Presented by John Denzer, CEO Polyven Group and Executive Partner Mathelin Bay Associates at Canadian Plastics Resin Outlook Conference in Toronto Canada October 2011.
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Recycled Resin Outlook 2011
1. Canadian Plastics Resin Outlook Conference October 6, 2011 The Outlook for Recycled Resins
2. Agenda The recycling industry is playing a significant role in helping companies develop and implement winning strategies to help offset rising raw material costs. Recycled Resin Overview Mathelin Bay Introduction Fundamentals Recycled Resin Prime Resin Markets Industry Outlook
3. Mathelin Bay Associates Mathelin Bay leverages extensive multi-disciplined experience and networking to help clients develop sustainable resin programs that reach the bottom line. INTRODUCTION Resin Procurement for Processors. Non-Resin Procurement for Processors. Sales Support for Processors. Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity Supply Chain Rationalization .
4. Fundamentals RECYCLED RESINS Demand continues to increase Supply continues to decrease Prime & Secondary market correlation Recycled content / environment Alternatives for recycling industry Just as in polymer resin industry economics, recycled resins have a unique set of drivers that impact their market .
5. Demand CONTINUES TO INCREASE Sourcing strategies for recycled resins are key. Despite economic downturn there is significant demand increase for plastic raw materials to help offset rising feedstock costs. Demand for historical scrap, regrind and repro is at all time high and will continue to rise.
6. Supply CONTINUES TO DECREASE Supply streams are valuable commodities. Despite increased recycling efforts, supply of post industrial feedstock is decreasing and post consumer feedstock is marginally improving. This will translate into higher costs across the entire value chain over the near term and increase scrap and repro pricing in the marketplace.
9. Market Correlation VIRGIN PRIME and SECONDARY Traditionally recycled resin prices lag in relation to virgin commodity pricing both in an up and down market. There is correlation exhibited between recycled resins Vs virgin prime and secondary markets over time. Recycled resins are becoming and establishing a unique market all onto themselves despite this correlation.
10. Environment RECYCLED CONTENT PUSH We will continue to move into more creative and innovative ways to manage our waste and build efficiencies. 3R’s and zero landfill initiatives will stay as the norm. Major OEM brands are capitalizing on marketing. Alternative fuel option. Waste to Energy movement.
11. Alternatives RECYCLING OPTIONS There will be further rationalization and competition for recycled resins and waste as these processes gain popularity. Recycled content standardized and verifiable content. EOL options to tackle fossil fuel reduced dependency and carbon footprint elimination. Alternative fuel/energy option.
12. Prime Resin Market SNAPSHOT Commodity resin markets will continue to react to supply and demand economics and recycling programs will grow. Commodity resin markets and producers are battling increased feedstock costs and business rationalization due to global competition. Significant social and economic drivers will continue to prevail.
13. Industry Outlook RECYCLED RESINS Recycled resins demonstrate a financial cost advantage and promote environmentally friendly solutions. Despite slower economic growth recycled resins will grow in demand and have a significant cost advantage over virgin and secondary commodity resins. Environmental initiatives will continue to create demand pull and promote the use of recycled resins
14. Industry Outlook RECYCLED RESINS Recycled resins have and will continue to carve their own special niche within the commodity resin market. Alternative fuels/energy and waste to energy EOL innovative technologies are on the rise which will provide additional outlets and competition for recycled resin feedstock. Reduction of carbon footprint and recycled content standardization will continue to favor the growth of recycled resins.
15. Contact Information Phil Karig, Managing Director Former CPO and VP Procurement, Spartech Corporation. Email: [email_address] Bruce Petersen, Chief Procurement Officer Former VP Materials Management, A. Schulman, Inc., President Diamond Polymers and SPE President. Email: [email_address] John Denzer, Executive Partner CEO of The Polyven Group and former Director of Sales for PP at Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A. and PP Market Manager at Millennium Chemicals (currently LyondellBasell). Email: [email_address] & [email_address] MATHELIN BAY MANAGEMENT TEAM This Team has Over 90 Years of Polymer Industry Experience.