Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself repeatedly, either directly or indirectly, until a base case is reached. It involves defining a function that references itself by invoking a copy of its own definition. Recursion allows programmers to write algorithms that involve repeating a process multiple times in a concise and elegant way.
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4.  A method of programming whereby a
function directly or indirectly calls itself.
 Recursion is the process where a method call
itself to be able to perform a certain task.
5.  The process of repeating the same thing till
you are done is called recursion.
 Recursion if an important concept in
computer science. Many algorithms can be
best described in terms of recursion.
6. Recursion
 Recursion is a computer programming
technique involving the use of a procedure,
subroutine, function, or algorithm that calls
itself in a step having a termination
condition so that successive repetitions are
processed up to the critical step where the
condition is met at which time the rest of
each repetition is processed from the last
one called to the first.