The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is home to beautiful natural wonders like Heart Reef, though coral bleaching from overexposure to sun and rising water levels threatens the life of the reef. Visitors can explore parts of the reef through snorkeling and scuba diving and participate in various activities in the Whitsunday Islands region.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and their communities' health and well-being, and be aware of lifestyle habits that influence personal health. Regular physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social outlets for students.
The document discusses India's 2G spectrum scam that occurred in 2008. Key points include:
- A. Raja ignored proper procedures in allocating 2G licenses, causing losses of 1.76 lakh crores for the government.
- Licenses were granted at 2001 prices despite being in 2008, and on a first-come-first-served basis without an auction.
- Many politicians, bureaucrats, corporate executives, and media persons were accused of involvement in the scam.
- Subramanian Swamy brought the scam to public attention through legal action. The government took steps like forming a special CBI branch to investigate.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and community health and well-being by being conscious of lifestyle habits that influence personal health. Physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social outlets for students.
The document discusses various types of desserts and candies. It lists ingredients commonly found in cupcakes like candy, cake, pie, and various types of candies. It also mentions ingredients and flavors used in other desserts such as apple pie, chocolate, cookies, and more. The document focuses on providing examples of sweet treats and dessert ingredients.
Microfinance provides financial services like loans to low-income and self-employed individuals who traditionally lack access to banks. It helps meet personal emergencies as well as life events like weddings or childbirth. Major microfinance institutions in India include SKS, Share Microfinance, and Spandana Sphoorty. While banks charge interest rates from 10-12%, microfinance institutions charge much higher rates around 26%. However, the state government passed an ordinance removing interest rate limits. Better regulation is needed to provide affordable loans and prevent over-lending issues faced by some microfinance clients.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and community health and well-being by being conscious of lifestyle habits that influence personal health. Regular physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social outlets for students.
Product liability law holds producers and sellers responsible if their products cause harm or injury to consumers. Key cases like Macpherson v Buick and Escola v Coca-Cola Bolting Company established that manufacturers can be held liable for defective products even if they were not negligent. The Second Restatement of Torts formalized strict liability, making manufacturers responsible for products that are unreasonably dangerous or defective. There are three types of product defects - manufacturing defects, design defects, and failures to warn. Producers have responsibilities around product safety, warnings, and responding to safety issues. Distributors can also face liability if they cannot identify the product manufacturer.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and their communities' health and well-being, and be aware of lifestyle habits that affect personal health. Regular physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social opportunities for students.
The document discusses various types of desserts and candies. It lists ingredients commonly found in cupcakes like candy, cake, pie, and various types of candies. It also mentions ingredients and flavors used in other desserts such as apple pie, chocolate, soufflé, and more. The document focuses on providing examples of sweet treats and dessert ingredients.
A study on customer satisfaction survey towards scootyHimabindu Mangiri
This survey summarizes customer satisfaction of Scooty Pep Plus bikes in Tirupati. Key findings include:
1. Most customers (43%) heard about the bike from friends and relatives. Quality (22%) and brand image (41%) most influenced purchase decisions.
2. Satisfaction was highest for style (52% highly satisfied) and availability (60% highly satisfied). However, most (56%) were dissatisfied with pickup.
3. After-sales service was rated effective (56%) or good (22%) by most customers. Delivery within 15 days (44%) or 1 week (30%) met most customers' expectations.
The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is home to beautiful natural wonders like Heart Reef, though coral bleaching from overexposure to sun and rising water levels threatens the life of the reef. Visitors can explore parts of the reef through snorkeling and scuba diving and participate in various activities in the Whitsunday Islands region.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and their communities' health and well-being, and be aware of lifestyle habits that influence personal health. Regular physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social outlets for students.
The document discusses India's 2G spectrum scam that occurred in 2008. Key points include:
- A. Raja ignored proper procedures in allocating 2G licenses, causing losses of 1.76 lakh crores for the government.
- Licenses were granted at 2001 prices despite being in 2008, and on a first-come-first-served basis without an auction.
- Many politicians, bureaucrats, corporate executives, and media persons were accused of involvement in the scam.
- Subramanian Swamy brought the scam to public attention through legal action. The government took steps like forming a special CBI branch to investigate.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and community health and well-being by being conscious of lifestyle habits that influence personal health. Physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social outlets for students.
The document discusses various types of desserts and candies. It lists ingredients commonly found in cupcakes like candy, cake, pie, and various types of candies. It also mentions ingredients and flavors used in other desserts such as apple pie, chocolate, cookies, and more. The document focuses on providing examples of sweet treats and dessert ingredients.
Microfinance provides financial services like loans to low-income and self-employed individuals who traditionally lack access to banks. It helps meet personal emergencies as well as life events like weddings or childbirth. Major microfinance institutions in India include SKS, Share Microfinance, and Spandana Sphoorty. While banks charge interest rates from 10-12%, microfinance institutions charge much higher rates around 26%. However, the state government passed an ordinance removing interest rate limits. Better regulation is needed to provide affordable loans and prevent over-lending issues faced by some microfinance clients.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and community health and well-being by being conscious of lifestyle habits that influence personal health. Regular physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social outlets for students.
Product liability law holds producers and sellers responsible if their products cause harm or injury to consumers. Key cases like Macpherson v Buick and Escola v Coca-Cola Bolting Company established that manufacturers can be held liable for defective products even if they were not negligent. The Second Restatement of Torts formalized strict liability, making manufacturers responsible for products that are unreasonably dangerous or defective. There are three types of product defects - manufacturing defects, design defects, and failures to warn. Producers have responsibilities around product safety, warnings, and responding to safety issues. Distributors can also face liability if they cannot identify the product manufacturer.
The document discusses the rationale for personal development, health, and physical education programming. The programming aims to promote and encourage healthy living by getting students to adopt healthy lifestyles focused on physical activity. It emphasizes that students should care about their own and their communities' health and well-being, and be aware of lifestyle habits that affect personal health. Regular physical activity is said to improve quality of life, build self-esteem, and provide social opportunities for students.
The document discusses various types of desserts and candies. It lists ingredients commonly found in cupcakes like candy, cake, pie, and various types of candies. It also mentions ingredients and flavors used in other desserts such as apple pie, chocolate, soufflé, and more. The document focuses on providing examples of sweet treats and dessert ingredients.
A study on customer satisfaction survey towards scootyHimabindu Mangiri
This survey summarizes customer satisfaction of Scooty Pep Plus bikes in Tirupati. Key findings include:
1. Most customers (43%) heard about the bike from friends and relatives. Quality (22%) and brand image (41%) most influenced purchase decisions.
2. Satisfaction was highest for style (52% highly satisfied) and availability (60% highly satisfied). However, most (56%) were dissatisfied with pickup.
3. After-sales service was rated effective (56%) or good (22%) by most customers. Delivery within 15 days (44%) or 1 week (30%) met most customers' expectations.
The document discusses human resource planning and management, including topics such as manpower utilization, forecasting techniques, scheduling methods, factors that affect job performance, and human resource accounting. It provides details on how to improve manpower utilization, different types of forecasts and scheduling tools, environmental and individual factors that impact performance, and methods for assigning economic value to human resources through accounting. The goal of human resource planning and accounting is to optimize the utilization of employee skills and talents and effectively manage human capital as a valuable organizational asset.
This document discusses different types of organization development (OD) interventions. It defines OD interventions as structured activities engaged in by organizational units to enact organizational change. The document then classifies interventions based on their objectives and targets, and outlines the major families of interventions including diagnostic activities, team-building, intergroup activities, survey feedback, education and training, techno-structural changes, process consulting, and grid organization development. It provides details on the goals and approaches for each type of intervention.
This document discusses various aspects of human resource planning such as career planning and development, succession planning, and potential appraisal and development. It provides details on the meaning and process of career planning, management, and development. It also outlines the need for career planning, steps involved in establishing a career development system, advantages for individuals and organizations, and limitations. Succession planning and potential appraisal are also defined along with best practices.
Human resource planning is a process to ensure an organization has the right number and type of people at the right time. It involves forecasting future human resource needs, analyzing current supply, and implementing programs to address imbalances. Key aspects of HRP include forecasting demand and supply, balancing the two through programming, implementing plans, and controlling and evaluating outcomes. The goal is to maximize returns on human resource investments and ensure strategic objectives are met.
2. 觀 S o c ke ye Ru n 記行
Ad am s Rive r 位於 B C 省 Kam lo o p s 市以東,過小城 C h as e 十幾公裡
處,指 Ad am s Lake 和 S h u s wap Lake 之間 1 2 公裡長的狹長水域。那
裡水淺流急,河床布滿細沙和鵝卵石,是红鮭鱼( S o c ke ye )產卵和死
, Ad am s Rive r ,舉行最後的生命慶典。這就是著名的 S o c ke ye
Ru n 。平靜的河水變得喧囂沸騰起來,碧波紅魚,異彩流光。 20 多萬游
對红鮭鱼回游早就心向往之。往年 1 0 月, Van c o u ve r 附近的威化溪和
H o p e 去過多次。怎奈見魚不多,太不過癮,一心在等四年一次大回游的
機會。惦記了這幾年,終於在今秋一個周末驅車去了 400 多公裡外的
Ad am s Rive r ,圓了我的红鮭鱼夢。
3. 去路:
從 Vancouver 出發,沿 #1Hwy 東行。過 Hope 轉#
5Hwy 北上,這一段公路收費 $10 ,寬闊平坦。過
Kamloops 再轉# 1 東行,過 Chase 十幾公裡,在
Squilax 右下高速。繞圈向北過了橋就進入 Roderick
Haig - Brown Provincial Park , Adams River 所在地。
一路跟著電線杆上的紅魚標記,再開 5 公裡就到達公園
的主停車場。單程約 450 公裡,費時約 5 小時。
29. 22 .沿河巡視的工作人員,熱心為人們解答問題。他們告訴我
們今年回到 Ad am s Rive r 的 S o c ke ye 數量可望達到兩百萬條。
有人問產卵期間的 S o c ke ye 可不可以吃,工作人員答說應該不
可以。 S o c ke ye 在長途回游過程中不再進食,它們體內的脂肪
和蛋白質幾乎都消耗掉了。這時的 S o c ke ye 肉質腐軟,沒有任