemical	settings	offer	hope	to	quench	our	activities	in	attempts	to
recover	natural	ecosystems	subjected	by	human	onslaught.
waste-management;	petroleum-hydrocarbons;	co-composting;	bioreaction;	bioremediation
566	 Capturing	awareness	and	realisation		artistically	approaching	the
aesthetics	of	sustainability
Semin	Sinem	Cacho	Duran1
,	James	N.	Furze2,3
Art	and	Design,	Akdeniz	University,	Turkey.	2
Laboratory	of	Biotechnology	and	Valorization	of	Natural
Resources,	Ibn	Zohr	University,	Morocco.	3
Control	and	Systems	Engineering	Department,	University	of
Technology-Iraq,	Iraq
Global-warming	and	environmental	desolation	generationally	fire	us	into	action	to	mitigate	increased
emergence	of	anomalies	and	extremes.	Measures	include:	protection	of	systems	integrity	(sustainability),
natural-ecosystems,	energy-efficiency,	governance	and	industry-complementation.	Awareness	is	universally
accepted	as	a	basic	requirement	enabling	our	responsibilities	and	daily-behaviour.	Art	and	its	expression
contemporise	issues	with	ambiguous	definitions	of	perception.		Art	appeals	to	our	quantitative	sentiment
and	qualifying	value-judgement.	Unconciously	our	minds		realise	and	gain	awareness.	Awareness	breeds
protection	of	diversity	and	beauty;	inspires	ways	of	nurturing	it,	akin	to	circular-sustainability.	Using	art	to
sustain	heightened-awareness	causes	long-term	behavioural-change	enabling	ownership	and	responsibility
for	both	local	and	global	environment.	Multipronged	contemporary	methods:	performing	arts,	land-art,
digital-art,	cartoon,	impressionist	and	illustrative	art	are	introduced	in	daily-life.	In	order	to	receive	feedback
and	inclusively	make	visions	available	to	public,	business	and	governmental	members	(and	allow	input	from
each	group)	workshops	complement	dissemination.	Current	projects	focus	on	understanding	soil,	watching
a	growing	plant,	and	showing	the	effects	of	contaminants	such	as	plastics.	We	anticipate	awareness	and
realisation	from		individuals.	Aware	individuals	affect	their	work-place,	companies,	home,	children,	tutors,
employees,	students,	and	loved-ones.	Enlightened,	bright-minds	find	ways	of	fostering	and	appreciating	our
planet	following	their	unique	perception,	driven	by	embedded	conditioning.	Creativity	is	an	important
human-tool,	without	it	humanity	would	be	dull.	Sustaining	every	resource	is	possible,	including	humans	will
to	live	and	emotional	well-being.	Mixtures	of	emotional	sentiment	and	discrete	realised	blocks	of	change
are	linked	within	symphonies	and	harmony,	embodying	our	part	in	the	beauty	of	the	Earth.
awareness;	realisation;	protection;	nurturing;	creativity
569	 Circular-sustainability,	protection	of	beauty	and	ownership	-
complementing	the	17	goals
James	N.	Furze1,2
,	Kelly	Swing3
,	Sanjeet	Kumar4
,	Rakesh	Kumar	Shah5
,	Sudhir	Kumar6,7
Laboratory	of	Biotechnology	and	Valorization	of	Natural	Resources,	Ibn	Zohr	University,	Morocco.	2
and	Systems	Engineering	Department,	University	of	Technology-Iraq,	Iraq.	3
Tiputini	Biodiversity	Station,
University	of	San	Francisco	de	Quito,	Ecuador.	4
Ambika	Prasad	Research	Foundation,	India.	5
Lutheran	World
Relief,	Nepal.	6
Asian	Disaster	Preparedness	Centre,	Thailand.	7
UNDP	Advisor,	Indonesia
The	majority	of	our	human	population	lives	in	refined	societies,	split	into	various	developmental	levels;
within	structures	of	variable	complexity	catering	for	the	looped	development	needs	and	capacity	of
resource	flow	dynamically.	Minorities	of	the	population	live	in	remote,	disparate	and	biodiverse	locations
and	are	more	reliant	on	natural	ecosystem	flow	than	the	majority	in	their	every-day	lives.	The	levels	of
diversity	in	these	hot-spot	areas	are	far	above	all	other	locales	in	each	of	the	kingdoms	of	life.	The	human
communities	governance	appears	to	be	overlooked		both	by	residents	and	the	countries	in	which	they
reside,	although	thankfully	many	biodiverse	areas	are	prioritized	under	the	United	Nations	Convention	for
Biological	Diversity.	An	effort	was	made	to	fuse	descriptive	and	informative	monologues	covering	our
Earths	beauty	with	the	communities,	which	are	subject	to	the	problems	that	our	expansive	population	has
collectively	caused.	Select	members	of	remote	communities	came	forward	to	represent	their	proud
ownership	of	extreme	cultural	and	biological	diversity,	offering	solutions	and	risks	for	the	future.	It	is
suggested	that	using	this	same	united	method	we	may	benefit	the	cultural	richness	and	both	protection
and	sustainability	of	the	diversity	in	these	locations,	in	the	face	of	continuing	extractive	approaches.
Outreached-unit	members	are	currently	coming	forward	to	form	a	new	foundation	with	monitoring,
educational,	cultural	and	biodiversity	protection	benefits.	Core	values	of	the	foundation	are	responsibility,
sustenance	and	nurturing	of	the	environment	by	upholding	cultural	diversity.	Ownership	is	the	key	which
will	ensure	our	guardian-role	into	uncertain	future	horizons.
protection;	sustainability;	paradox;	foundation;	ownership

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