This document outlines a lesson plan to introduce students to The Hunger Games novel. It includes activities for students to research and summarize the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, read the first chapter together and discuss how it relates to the myth, make predictions about what will happen to Katniss in the Hunger Games based on clues from the first chapter and stimuli for the novel, and write down questions they have for the author. Students will also write down one thing they learned on a post-it note to place on the board as they leave the lesson.
The learning objectives are:
1. To develop descriptive vocabulary to engage readers;
2. Use description to convey how different sweets taste;
3. Design a new sweet for a shop with descriptive details on look, taste, smell, and texture.
John Henry Newman Catholic College (JHNCC) requests information from primary schools about incoming Year 7 pupils who may need additional support. JHNCC then assesses these pupils to determine if they will require individual provision plans (IPPs). Six weeks before the end of the primary school term, potential pupils visit JHNCC once a week for induction activities and assessments. All teachers at JHNCC are provided the list of pupils joining Year 7 who have additional learning needs. IPPs are created and shared for these pupils to outline teaching strategies and set targets. Pupils' progress toward targets is regularly reviewed.
The document provides instructions for students to create an e-safety poster for new students starting at JHNCC in September. The poster should remind students about e-safety, including what it involves (internet, chat rooms, cyberbullying) and the dangers that exist. It should also provide tips on how to stay safe online. Students are asked to be creative in designing the poster using Publisher, Word, or PowerPoint. They should follow the rules in the attached student contract, which covers expectations like arriving on time, having the proper materials, completing homework, and respecting others and equipment. The teacher will record any positive behaviors or causes for concern.
Y8 Home Learning Project: Project Africa - levels 5-7julier3846
This home learning project provides instructions for students to research and learn about child soldiers in Africa. It outlines several tasks for students to complete, including reading an article about child soldiers, answering comprehension questions, researching charities that help child soldiers, writing a story from the perspective of a child soldier, and creating a PowerPoint presentation about one of the charities. The document provides guidance, resources, and a self-assessment for students to evaluate their work.
The document summarizes the key points of an agreement signed on September 24, 2013 establishing the European Works Council (EWC) for Sapa. It outlines the composition of 30 regular representatives and 12 interim extra representatives from countries with Sapa operations. It also describes the roles and responsibilities of the EWC, including representing employees, receiving information from management on transnational issues, and being consulted in exceptional circumstances affecting multiple countries like restructuring. The agreement is valid for three years and aims to facilitate cooperation between management and employee representatives across Sapa's European entities.
This document outlines the criteria for assessing writing at different levels in the English Targets program. It provides guidelines for students to follow to improve their writing abilities in areas such as content, structure, style, grammar and punctuation. The criteria focus on choosing appropriate ideas, organizing writing clearly, using varied sentences and vocabulary, and adapting writing for different audiences and purposes. Students are encouraged to develop their writing skills in a progressive manner at each level through applying the stated criteria.
How to Generate Revenue with your Ecommerce Store?GoWebBaby
Gowebbaby White paper Presentation on How to Generate Revenue with your Ecommerce Store? In this slide we are discussing about Strategies to Generate Revenue. Read complete slide.and If you need any help regarding Revenue Generation, then We are always here to assist you. Contact us at today
This document provides a test to assess one's ability to identify correct grammar and punctuation related to possessive forms and contractions. It lists 20 sentences with errors in possessives or contractions and asks the reader to identify the correct options provided in parentheses. The document also includes examples of similes and metaphors for comparison.
The document discusses several theories of cognitive development and their relevance to teaching, including behaviorism, Piaget's theory of cognitive development, and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. It notes that behaviorism sees learning as conditioned responses to external stimuli and rewards/punishments, while Piaget's stages of development outline how children's thinking changes as they mature. However, Piaget's stages are too rigid. Vygotsky believed social interaction aids learning, and introduced the concept of the "zone of proximal development" where children can learn more with guidance. The document concludes that teachers should consider multiple theories to create effective learning environments tailored to different students and subjects, as no single approach fits all situations.
Siegfried Norman is a systems administrator and technical support analyst seeking full-time employment. He has over 3 years of experience in desktop support, network administration, and technical project work. His technical skills include Windows, Linux, MacOS, networking, virtualization technologies, and various software such as Microsoft Office, Exchange, and antivirus programs. His most recent role was as a senior support specialist and systems administrator for Kravet, Inc where he performed software and hardware installations, end user support, and assisted in a printer migration project.
This document is an English subject knowledge audit that contains a template for a teacher to assess their knowledge of various elements of the English curriculum. It lists topics related to curriculum frameworks, areas of study in writing, reading, speaking and listening, linguistic devices, English literary heritage from various time periods, language concepts, and skills specific to teaching English literature and language. The teacher is to categorize their understanding of each element as basic, improving, or secure knowledge and provide evidence over time as their knowledge develops through experience and further learning.
This document provides a template for conducting an initial subject knowledge audit for English. It lists various elements of English subject knowledge down the left column which can then be rated as basic awareness, improving knowledge, or secure knowledge and dated with relevant experience. Elements include curriculum frameworks, areas of study like writing and reading, linguistic devices, English literary heritage from various time periods, language topics, and skills specific to teaching English literature and language. The right column is for recording evidence of developing subject knowledge over time.
The document provides reading comprehension questions about the first three chapters of the novel "Skellig" by David Almond. It introduces the main character as Michael and establishes the setting as Michael's new house, describing details like the garage and garden to analyze using quotes from the text. Other characters introduced are Michael's parents and the previous owner who was found somewhere after something happened to him. The document aims to have the reader establish details about the characters and setting from the text.
This document outlines the medium term plan for a unit on Shakespeare's Macbeth for an English class in year 11 or 12. The unit will focus on a close analysis of Act 1 of the play, examining its structural and linguistic aspects. Students will analyze how Shakespeare presents the conflict between good and evil in Act 1, with the key assessment being a controlled assessment submission analyzing this theme. Lessons will introduce students to the historical context of the play and witchcraft to understand Shakespeare's audience. Students will then analyze how Macbeth is portrayed in Act 1 scenes 1 and 2.
This document provides examples of words and phrases that were first used in literature by William Shakespeare, along with their origins and meanings. It includes over 30 words along with brief definitions or quotations. It also lists common phrases from Shakespeare plays and their modern meanings. Finally, it presents a passage from Macbeth translated into modern English and prompts students to complete translation exercises to build familiarity with Shakespearean language.
The document provides assessment criteria for reading comprehension at different levels from 3 to 7. The criteria focus on picking important points from texts, using evidence and quotes to support ideas, analyzing language, structure, purpose and viewpoint. Higher levels expect more in-depth analysis of contexts, meanings, techniques and devices used to achieve effects.
This document provides information about studying the legend of Beowulf in class. It discusses that legends feature characters who get into trouble and need help, and are often based on real people or events. The class has previously learned about legends. The document introduces Beowulf as an epic poem from 650 AD that tells of warriors' deeds, and was the first story written in Old English. It provides context that Beowulf involves a hero rescuing people from a monster, and the students will read the poem and answer questions for homework to analyze the characters.
Presentasi ini merupakan materi pertemuan pertama untuk mata kuliah Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi. Materi ini mencakup:
✅ Konsep dasar pengukuran dan instrumentasi
✅ Jenis-jenis pengukuran (langsung & tidak langsung)
✅ Sistem satuan internasional (SI) dalam teknik elektro
✅ Kesalahan dalam pengukuran dan cara meminimalkannya
✅ Karakteristik alat ukur (akurasi, presisi, resolusi, sensitivitas)
✅ Contoh alat ukur dalam teknik elektro seperti multimeter, osiloskop, clamp meter, function generator, dan signal analyzer
Presentasi ini dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi dan diagram yang membantu pemahaman konsep secara visual.
Sangat cocok untuk mahasiswa teknik elektro dan telekomunikasi yang ingin memahami dasar-dasar pengukuran dalam bidang ini.
📌 Jangan lupa untuk like, share, dan follow untuk materi lebih lanjut!
#Pengukuran #Instrumentasi #TeknikElektro #Telekomunikasi #Praktikum #PengukurandanInstrumentasi #PBL #PengukuranBesaranListrik
Mata kuliah matemaika pada Prodi Rekayasa Sipil tingkat lanjut yang membahas mengenai Matriks, Determinan, Invers, Metode Sarrus dan Kofaktor dan Metode Gauss Jordan
The document summarizes the key points of an agreement signed on September 24, 2013 establishing the European Works Council (EWC) for Sapa. It outlines the composition of 30 regular representatives and 12 interim extra representatives from countries with Sapa operations. It also describes the roles and responsibilities of the EWC, including representing employees, receiving information from management on transnational issues, and being consulted in exceptional circumstances affecting multiple countries like restructuring. The agreement is valid for three years and aims to facilitate cooperation between management and employee representatives across Sapa's European entities.
This document outlines the criteria for assessing writing at different levels in the English Targets program. It provides guidelines for students to follow to improve their writing abilities in areas such as content, structure, style, grammar and punctuation. The criteria focus on choosing appropriate ideas, organizing writing clearly, using varied sentences and vocabulary, and adapting writing for different audiences and purposes. Students are encouraged to develop their writing skills in a progressive manner at each level through applying the stated criteria.
How to Generate Revenue with your Ecommerce Store?GoWebBaby
Gowebbaby White paper Presentation on How to Generate Revenue with your Ecommerce Store? In this slide we are discussing about Strategies to Generate Revenue. Read complete slide.and If you need any help regarding Revenue Generation, then We are always here to assist you. Contact us at today
This document provides a test to assess one's ability to identify correct grammar and punctuation related to possessive forms and contractions. It lists 20 sentences with errors in possessives or contractions and asks the reader to identify the correct options provided in parentheses. The document also includes examples of similes and metaphors for comparison.
The document discusses several theories of cognitive development and their relevance to teaching, including behaviorism, Piaget's theory of cognitive development, and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. It notes that behaviorism sees learning as conditioned responses to external stimuli and rewards/punishments, while Piaget's stages of development outline how children's thinking changes as they mature. However, Piaget's stages are too rigid. Vygotsky believed social interaction aids learning, and introduced the concept of the "zone of proximal development" where children can learn more with guidance. The document concludes that teachers should consider multiple theories to create effective learning environments tailored to different students and subjects, as no single approach fits all situations.
Siegfried Norman is a systems administrator and technical support analyst seeking full-time employment. He has over 3 years of experience in desktop support, network administration, and technical project work. His technical skills include Windows, Linux, MacOS, networking, virtualization technologies, and various software such as Microsoft Office, Exchange, and antivirus programs. His most recent role was as a senior support specialist and systems administrator for Kravet, Inc where he performed software and hardware installations, end user support, and assisted in a printer migration project.
This document is an English subject knowledge audit that contains a template for a teacher to assess their knowledge of various elements of the English curriculum. It lists topics related to curriculum frameworks, areas of study in writing, reading, speaking and listening, linguistic devices, English literary heritage from various time periods, language concepts, and skills specific to teaching English literature and language. The teacher is to categorize their understanding of each element as basic, improving, or secure knowledge and provide evidence over time as their knowledge develops through experience and further learning.
This document provides a template for conducting an initial subject knowledge audit for English. It lists various elements of English subject knowledge down the left column which can then be rated as basic awareness, improving knowledge, or secure knowledge and dated with relevant experience. Elements include curriculum frameworks, areas of study like writing and reading, linguistic devices, English literary heritage from various time periods, language topics, and skills specific to teaching English literature and language. The right column is for recording evidence of developing subject knowledge over time.
The document provides reading comprehension questions about the first three chapters of the novel "Skellig" by David Almond. It introduces the main character as Michael and establishes the setting as Michael's new house, describing details like the garage and garden to analyze using quotes from the text. Other characters introduced are Michael's parents and the previous owner who was found somewhere after something happened to him. The document aims to have the reader establish details about the characters and setting from the text.
This document outlines the medium term plan for a unit on Shakespeare's Macbeth for an English class in year 11 or 12. The unit will focus on a close analysis of Act 1 of the play, examining its structural and linguistic aspects. Students will analyze how Shakespeare presents the conflict between good and evil in Act 1, with the key assessment being a controlled assessment submission analyzing this theme. Lessons will introduce students to the historical context of the play and witchcraft to understand Shakespeare's audience. Students will then analyze how Macbeth is portrayed in Act 1 scenes 1 and 2.
This document provides examples of words and phrases that were first used in literature by William Shakespeare, along with their origins and meanings. It includes over 30 words along with brief definitions or quotations. It also lists common phrases from Shakespeare plays and their modern meanings. Finally, it presents a passage from Macbeth translated into modern English and prompts students to complete translation exercises to build familiarity with Shakespearean language.
The document provides assessment criteria for reading comprehension at different levels from 3 to 7. The criteria focus on picking important points from texts, using evidence and quotes to support ideas, analyzing language, structure, purpose and viewpoint. Higher levels expect more in-depth analysis of contexts, meanings, techniques and devices used to achieve effects.
This document provides information about studying the legend of Beowulf in class. It discusses that legends feature characters who get into trouble and need help, and are often based on real people or events. The class has previously learned about legends. The document introduces Beowulf as an epic poem from 650 AD that tells of warriors' deeds, and was the first story written in Old English. It provides context that Beowulf involves a hero rescuing people from a monster, and the students will read the poem and answer questions for homework to analyze the characters.
Presentasi ini merupakan materi pertemuan pertama untuk mata kuliah Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi. Materi ini mencakup:
✅ Konsep dasar pengukuran dan instrumentasi
✅ Jenis-jenis pengukuran (langsung & tidak langsung)
✅ Sistem satuan internasional (SI) dalam teknik elektro
✅ Kesalahan dalam pengukuran dan cara meminimalkannya
✅ Karakteristik alat ukur (akurasi, presisi, resolusi, sensitivitas)
✅ Contoh alat ukur dalam teknik elektro seperti multimeter, osiloskop, clamp meter, function generator, dan signal analyzer
Presentasi ini dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi dan diagram yang membantu pemahaman konsep secara visual.
Sangat cocok untuk mahasiswa teknik elektro dan telekomunikasi yang ingin memahami dasar-dasar pengukuran dalam bidang ini.
📌 Jangan lupa untuk like, share, dan follow untuk materi lebih lanjut!
#Pengukuran #Instrumentasi #TeknikElektro #Telekomunikasi #Praktikum #PengukurandanInstrumentasi #PBL #PengukuranBesaranListrik
Mata kuliah matemaika pada Prodi Rekayasa Sipil tingkat lanjut yang membahas mengenai Matriks, Determinan, Invers, Metode Sarrus dan Kofaktor dan Metode Gauss Jordan
3. Red-Black Trees (RBT) adalah Binary Search Tree (BST) dengan
menyimpan data tambahan yaitu warna (Merah atau Hitam), yang
dimana node-node dan edge-edge memiliki warna merah atau
hitam. Warna dari root selalu hitam. Warna dari edge yang
menghubungkan ayah dengan anaknya selalu berwarna sama
dengan warna node anak tersebut.
1. Setiap simpul/node adalah berwarna merah atau hitam
2. Akar selalu berwarna hitam
3. Nilai sebuah node adalah lebih besar anak kirinya dan lebih kecil dari anak
4. Jika node berwarna merah, anaknya harus berwarna hitam
5. Node berwarna merah secara berturut-turut tidak diperkenankan.
6. Setiap path dari node yang menuju ke nil harus mengandung nilai yang sama
dengan node yang berwarna hitam.
7. Tree dikatakan setimbang jika selisih level dari anak kiri dan anak kanan
maksimal dua.
8. Node dibawah root yang berada pada level yang sama disebut sibling.
6. 1. Setiap node baru yang disisipkan kedalam tree akan diberi warna merah,
kecuali untuk root, warna merah tersebut langsung diganti dengan hitam.
2. Jika kita memasukkan node baru yang berwarna merah kedalam parent
yang berwarna hitam tidak akan menjadi masalah, yang menjadi masalah
adalah jika kita menyisipkan node baru ke dalam parent yang berwarna merah
4. Jika parent berwarna merah kita akan membuat dua node merah yang
berurutan, jadi kita harus melakukan rotasi atau pewarnaan ulang.
5. Hal penting yang harus diingat adalah node yang tidak mempunyai daun
harus berwarna hitam.
7. Data : 10 , 85 , 15 , 70 , 20 , 60 , 30 , 50 , 65 , 80 , 90 , 40 , 5 , 55
- Jika sebuah node yang dihapus memiliki 2 anak, maka node yang dari anak
kiri terbesar, atau anak kanan terkecil yang akan menggantikan si parent
- Jika parent berwarna merah dan anaknya merah, langsung digantikan saja
(tidak ada masalah)
- Jika parent hitam dan anakya merah, gantikan parent tersebut dengan
anaknya, lalu warna anaknya yang merah tersebut gantikan warnanya
menjadi hitam.
- Jika parent dan anaknya hitam, maka gantikan parent tersebut dengan
anaknya, lalu rotasikan dan sesuaikan dengan treenya.