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OVERVIEW                                                          PRINCIPAL MANAGEMENT
Recruit 121 is an SAP staffing specialist serving organizations   Chris Holcroft Founder / CEO
domestically and overseas on a one-to-one basis. Our sole       Che Hookings Managing Director, EMEA
focus is the identification and delivery of verified SAP talent   Andrew John          Vice President, US
for contract and salaried positions. Focusing on quality, we
find what you need, when you need it. Our ultimate goal is to
become a long term partner, not just another vendor.              CUSTOMERS
                                                                  Recruit 121s customers range from small-medium enterprises
                                                                  to Fortune 100 global conglomerates; including government
COMPANY DETAILS                                                   agencies, Big 4 consulting firms and charitable institutions.
Year of Incorporation      2000
Founder / CEO              Chris Holcroft                         We offer a flexible, efficient and collaborative solution to any
Financial Info             Privately held / D&B 1A2 rating        organization that requires SAP resources. Recruit 121 translates
Annual Revenue             $47.6M                                 your requirements into the right person. Whether you require a
Number of Employees 75                                            part-time resource, a full-time employee, or an entire SAP team
Global Headquarters        Cardiff, Wales (UK)                    you receive exceptional one-to-one service.
US Headquarters            La Jolla, CA (US)
Other Locations
Chicago, IL (US), Amsterdam, Netherlands (EU)                     INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE
                                                                          Aerospace & Defense
                                                                          Apparel & Footwear (AFS)
OUR CORE VALUES                                                           Banking
We evaluate hundreds of candidates and provide the two
most appropriate.                                                         Consumer Products
                                                                          Engineering & Construction
Screening                                                                 Entertainment
We verify candidates qualifications and previous work                    Financial & Public Services
experience through independent references.                                Higher Education
                                                                          High Tech
                                                                          Manufacturing - Discrete & Repetitive
We present candidates within 24 hours.

Honesty                                                                   Medical Device / Scientific Instruments
We are candid and transparent in every interaction.                       Oil & Gas
Simplicity                                                                Retail
Our mission is to make your job easier. We work to your
timelines, procedures, budgets and requests.
                                                                          Wholesale Distribution

With over 2,000 placements in more than 30 countries, Recruit 121 is a leading supplier of SAP talent to customers
worldwide. Resources deployed include:

	      Subject Matter Experts
	      Project and Program Managers
	      Organizational Change Specialists & Trainers
	      Technical Developers
	      Infrastructure Architects
	      Functional Configuration Experts
	      Security Administrators

Recruit 121 maintains relationships with proven SAP talent to match the most suitable candidates for your position.
With a direct network of more than 30,000 referenced and pre-qualified SAP candidates, we ensure we present the
right person every time.

Recruit 121 has successfully helped organizations find talent across the entire SAP Business Suite including:

SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence, Information Management, Performance Management, GRC

SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Marketing, Sales, Service, Contact Center, E-Commerce

SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
ERP Financials - FI, CO, FSCM, TR, New GL
ERP Human Capital Management  PY, OM, BEN, LSO, E-Recruiting
ERP Operations  MM, PP, WM, LE, SD, CS
ERP Corporate Services - RE, EAM, EHS, QM, GTS

SAP Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
Portfolio Planning, Development & Manufacturing, Service

SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Planning, Execution, Collaboration

SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
Catalog Management, Operational Procurement, Strategic Sourcing

SAP Technical Management
ABAP/4, Java, Basis, NetWeaver (PI, EP, MDM, xApps)

1224 Prospect Street                   Westville House, Fitzalan Court
Enterprise House, La Jolla, CA 92037   Fitzalan Road, Cardiff, UK, CF24 0EL
Office +1 858 456 8218                 Office +44 2920 496121
Fax    +1 858 456 8200                 Fax    +44 2920 498121
Email info.usa@recruit121.com          Email info@recruit121.com

500 N. Michigan Avenue                 Royal Damcenter, Dam 5E
Suite 1607, Chicago, IL 60611          1012 JS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Office +1 312 416 5146                 Office +31 20 559 8121
Fax    +1 858 456 8200                 Fax    +44 2920 498121
Email info.usa@recruit121.com          Email info@recruit121.com


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Recruit 121 Company Profile

  • 2. OVERVIEW PRINCIPAL MANAGEMENT Recruit 121 is an SAP staffing specialist serving organizations Chris Holcroft Founder / CEO domestically and overseas on a one-to-one basis. Our sole Che Hookings Managing Director, EMEA focus is the identification and delivery of verified SAP talent Andrew John Vice President, US for contract and salaried positions. Focusing on quality, we find what you need, when you need it. Our ultimate goal is to become a long term partner, not just another vendor. CUSTOMERS Recruit 121s customers range from small-medium enterprises to Fortune 100 global conglomerates; including government COMPANY DETAILS agencies, Big 4 consulting firms and charitable institutions. Year of Incorporation 2000 Founder / CEO Chris Holcroft We offer a flexible, efficient and collaborative solution to any Financial Info Privately held / D&B 1A2 rating organization that requires SAP resources. Recruit 121 translates Annual Revenue $47.6M your requirements into the right person. Whether you require a Number of Employees 75 part-time resource, a full-time employee, or an entire SAP team Global Headquarters Cardiff, Wales (UK) you receive exceptional one-to-one service. US Headquarters La Jolla, CA (US) Other Locations Chicago, IL (US), Amsterdam, Netherlands (EU) INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Aerospace & Defense Apparel & Footwear (AFS) OUR CORE VALUES Banking Quality Chemical We evaluate hundreds of candidates and provide the two most appropriate. Consumer Products Engineering & Construction Screening Entertainment We verify candidates qualifications and previous work Financial & Public Services experience through independent references. Higher Education High Tech Speed Manufacturing - Discrete & Repetitive We present candidates within 24 hours. Media Honesty Medical Device / Scientific Instruments We are candid and transparent in every interaction. Oil & Gas Pharmaceuticals Simplicity Retail Our mission is to make your job easier. We work to your Utilities timelines, procedures, budgets and requests. Wholesale Distribution www.recruit121.com
  • 3. SAP RECRUITMENT With over 2,000 placements in more than 30 countries, Recruit 121 is a leading supplier of SAP talent to customers worldwide. Resources deployed include: Subject Matter Experts Project and Program Managers Organizational Change Specialists & Trainers Technical Developers Infrastructure Architects Functional Configuration Experts Security Administrators Recruit 121 maintains relationships with proven SAP talent to match the most suitable candidates for your position. With a direct network of more than 30,000 referenced and pre-qualified SAP candidates, we ensure we present the right person every time. DELIVERY CAPAbILITIES Recruit 121 has successfully helped organizations find talent across the entire SAP Business Suite including: SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence, Information Management, Performance Management, GRC SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Marketing, Sales, Service, Contact Center, E-Commerce SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) ERP Financials - FI, CO, FSCM, TR, New GL ERP Human Capital Management PY, OM, BEN, LSO, E-Recruiting ERP Operations MM, PP, WM, LE, SD, CS ERP Corporate Services - RE, EAM, EHS, QM, GTS SAP Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Portfolio Planning, Development & Manufacturing, Service SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) Planning, Execution, Collaboration SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Catalog Management, Operational Procurement, Strategic Sourcing SAP Technical Management ABAP/4, Java, Basis, NetWeaver (PI, EP, MDM, xApps) www.recruit121.com
  • 4. THE AMERICAS, WEST COAST UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND 1224 Prospect Street Westville House, Fitzalan Court Enterprise House, La Jolla, CA 92037 Fitzalan Road, Cardiff, UK, CF24 0EL Office +1 858 456 8218 Office +44 2920 496121 Fax +1 858 456 8200 Fax +44 2920 498121 Email info.usa@recruit121.com Email info@recruit121.com THE AMERICAS, EAST COAST EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA 500 N. Michigan Avenue Royal Damcenter, Dam 5E Suite 1607, Chicago, IL 60611 1012 JS Amsterdam, The Netherlands Office +1 312 416 5146 Office +31 20 559 8121 Fax +1 858 456 8200 Fax +44 2920 498121 Email info.usa@recruit121.com Email info@recruit121.com www.recruit121.com