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WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL & GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE
No one knows more about the treatment of wastewater and the protection
of the environment than the technical and developmental team at redFox速
redFox速 Environmental was the original pioneer company in the development of packaged sewage
treatment systems. redFox速 Environmental was also instrumental in the development of the MSD
federal regulations for the United States Coast Guard back in the mid 1970s. redFox速 Environmental
is the elite manufacturer of wastewater treatment systems.
redFox速 Conventional Units
Land Based & Fixed Offshore Platform Sewage Units
USCG Certified Type II MSD
The Conventional Series Sewage Unit is specifically designed for fixed offshore platforms and land based
installations. Using the extended aeration process, the unit is portable and easy to install and operate.
The structure and components of the redFox速 units are built for a 20-year service life in the harshest conditions.
Some of the first units we ever built are still in operation today.
	 Capacity: 100 to 20,000 GPD
	 From 2 to 666 Persons
	 USCG Certified Sewage Treatment Systems
	 Offered in standard configuration or customized
for space limitations
	 Low maintenance time and Operational Costs
	 Low power/utility consumption
	 No odor
	 Utilizes common household bleach
	 Reasonably priced
	 Operates with fresh or saltwater
The entire redFox速 Environmental Marine Series Units are Bureau Veritas certified for IMO Resolution MEPC
159(55). The IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee resolution applies to all sewage treatment systems
installed onboard on or after January 1, 2010.
WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL  GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE
redFox速 Marine Series
(Fiberglass) Units
	 Capacities: Crew sizes from 4 To 100
	 Fiberglass will not corrode - no coatings/paint required
	 Layered to 1/4 to 1/2 thickness
	 Two Tank Configuration
	 Low Maintenance Time and operational costs
	 Low Power/Utility Consumption
	 No odours
	 Utilizes common household bleach for disinfection.
	 Operates with fresh or saltwater
	 IMO  USCG certified
The redFox速 Marine series clarifier operates under head
pressure that ensures proper separation and solids settling.
The results are a very clean water discharge quality.
Our competitors utilize an open style clarifier that is
susceptible to problems caused by movement. Solids do
not separate or settle properly. This will negatively affect the
discharge water quality.
redFox速 Marine Series
(Metal Units) Units
	 Capacities: Crew sizes from 2 To 750
	 Low Maintenance Time and operational costs
	 Low Power/Utility Consumption
	 No odours
	 Utilises common household bleach for disinfection.
	 Operates with fresh or saltwater
The redFox速 Marine series clarifier operates under a fluid
head pressure allowing flocculation and settling solids in
the clarification chamber to occur even when the vessel is in
motion. The clarifier chamber is totally enclosed and between
400 and 600 mm lower than the waterline in the aeration
chamber. This ensures the water discharge quality is superior
to all of our competitors. Our competitors utilize an open
style clarifier and are susceptible to problems caused by
vibration and rolling seas. Solids do not settle properly and
will negatively affect the discharge water quality.
WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL  GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE
redFox速 FoxPac速 Series Units
Marine Vessels  offshore Platforms
USCG Certified Type II MSD
	 Capacity: 50 - 2,500 GPD
	 Crew sizes from 1 to 125
	 Low power/utility consumption
	 No odor
	 Utilizes common household bleach for disinfection
	 Reasonably priced
	 Operates with fresh or saltwater
	 Smaller than redFox速 marine series
The FoxPac速 Series is designed primarily for motor vessels
that have limited space and weight capacity for a sewage
processing system.
The FoxPac速 Series unit is efficient, low maintenance
and provides a trouble free waste disposal solution in
compliance with United States Coast Guard regulations.
(USCG certified Type II MSD).
redFox速 FoxPac速 Fiberglass Units
Marine Vessels  offshore Platforms
USCG Certified Type II MSD
	 Capacity: 50 - 350 GPD
	 FoxPac速 Fiberglass Series is suitable for small vessel
	 Crew sizes from 1 to 18
	 USCG Certified Sewage Treatment Systems
	 Offered in standard configuration to meet our customers
specifications and space limitations
	 Low power/utility consumption
	 No odour
	 Utilizes common household bleach for disinfection
	 Reasonably priced
	 Operates with fresh or saltwater
WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL  GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE
redFox速 Land Drilling Rig/Camp Units
Sewage Treatment Packages
redFox速 Environmental Services, Inc. specialises in
manufacturing land drilling rig /camp sewage treatment
packages. We provide complete treatment packages for all
of the wastewater to ensure your site complies with local,
regional and country discharge regulations. Our standard
units can be adapted for high or low temperature locations.
	 Sewage Treatment Unit for Rig Sites and Camp Sites
	 Lift Stations / Tank Feeds the Wastewater from Ground
Level to the Inlet of the Treatment Unit
	 Grease Trap for the Kitchen Drain Line to Remove Oil
from the Wastewater Stream
	 Structural Skid Base w/Tailboard Loading System
	 Extreme Temp Blower Motor with Rotary Lobe Blower
Belt Drive Assembly
	 Additional Stiffeners and Piping Supports Installed for
Transportation in Poor Road Conditions
	 316 Stainless Steel Air Header Piping
	 All Control Panels Wiring Configured for Plug N Use,
Eliminates Incorrect Motor Rotation
	 Lift Station Skids Integrated on the Redfox Treatment
Unit Skid for Ease of Transport
	 Connection Piping Provided and Stored on the
Treatment Plant Skid
	 Optional Configurations for Temperatures -40F to 136F
redFox速 Vacuum (VCHT) Systems 
Collection Holding Systems
redFox速 VHCT systems are made with proven technology
and the highest quality components.
redFox速 VHCT systems are low maintenance and operator
redFox速 VHCT systems are flexible and can be designed in
many different variations.
redFox速 VHCT systemss can be stand alone or integrated
into the sewage treatment tank.
redFox速 engineering department can provide custom
designed tanks for the VCHT system to fit the customers
design and space requirements.
	 High velocity discharge prevents line clogging
	 Small diameter collection piping (1 村 to 4) - Reduces
weight, installation  maintenance costs
	 Ability to collect wastewater in situations where the
water must go up to accommodate piping constraints
	 Conserves water consumption for installations with
limited water supply
WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL  GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE
redFox速 Macerator  Grinder Units
Grinder  Macerator tanks are commonly used to transport
and reduce the particulate size of the solids in wastewater
These tanks can be used to lift the wastewater stream
to the inlet of our redFox速 units or reduce the size of the
particulate to send to the sea.
redFox速 Grinder Tanks consist of the pump, a tank, and a
control panel. A cutting mechanism macerates waste and
grinds the sewage. The pump is controlled by a level float
sensor on demand.
	 Control Panel for Simplex Pump Operation
	 H/O/A Level Control
	 Skid Mounted with Lifting Lugs
	 (macerates to 村solid or less)
	 External or Internal Mounted Pumps
	 Submersible Sewage Handling Pump
	 Simplex or Duplex Configurations
redFox速 Cajun Crusher
Trash Compactors
Top Performance Under Harsh Conditions
The redFox速 Environmental Cajun CrusherTM was
specifically engineered to perform under the rigorous
demands placed on equipment operating in the marine
industry. High performance levels and product dependability
demanded of all redFox速 Environmental products are built
into every model.
The redFox速 Environmental Cajun Crusher line is designed
to deliver trouble-free service, with continuous operation
and normal routine maintenance. With an estimated life
expectancy of 15 years, the redFox速 Cajun Crusher will
also deliver true economic value.
Simple to Operate
You wont have to send your personnel to school to learn to
operate the redFox速 Cajun Crusher. The controls are easily
accessible in a closeable panel, and gives the operator total
control from one station.
Safety Is Extremely Important
Operator safety was given a high priority in the development
of the redFox速 Cajun Crusher product line. Structurally,
all models of the redFox速 Cajun Crusher are fabricated
to withstand heavy loads and constant use without failure.
Wiring harnesses and all electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic
components are routed to afford maximum safety to
personnel as well as provide efficient performance. Controls
are housed in explosionproof protectors where needed. The
vast majority of our units are air operated using techniques
that deliver foolproof operation.
Specifications The redFox速 Cajun Crusher is available in
(3) models: 12 ft3, 30 ft3, and 40 ft3.
WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL  GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE
redFox速 Low Volume Flush Toilets
Self Contained Compact Toilets
Only 1 Gallon Per Flush
Self Contained Toilets Ideal for tight spaces
redFox速 Environmental is proud to offer a compact line
of marine toilets. The redFox速 marine toilet is a self-
contained toilet thats ideal for fitting into tight spots where
conventional toilets cant fit.
This modern shaped self-contained toilet is very water
efficient, using just one gallon of water per flush.
redFox速 Cleaning Products
Self Contained Compact Toilets
Only 1 Gallon Per Flush
The following is a list of approved products that have been manufactured within the biological and chemical parameters
required to not upset the delicate balance of your redFox速 Environmental Wastewater Treatment System. These products are
biologically and chemically balanced so as not to harm the environment.
	 RedFox Bacteria Concentrate
	 RedFox M12 Nutrient Feed
	 RedFox Chlorine Test Kit
	 RedFox Test Kit
	 RedFox All Purpose Bathroom Cleaner
	 RedFox Dishwashing Powder
	 RedFox Laundry Detergent
	 RedFox Multi-Purpose Heavy Duty Cleaner/Degreaser
	 RedFox Heavy Duty Degreaser Concentrated

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RedFox Brochure

  • 1. WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL & GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE No one knows more about the treatment of wastewater and the protection of the environment than the technical and developmental team at redFox速 Environmental. redFox速 Environmental was the original pioneer company in the development of packaged sewage treatment systems. redFox速 Environmental was also instrumental in the development of the MSD federal regulations for the United States Coast Guard back in the mid 1970s. redFox速 Environmental is the elite manufacturer of wastewater treatment systems. redFox速 Conventional Units Land Based & Fixed Offshore Platform Sewage Units USCG Certified Type II MSD The Conventional Series Sewage Unit is specifically designed for fixed offshore platforms and land based installations. Using the extended aeration process, the unit is portable and easy to install and operate. The structure and components of the redFox速 units are built for a 20-year service life in the harshest conditions. Some of the first units we ever built are still in operation today. THE BENEFITS: Capacity: 100 to 20,000 GPD From 2 to 666 Persons USCG Certified Sewage Treatment Systems Offered in standard configuration or customized for space limitations Low maintenance time and Operational Costs Low power/utility consumption No odor Utilizes common household bleach Reasonably priced Operates with fresh or saltwater The entire redFox速 Environmental Marine Series Units are Bureau Veritas certified for IMO Resolution MEPC 159(55). The IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee resolution applies to all sewage treatment systems installed onboard on or after January 1, 2010. GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS
  • 2. WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE redFox速 Marine Series (Fiberglass) Units THE BENEFITS: Capacities: Crew sizes from 4 To 100 Fiberglass will not corrode - no coatings/paint required Layered to 1/4 to 1/2 thickness Two Tank Configuration Low Maintenance Time and operational costs Low Power/Utility Consumption No odours Utilizes common household bleach for disinfection. Operates with fresh or saltwater IMO USCG certified The redFox速 Marine series clarifier operates under head pressure that ensures proper separation and solids settling. The results are a very clean water discharge quality. Our competitors utilize an open style clarifier that is susceptible to problems caused by movement. Solids do not separate or settle properly. This will negatively affect the discharge water quality. redFox速 Marine Series (Metal Units) Units THE BENEFITS: Capacities: Crew sizes from 2 To 750 Low Maintenance Time and operational costs Low Power/Utility Consumption No odours Utilises common household bleach for disinfection. Operates with fresh or saltwater The redFox速 Marine series clarifier operates under a fluid head pressure allowing flocculation and settling solids in the clarification chamber to occur even when the vessel is in motion. The clarifier chamber is totally enclosed and between 400 and 600 mm lower than the waterline in the aeration chamber. This ensures the water discharge quality is superior to all of our competitors. Our competitors utilize an open style clarifier and are susceptible to problems caused by vibration and rolling seas. Solids do not settle properly and will negatively affect the discharge water quality. GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS
  • 3. WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE redFox速 FoxPac速 Series Units Marine Vessels offshore Platforms USCG Certified Type II MSD THE BENEFITS: Capacity: 50 - 2,500 GPD Crew sizes from 1 to 125 Low power/utility consumption No odor Utilizes common household bleach for disinfection Reasonably priced Operates with fresh or saltwater Smaller than redFox速 marine series The FoxPac速 Series is designed primarily for motor vessels that have limited space and weight capacity for a sewage processing system. The FoxPac速 Series unit is efficient, low maintenance and provides a trouble free waste disposal solution in compliance with United States Coast Guard regulations. (USCG certified Type II MSD). redFox速 FoxPac速 Fiberglass Units Marine Vessels offshore Platforms USCG Certified Type II MSD THE BENEFITS: Capacity: 50 - 350 GPD FoxPac速 Fiberglass Series is suitable for small vessel applications Crew sizes from 1 to 18 USCG Certified Sewage Treatment Systems Offered in standard configuration to meet our customers specifications and space limitations Low power/utility consumption No odour Utilizes common household bleach for disinfection Reasonably priced Operates with fresh or saltwater GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS
  • 4. WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE redFox速 Land Drilling Rig/Camp Units Sewage Treatment Packages redFox速 Environmental Services, Inc. specialises in manufacturing land drilling rig /camp sewage treatment packages. We provide complete treatment packages for all of the wastewater to ensure your site complies with local, regional and country discharge regulations. Our standard units can be adapted for high or low temperature locations. A TYPICAL PACKAGE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: Sewage Treatment Unit for Rig Sites and Camp Sites Lift Stations / Tank Feeds the Wastewater from Ground Level to the Inlet of the Treatment Unit Grease Trap for the Kitchen Drain Line to Remove Oil from the Wastewater Stream UNIQUE LAND DRILLING RIG / CAMP PACKAGE FEATURES Structural Skid Base w/Tailboard Loading System Extreme Temp Blower Motor with Rotary Lobe Blower Belt Drive Assembly Additional Stiffeners and Piping Supports Installed for Transportation in Poor Road Conditions 316 Stainless Steel Air Header Piping All Control Panels Wiring Configured for Plug N Use, Eliminates Incorrect Motor Rotation Lift Station Skids Integrated on the Redfox Treatment Unit Skid for Ease of Transport Connection Piping Provided and Stored on the Treatment Plant Skid Optional Configurations for Temperatures -40F to 136F redFox速 Vacuum (VCHT) Systems Collection Holding Systems redFox速 VHCT systems are made with proven technology and the highest quality components. redFox速 VHCT systems are low maintenance and operator friendly. redFox速 VHCT systems are flexible and can be designed in many different variations. redFox速 VHCT systemss can be stand alone or integrated into the sewage treatment tank. redFox速 engineering department can provide custom designed tanks for the VCHT system to fit the customers design and space requirements. redFox速 VCHT SYSTEMS ARE ADVANTAGEOUS BY DESIGN... High velocity discharge prevents line clogging Small diameter collection piping (1 村 to 4) - Reduces weight, installation maintenance costs Ability to collect wastewater in situations where the water must go up to accommodate piping constraints Conserves water consumption for installations with limited water supply GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS
  • 5. WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE redFox速 Macerator Grinder Units Grinder Macerator tanks are commonly used to transport and reduce the particulate size of the solids in wastewater flows. These tanks can be used to lift the wastewater stream to the inlet of our redFox速 units or reduce the size of the particulate to send to the sea. redFox速 Grinder Tanks consist of the pump, a tank, and a control panel. A cutting mechanism macerates waste and grinds the sewage. The pump is controlled by a level float sensor on demand. TYPICAL FEATURES: Control Panel for Simplex Pump Operation H/O/A Level Control Skid Mounted with Lifting Lugs (macerates to 村solid or less) External or Internal Mounted Pumps Submersible Sewage Handling Pump Simplex or Duplex Configurations redFox速 Cajun Crusher Trash Compactors Top Performance Under Harsh Conditions The redFox速 Environmental Cajun CrusherTM was specifically engineered to perform under the rigorous demands placed on equipment operating in the marine industry. High performance levels and product dependability demanded of all redFox速 Environmental products are built into every model. The redFox速 Environmental Cajun Crusher line is designed to deliver trouble-free service, with continuous operation and normal routine maintenance. With an estimated life expectancy of 15 years, the redFox速 Cajun Crusher will also deliver true economic value. Simple to Operate You wont have to send your personnel to school to learn to operate the redFox速 Cajun Crusher. The controls are easily accessible in a closeable panel, and gives the operator total control from one station. Safety Is Extremely Important Operator safety was given a high priority in the development of the redFox速 Cajun Crusher product line. Structurally, all models of the redFox速 Cajun Crusher are fabricated to withstand heavy loads and constant use without failure. Wiring harnesses and all electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic components are routed to afford maximum safety to personnel as well as provide efficient performance. Controls are housed in explosionproof protectors where needed. The vast majority of our units are air operated using techniques that deliver foolproof operation. Specifications The redFox速 Cajun Crusher is available in (3) models: 12 ft3, 30 ft3, and 40 ft3. GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS
  • 6. WWW.RAINBOSUPPLIES.COM Product Sourcing for global client demand: OIL GAS | MINING | RENEWABLES | POWER | MARINE redFox速 Low Volume Flush Toilets Self Contained Compact Toilets Only 1 Gallon Per Flush Self Contained Toilets Ideal for tight spaces redFox速 Environmental is proud to offer a compact line of marine toilets. The redFox速 marine toilet is a self- contained toilet thats ideal for fitting into tight spots where conventional toilets cant fit. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This modern shaped self-contained toilet is very water efficient, using just one gallon of water per flush. redFox速 Cleaning Products Self Contained Compact Toilets Only 1 Gallon Per Flush The following is a list of approved products that have been manufactured within the biological and chemical parameters required to not upset the delicate balance of your redFox速 Environmental Wastewater Treatment System. These products are biologically and chemically balanced so as not to harm the environment. CONSUMABLES PRODUCTS RedFox Bacteria Concentrate RedFox M12 Nutrient Feed RedFox Chlorine Test Kit RedFox Test Kit JANITORIAL CLEANING PRODUCTS RedFox All Purpose Bathroom Cleaner RedFox Dishwashing Powder RedFox Laundry Detergent RedFox Multi-Purpose Heavy Duty Cleaner/Degreaser RedFox Heavy Duty Degreaser Concentrated GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS