4. Reasons People Hesitate to Serve Not enough time Not willing to make a commitment Feel unqualified Not sure whats expected Spouse does not support involvement Feel they have put in their time Dont want to miss adult class or service Dont feel called to childrens ministry Already involved in another area
5. 1. How to Recruit Come follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men. Mark 1:17 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Matthew 9:38
6. Pray for guidance and wisdom Be specific in your prayers Expect God to provide the workers you need Be willing to wait for Gods timing Prepare for the workers God will send your way
7. Spiritual Qualifications Born again believer Faithful attendance for at least 6 months Has attended pastors class, membership or similar class, or has transferred from another church. Is in agreement with basic beliefs of your church Supports the mission of your church.
8. General Qualifications People who are good role models for children People who really care about children People who understand the nature of children, and their characteristics People who are patient, kind and even tempered.
9. Look for People with Irregular Schedules Retired people School teachers Military personnel Firefighters Hospital workers Police officers High school and college students
10. People with Special Circumstances Newlyweds New parents Earning a degree Working two jobs Taking care of elderly parents Physical limitations New Christians
11. Recruiting Steps Prepare job description. Have childrens department application forms available. Follow your church policy for approving potential teachers. Share the need, and opportunities available.
12. 5. Meet personally with prospective workers. 6. Invite to workers orientation meeting, or regular staff meeting. 7.Give curriculum sample for volunteer to examine. 8. Allow volunteer adequate time to make their decision.
13. 2. How to Train Have substitute staff meeting once or twice a year Invite subs to regular teachers meetings, but dont require their attendance. Have teaching materials, resources, books and training seminars available for your subs as well as for regular staff.
14. Substitute Packet Class schedules Curriculum sample Childrens department mission statement, policies Discipline policy Map of church site, classrooms, restrooms, Sunday school office, media/resource room
15. Safety and security policies Well baby policy Job description of substitutes Nametag/ID Bible story color sheets List of childrens staff & phone numbers Parents newsletter Games
16. Tips for Substitute Teachers 1. Arrive early 2. Follow plans, but be flexible 3. Locate restrooms, exits, offices, ushers 4. Follow church policies 5. Use nametags 6. Greet with confidence 7. Have something to do, begin with prayer 8. Dont abandon rules 9. Be positive, pleasant and patient 10. Share a story, or play a game 11. Have a sense of humor. 12. Follow check out policy. 13. Contact absent teacher 14. Compliment children 15. Pray for childrens requests. 16. Stay in contact with the class.
17. When you Need a Sub Prearrange times when you can contact your sub volunteer Approved subs may be contacted by dept. leaders or teachers Keep list of phone numbers and emails of workers at home and office. Alternate teachers and team teachers, may also serve as subs
18. 3. How to Keep Substitutes on Your Team Recognize subs as a vital part of your CE team. Connect them with other staff. Match up assignments with their ability and interests. Respect their decision to say no when they arent able to fill in. Respond to concerns and needs ASAP.
19. Provide staff phone numbers/ email. Keep sub-staff updated (email, letters). Remember birthdays and send notes of appreciation. Include in department social events. Pray for them, and encourage them to develop their teaching gift.
Editor's Notes
#2: One of the biggest challenges in ministry for childrens pastors and leaders is finding enough workers. Without a good staff of teachers and assistants we cant accomplish all that God has called us to do in our ministry to children. Yet, finding qualified people can be a real challenge. As a childrens director of a large church for 7 years, I saw the need first hand. For our Sunday and weekday programs, we needed approximately 80 to 100 people to staff our childrens areas every week. I remember getting those Saturday night phone calls when teachers would call in to say that something had come up and they wouldnt be able to teach. Usually it was an illness or family emergency. But getting these kinds of calls occasionally (or even weekly) is inevitable, and its important for us to be prepared for them. One solution to this on going challenge is to develop a substitute staff of teachers and assistants. In this workshop well discuss how to recruit substitute teachers and workersand how to can keep them. But first lets look at the reasons for organizing a substitute staff and the benefits to your childrens department.