This document provides an overview and summary of Redis, including:
1. Redis is an open source, in-memory key-value database that can persist to disk, with data types like strings, lists, sets, and ordered sets. It supports master-slave replication and various languages.
2. Redis performance was tested at 110,000 writes/sec and 81,000 reads/sec under 50 concurrent requests with strings of 256 bytes.
3. Redis features include sharding, master-slave replication, virtual memory, and AOF persistence. It supports various data types including strings, lists, sets, sorted sets with common operations.
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logfile stdout
#设置数据库的数量,默认连接的数据库是 0,可以通过 select N 来连接不同的数据库
databases 16
#保存数据到 disk 的策略
#当有一条 Keys 数据被改变是,900 秒刷新到 disk 一次
save 900 1
#当有 10 条 Keys 数据被改变时,300 秒刷新到 disk 一次
save 300 10
#当有 1w 条 keys 数据被改变时,60 秒刷新到 disk 一次
save 60 10000
#当 dump .rdb 数据库的时候是否压缩数据对象
rdbcompression yes
#dump 数据库的数据保存的文件名
dbfilename dump.rdb
#Redis 的工作目录
dir /home/falcon/redis-2.0.0/
########### Replication #####################
#Redis 的复制配置
# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>
# masterauth <master-password>
############## SECURITY ###########
# requirepass foobared
############### LIMITS ##############
# maxclients 128
# maxmemory <bytes>
########## APPEND ONLY MODE #########
appendonly no
# 刷新日志到 disk 的规则
# appendfsync always
appendfsync everysec
# appendfsync no
################ VIRTUAL MEMORY ###########
#是否开启 VM 功能
vm-enabled no
# vm-enabled yes
vm-swap-file logs/redis.swap
vm-max-memory 0
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vm-page-size 32
vm-pages 134217728
vm-max-threads 4
############# ADVANCED CONFIG ###############
glueoutputbuf yes
hash-max-zipmap-entries 64
hash-max-zipmap-value 512
#是否重置 Hash 表
activerehashing yes
启动 Redis
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-server redis.conf
检测 Redis 是否启动:
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ netstat -an -t
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ps -ef|grep redis-server
falcon 7663 1 0 02:29 ? 00:00:00 ./redis-server redis.conf
Redis 的数据类型:
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli -h
usage: redis-cli [-h host] [-p port] [-a authpw] [-r repeat_times] [-n db_num] [-i] cmd arg1 arg2
arg3 ... argN
usage: echo "argN" | redis-cli -c [-h host] [-p port] [-a authpw] [-r repeat_times] [-n db_num] cmd
arg1 arg2 ... arg(N-1)
Redis 根据 5 种不同的数据类型来操作数据对象:
操作 String 类型的值:
Command Parameters Description
SET key value Set a key to a string value
GET key Return the string value of the key
GETSET key value Set a key to a string returning the old value of the
MGET key1 key2 ... keyN Multi-get, return the strings values of the keys
SETNX key value Set a key to a string value if the key does not exist
SETEX key time value Set+Expire combo command
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MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 ... keyN valueN Set multiple keys to multiple
values in a single atomic operation
MSETNX key1 value1 key2 value2 ... keyN valueN Set multiple keys to multiple
values in a single atomic operation if none of the keys already exist
INCR key Increment the integer value of key
INCRBY key integer Increment the integer value of key by integer
DECR key Decrement the integer value of key
DECRBY key integer Decrement the integer value of key by integer
APPEND key value Append the specified string to the string stored at
SUBSTR key start end Return a substring of a larger string
SET 操作
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli -n 0 set uid_001 Falcon.C
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli -n 0 set uid_002 Falcon
表示向数据库 0 中插入字符串 key 为 uid_001,value 为 Falcon.C 的字符串
GET 操作
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli -n 0 get uid_001
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli get uid_001
表示获取数据库为 0,key 为 uid_001 的字符串,因为在不指定数据编号的情况下,默认连
接的是 0 数据库,所以可以省略-n 参数
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli getset uid_002 ""
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli get uid_002
表示返回指定 key 的原始值,并指定一个新值给他
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli mget uid_001 uid_002
1. "Falcon.C"
2. ""
表示获取多个 key 的值
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli setnx uid_001_email ""
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表示返回指定 key 的 value 的部分字符串
操作 lists 类型的值:(列表)
Command Parameters Description
RPUSH key value Append an element to the tail of the List value at key
LPUSH key value Append an element to the head of the List value at key
LLEN key Return the length of the List value at key
LRANGE key start end Return a range of elements from the List at key
LTRIM key start end Trim the list at key to the specified range of elements
LINDEX key index Return the element at index position from the List at key
LSET key index value Set a new value as the element at index position of the
List at key
LREM key count value Remove the first-N, last-N, or all the elements matching
value from the List at key
LPOP key Return and remove (atomically) the first element of the
List at key
RPOP key Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the
List at key
BLPOP key1 key2 ... keyN timeout Blocking LPOP
BRPOP key1 key2 ... keyN timeout Blocking RPOP
RPOPLPUSH srckey dstkey Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the
source List stored at srckey and push the same element to the destination List stored at dstkey
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli rpush list_001 0000001
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli rpush list_001 0000002
(integer) 2
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli rpush list_001 0000003
(integer) 3
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lrange list_001 0 3
1. "0000001"
2. "0000002"
3. "0000003"
表示向指定 key 的 list 的后面(右边)追加指定的 value
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lpush list_001 000099
(integer) 4
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lpush list_001 000098
(integer) 5
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lpush list_001 000097
(integer) 6
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3. "000099"
表示删除指定 key 的 list 里面最前面(左边)的值,并返回该值
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lrange list_001 0 9
1. "100097"
2. "000098"
3. "000099"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli rpop list_001
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lrange list_001 0 9
1. "100097"
2. "000098"
表示删除指定 key 的 list 里面最后面(右边)的值,并返回该值
在阻塞的模式下执行 LPOP 和 RPOP 操作
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lrange list_001 0 9
1. "100097"
2. "000098"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli rpoplpush list_001 list_999
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lrange list_001 0 9
1. "100097"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli lrange list_999 0 6
1. "000098"
表示将原 key 的 list 后面(右边)的值删掉,并保存到指定的目的 key 中,并返回该值
操作 sets 类型的值:(sets 集合)
Command Parameters Description
SADD key member Add the specified member to the Set value at key
SREM key member Remove the specified member from the Set value at key
SPOP key Remove and return (pop) a random element from the Set
value at key
SMOVE srckey dstkey member Move the specified member from one Set to another
SCARD key Return the number of elements (the cardinality) of the Set at
SISMEMBER key member Test if the specified value is a member of the Set at key
SINTER key1 key2 ... keyN Return the intersection between the Sets stored at key1,
key2, ..., keyN
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SINTERSTORE dstkey key1 key2 ... keyN Compute the intersection between the Sets stored at key1,
key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey
SUNION key1 key2 ... keyN Return the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ...,
SUNIONSTORE dstkey key1 key2 ... keyN Compute the union between the Sets stored at
key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey
SDIFF key1 key2 ... keyN Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all
the Sets key2, ..., keyN
SDIFFSTORE dstkey key1 key2 ... keyN Compute the difference between the Set key1
and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at
SMEMBERS key Return all the members of the Set value at key
SRANDMEMBER key Return a random member of the Set value at key
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli sadd s_001 "Falcon.C"
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli sadd s_001 "Falcon"
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_001
1. "Falcon"
2. "Falcon.C"
表示向指定 key 的集合中添加成员
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_001
1. "Falcon"
2. "Falcon.C"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli srem s_001 Falcon
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_001
1. "Falcon.C"
表示删除指定 key 的指定 Value 成员值
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_001
1. "Falcon.C"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli sadd s_001 ""
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli sadd s_001 ""
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli sadd s_001 ""
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[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_004
1. "000003"
2. "Falcon.C"
3. "000001"
4. ""
5. "000002"
6. "00000099"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_003
1. "000003"
2. "000001"
3. "00000099"
4. "000002"
表示返回指定 key 的所有 sets 集合的成员
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli smembers s_003
1. "000003"
2. "000001"
3. "00000099"
4. "000002"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli srandmember s_003
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli srandmember s_003
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli srandmember s_003
表示返回一个给定 key 的 sets 集合中随机的一个成员
操作 zsets 类型的值:(排序后的 sets 集合)
Command Parameters Description
ZADD key score member Add the specified member to the Sorted Set value at key
or update the score if it already exist
ZREM key member Remove the specified member from the Sorted Set value
at key
ZINCRBY key increment member If the member already exists increment its score by
increment, otherwise add the member setting increment
as score
ZRANK key member Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at
key, with scores being ordered from low to high
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ZREVRANK key member Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at
key, with scores being ordered from high to low
ZRANGE key start end Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key
ZREVRANGE key start end Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key,
exactly like ZRANGE, but the sorted set is ordered in
traversed in reverse order, from the greatest to the
smallest score
ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max Return all the elements with score >= min and score <=
max (a range query) from the sorted set
ZCOUNT key min max Return the number of elements with score >= min and
score <= max in the sorted set
ZCARD key Return the cardinality (number of elements) of the sorted
set at key
ZSCORE key element Return the score associated with the specified element of
the sorted set at key
ZREMRANGEBYRANK key min max Remove all the elements with rank >= min and rank <=
max from the sorted set
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max Remove all the elements with score >= min and score <=
max from the sorted set
SUM|MIN|MAX Perform a union or intersection over a number of sorted sets with optional
weight and aggregate
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zadd z_001 1 "Falcon.C"
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zadd z_001 1 "Falcon"
(integer) 0
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zadd z_001 1 "LinuxTone"
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zrange z_001 0 4
1. "Falcon"
2. "Falcon.C"
3. "LinuxTone"
表示通过给定的积分顺序插入成员值到指定的 key 的顺序 sets 集合中,如果成员存在则插入
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zrange z_001 0 4
1. "Falcon"
2. "Falcon.C"
3. "LinuxTone"
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zrem z_001 Falcon
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zrange z_001 0 4
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[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zscore z_001
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zscore z_001
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zremrangebyscore z_001 2 2
(integer) 2
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli zrange z_001 0 10
1. ""
2. ""
表示删除通过指定 key 的排序 sets 集合中给定范围积分的成员(通过积分范围删除成员)
表示通过指定的 keys 做交际或者并集,并将结果保存到指定的结果集中
操作 hash 类型的值:
Command Parameters Description
HSET key field value Set the hash field to the specified value. Creates the
hash if needed.
HGET key field Retrieve the value of the specified hash field.
HMGET key field1 ... fieldN Get the hash values associated to the specified
HMSET key field1 value1 ... fieldN valueN Set the hash fields to their respective
HINCRBY key field integer Increment the integer value of the hash at key on
field with integer.
HEXISTS key field Test for existence of a specified field in a hash
HDEL key field Remove the specified field from a hash
HLEN key Return the number of items in a hash.
HKEYS key Return all the fields in a hash.
HVALS key Return all the values in a hash.
HGETALL key Return all the fields and associated values in a hash.
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli hset h_uid uid001 'Falcon.C'
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli hset h_uid uid002 'NetSeek'
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli hset h_uid uid003 'LinuxTone'
(integer) 1
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli hkeys h_uid
1. "uid001"
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2. "uid002"
3. "uid003"
4. "uid004"
5. "uid005"
表示返回指定 hash 的所有 key
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli hvals h_uid
1. "Falcon.C"
2. "NetSeek"
3. "LinuxTone"
4. ""
5. ""
表示返回指定 hash 的所有 value
[ ~/redis-2.0.0]$ ./redis-cli hgetall h_uid
1. "uid001"
2. "Falcon.C"
3. "uid002"
4. "NetSeek"
5. "uid003"
6. "LinuxTone"
7. "uid004"
8. ""
9. "uid005"
10. ""
表示返回指定 hash 的所有字段及关联的值
Command Parameters Description
SORT key BY pattern LIMIT start end GET pattern ASC|DESC ALPHA Sort a
Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters
SAVE - Synchronously save the DB on disk
BGSAVE - Asynchronously save the DB on disk
LASTSAVE - Return the UNIX time stamp of the last successfully saving
of the dataset on disk
SHUTDOWN - Synchronously save the DB on disk, then shutdown the
BGREWRITEAOF - Rewrite the append only file in background when it gets
too big
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INFO - Provide information and statistics about the server
MONITOR - Dump all the received requests in real time
SLAVEOF - Change the replication settings
CONFIG - Configure a Redis server at runtime
Redis 的 master/slave 复制:
Redis 的 master/slave 数据复制方式可以是一主一从或者是一主多从的方式,Redis 在
master 是非阻塞模式,也就是说在 slave 执行数据同步的时候,master 是可以接受客户端的
请求的,并不影响同步数据的一致性,然而在 slave 端是阻塞模式的,slave 在同步 master
Redis 的 master/slave 模式下,master 提供数据读写服务,而 slave 只提供读服务
Redis 的 master/slave 的配置方式是在 slave 主机的 Redis 目录下的 redis.conf 配置文件中
slaveof master_ip master_port
我们配置我们的 slave 为:redis-slave.conf
daemonize yes
port 6380
timeout 300
loglevel verbose
logfile stdout
databases 16
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
rdbcompression yes
dbfilename dump-slave.rdb
dir /home/falcon/redis-2.0.0/
slaveof 6379
appendonly no
appendfsync everysec
vm-enabled no
vm-swap-file logs/redis-slave.swap
vm-max-memory 0
vm-page-size 32