This document promotes a dating website and encourages signing up today without waiting to find the perfect partner. It implies the website can help users find a romantic match without having to wait for an ideal person. The brief message focuses on taking action now by registering on the site rather than passively waiting for the right person to come along.
This document does not contain enough content to summarize. It only lists the creator's name and mentions pictures from another source but provides no other context or details.
2. LOVE IS A CHOICE Based on I Cor. 13:1-13
3. THE EXPRESSION OF LOVE Based on I Cor. 13
4. GOD-LIKE LOVERS Based on I Cor. 13:4
6. LOVE IS KIND Based on I Cor. 13:4
7. LOVE DOES NOT ENVY Based on I Cor. 13:4
8. LOVE IS NOT PROUD Based on I Cor. 13:4
9. LOVE IS NOT RUDE based on I Cor. 13:5
10. LEGALISM VERSUS LOVE Based on Matt. 5:20
11. BODY LOVE Based on I Cor. 15:35-49
12. EDUCATED LOVE Based on Phil. 1:1-11
13. LOVE'S LIMITATIONS Based on I John 2:15-17
14. THE END IS LOVE Based on I Tim. 1:5
The document provides tips for speaking with confidence and purpose. It emphasizes the importance of attitude, preparation through rehearsal, and proper verbal and nonverbal expression. Some key points include practicing speeches aloud to improve delivery, speaking loudly and clearly while maintaining eye contact, and treating public speaking seriously while also making it a conversational experience for the audience. Proper use of volume, pitch, pacing and gestures are encouraged to enhance the delivery.
Oration 2012, Annual Conference Toastmasters, Hilton, New DelhiGaurav Gupta
District 41, Toastmasters International invites you to Enhance, Expand & Enjoy at its Annual Conference, Oration 2012 to be held at Hilton, Nehru Place, New Delhi from 18-20 May, 2012
Dr. Reyes, a cancer specialist, killed his mother by injecting her with a syringe containing distilled water. In his testimony to the court, he explains that he killed his mother out of love for her to end her suffering from cancer, which he was unable to cure despite his medical training. He asks the court to understand his actions and to punish him for killing his mother, saying it was done only to relieve her pain.
This document contains a poem about the enduring nature of love between two people who cannot fully express or act on their feelings. The poem suggests that even after separation or finding other loves, those who share a deep connection in silence or from a distance will always remember and feel drawn to each other. Their love survives due to its roots in dreams, loneliness, and an inability to fully come together that prevents it from being diminished by reality or time.
This document discusses women soldiers and their dedication to serving their country. It references passing through fire and ice to reach their goals and meet heaven or hell, all while bringing glory to their motherland. The soldiers are told to prepare for peace over seeking honors, and to leave glory to their country while maintaining hope for peace despite holding fire. The document was created by a former military employee to honor these soldiers.
The document discusses the need for change that starts from within oneself and spreads to others and one's country. It argues that problems like corruption are rooted in individual actions and mindsets. As a youth, the author believes their ideas can inspire change and help steer the country towards a better, more progressive future if they work to better themselves and encourage others to embrace positive change. The change must start from the individual level before the larger problems facing the nation can be addressed.
This short document contains a title stating it has nice photos from 2010 along with the photographer's initials. The bulk of the text contains repetitive symbols with no other words. It concludes by stating the end.
Petra is an ancient city located in southern Jordan. Carved into rose-colored sandstone cliffs, Petra was the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom between 400 BC and 106 AD. It contains tombs and temples cut into rock faces and is one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
Fantasy-5 is a creation by Dio Gyula from Hungary. Gabriel Voiculescu from Romania attached music to this creation. The music attached is called "Gondi".
Este documento presenta el calendario de partidos de la Segunda Juvenil Gran Canaria Grupo 3 para la temporada 2013/2014. Incluye las 14 jornadas del campeonato con los equipos participantes y las fechas y horarios de los partidos programados.
Chile is known for its natural beauty. The document provides photos of scenic locations in Chile that were collected from the internet to share with a friend named Liliana. The photos aim to showcase some of Chile's scenic landscapes and attractions to Liliana's Chilean friends.
This document lists various strange rock formations from around the world, including rbol de Piedra in Bolivia, Brimham Rock in England, Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, Delicate Arch in Utah, Devils Tower in Wyoming, Goreme Valley Fairy Chimneys in Turkey, James Bond Island in Thailand, Karlu Karlu or Devil's Marbles in Australia, Landscape Arch in Utah, Montserrat in Catalonia, The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, Uluru in Australia, and Wadi Rum in Jordan.
This very short document appears to be about the creation of a fantasy by a Hungarian author named Dio Gyula. A Romanian musician named Gabriel Voiculescu contributed music to the work. The document contains repetitive symbols that do not provide additional context.
This very short document does not provide enough contextual information to generate a meaningful 3 sentence summary. The document is only one sentence long and does not have a clear topic, main ideas or essential information to summarize.
El documento habla sobre temas relacionados a big data, internet de las cosas y agricultura de precisi坦n. Describe los tipos de datos de big data, la definici坦n e implementaci坦n de internet de las cosas, y las ventajas del monitoreo de rendimiento en la agricultura de precisi坦n. Tambi辿n menciona desaf鱈os como la implementaci坦n de IPv6 y energ鱈a para sensores en internet de las cosas.
Christmas-4 is a digital artwork created by Gabriel Voiculescu that incorporates photos from the internet. The artwork likely depicts Christmas-related imagery through a collage or montage of various holiday photos compiled from online sources. Christmas-4 aims to celebrate the Christmas season through a digital artistic representation of images related to the holiday.
The document discusses issues of homophobia and inequality faced by gay athletes. It notes that gay athletes often face hostility, verbal and social abuse, and feel pressure to conceal their sexuality. This is due to stereotypical views of masculinity and femininity in sports. The case of former NFL player Esera Tuaolo is examined, who endured abuse after coming out. Resolving homophobia requires education, embracing diversity, and raising awareness of the experiences of gay athletes through advocacy events.
Este documento describe las maras y pandillas, su origen, organizaci坦n, rituales e identificaci坦n. Surgen como fen坦meno social de marginaci坦n de grupos centroamericanos en EEUU y se expanden con la deportaci坦n masiva de delincuentes. Ofrecen identidad y sentido de pertenencia a j坦venes excluidos. Se organizan en clicas, jengas y pandillas matrices con jerarqu鱈a. Sus rituales incluyen pruebas de valor y tatuajes que simbolizan delitos. Atraen a personas con factores de riesgo socioe
, 丐 弌丐亊!
乖 丐 亊 丶亊丐 -
, 丼 乂 豫 丶乖个丐亊,
弌亊 丐.
WOMEN DO never gets old!
To be like lime blossom -
Although already in July ceases to bloom
years keeps its aroma ...
Oration 2012, Annual Conference Toastmasters, Hilton, New DelhiGaurav Gupta
District 41, Toastmasters International invites you to Enhance, Expand & Enjoy at its Annual Conference, Oration 2012 to be held at Hilton, Nehru Place, New Delhi from 18-20 May, 2012
Dr. Reyes, a cancer specialist, killed his mother by injecting her with a syringe containing distilled water. In his testimony to the court, he explains that he killed his mother out of love for her to end her suffering from cancer, which he was unable to cure despite his medical training. He asks the court to understand his actions and to punish him for killing his mother, saying it was done only to relieve her pain.
This document contains a poem about the enduring nature of love between two people who cannot fully express or act on their feelings. The poem suggests that even after separation or finding other loves, those who share a deep connection in silence or from a distance will always remember and feel drawn to each other. Their love survives due to its roots in dreams, loneliness, and an inability to fully come together that prevents it from being diminished by reality or time.
This document discusses women soldiers and their dedication to serving their country. It references passing through fire and ice to reach their goals and meet heaven or hell, all while bringing glory to their motherland. The soldiers are told to prepare for peace over seeking honors, and to leave glory to their country while maintaining hope for peace despite holding fire. The document was created by a former military employee to honor these soldiers.
The document discusses the need for change that starts from within oneself and spreads to others and one's country. It argues that problems like corruption are rooted in individual actions and mindsets. As a youth, the author believes their ideas can inspire change and help steer the country towards a better, more progressive future if they work to better themselves and encourage others to embrace positive change. The change must start from the individual level before the larger problems facing the nation can be addressed.
This short document contains a title stating it has nice photos from 2010 along with the photographer's initials. The bulk of the text contains repetitive symbols with no other words. It concludes by stating the end.
Petra is an ancient city located in southern Jordan. Carved into rose-colored sandstone cliffs, Petra was the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom between 400 BC and 106 AD. It contains tombs and temples cut into rock faces and is one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
Fantasy-5 is a creation by Dio Gyula from Hungary. Gabriel Voiculescu from Romania attached music to this creation. The music attached is called "Gondi".
Este documento presenta el calendario de partidos de la Segunda Juvenil Gran Canaria Grupo 3 para la temporada 2013/2014. Incluye las 14 jornadas del campeonato con los equipos participantes y las fechas y horarios de los partidos programados.
Chile is known for its natural beauty. The document provides photos of scenic locations in Chile that were collected from the internet to share with a friend named Liliana. The photos aim to showcase some of Chile's scenic landscapes and attractions to Liliana's Chilean friends.
This document lists various strange rock formations from around the world, including rbol de Piedra in Bolivia, Brimham Rock in England, Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, Delicate Arch in Utah, Devils Tower in Wyoming, Goreme Valley Fairy Chimneys in Turkey, James Bond Island in Thailand, Karlu Karlu or Devil's Marbles in Australia, Landscape Arch in Utah, Montserrat in Catalonia, The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, Uluru in Australia, and Wadi Rum in Jordan.
This very short document appears to be about the creation of a fantasy by a Hungarian author named Dio Gyula. A Romanian musician named Gabriel Voiculescu contributed music to the work. The document contains repetitive symbols that do not provide additional context.
This very short document does not provide enough contextual information to generate a meaningful 3 sentence summary. The document is only one sentence long and does not have a clear topic, main ideas or essential information to summarize.
El documento habla sobre temas relacionados a big data, internet de las cosas y agricultura de precisi坦n. Describe los tipos de datos de big data, la definici坦n e implementaci坦n de internet de las cosas, y las ventajas del monitoreo de rendimiento en la agricultura de precisi坦n. Tambi辿n menciona desaf鱈os como la implementaci坦n de IPv6 y energ鱈a para sensores en internet de las cosas.
Christmas-4 is a digital artwork created by Gabriel Voiculescu that incorporates photos from the internet. The artwork likely depicts Christmas-related imagery through a collage or montage of various holiday photos compiled from online sources. Christmas-4 aims to celebrate the Christmas season through a digital artistic representation of images related to the holiday.
The document discusses issues of homophobia and inequality faced by gay athletes. It notes that gay athletes often face hostility, verbal and social abuse, and feel pressure to conceal their sexuality. This is due to stereotypical views of masculinity and femininity in sports. The case of former NFL player Esera Tuaolo is examined, who endured abuse after coming out. Resolving homophobia requires education, embracing diversity, and raising awareness of the experiences of gay athletes through advocacy events.
Este documento describe las maras y pandillas, su origen, organizaci坦n, rituales e identificaci坦n. Surgen como fen坦meno social de marginaci坦n de grupos centroamericanos en EEUU y se expanden con la deportaci坦n masiva de delincuentes. Ofrecen identidad y sentido de pertenencia a j坦venes excluidos. Se organizan en clicas, jengas y pandillas matrices con jerarqu鱈a. Sus rituales incluyen pruebas de valor y tatuajes que simbolizan delitos. Atraen a personas con factores de riesgo socioe
, 丐 弌丐亊!
乖 丐 亊 丶亊丐 -
, 丼 乂 豫 丶乖个丐亊,
弌亊 丐.
WOMEN DO never gets old!
To be like lime blossom -
Although already in July ceases to bloom
years keeps its aroma ...
"...亟亳 弍亠亰仂仄亠仆 - 从舒仂 于仂亟舒. 从仂 仍仂亢亳 于仂亟舒舒 于 舒舒, 舒于舒 舒舒; 从仂 仍仂亢亳 于于 于舒亰舒, 舒于舒 于舒亰舒. 从仂 舒亰仗仆亠, 亠 仗亠于舒 于于 舒仆舒亰亳. 仂亟舒舒 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠亠 亳 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 弍于舒. 仍亳 亟舒 弍亟亠 从舒仂舒. 亟亳 于仂亟舒, 仗亳亠仍".
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners. THANK YOU!
My work only for entertainment.
亠亞仂 亞仂 仗亠亟舒亟仂舒.
亠亞仂 亠 仂亠从仂舒.
丐仂亶 弍亠亠 仂亟亠仆. 于仍亠仆. 亳. 仂亟亳亞舒于舒仆. 丱仍亠仆. 仗仍ム.
丐仂亶 弍亠亠 舒亰仗仆舒.
仂 丐仂亶 亳亰仗仍仆亳 仂仍舒 仆舒 舒.
丐仂亶 亳亰从仗亳 亞亠仂于亠亠 仆舒 丼仂于亠亠于仂仂.
丐仂亶 弍亠亠 仄亳亠仆. 亰亠磦舒亠 弍仂仍仆亳.
丐仂亶 仂亟舒亟亠 于仂 亢亳于仂. 舒 仆舒...
弌 亊 弌 乖丐丐.
丐 弌弌!!!
He was betrayed.
Him is denied.
He was convicted. Rejected. Bit. Mocked. Vilified. Spat.
He was crucified.
Abandoned ...
But he fulfill the Will of the Father.
It redeem the sins of mankind.
He was humble. He healed the sick.
He forgave ...
He gave his life. About us...
Today it is not among dead.
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.
Human happiness , what are you?
A longing ? Mirage? Sigh ? Verse ?
Where are you? Indeed, where are you?
The pursuit of life go ...
they intercept in sunsets and songs
catch and split again ...
Why we wondrous magical island!
And miracles happen earth!
Grand is always the most simple!
A moon , two drops of dew
small random walk
and the warmth of a hand ...
And they are all happy to suffer
to create simple wonders
Droplet be able to enjoy
and you can open sky ! ... * google translate*
Everyone wants to be happy.
What makes us happy? Hope - false, real or true? ..... Is it true that everyone has a life you want?
Nothing prevents us to dream ...
Pleasant and romantic day ...
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.