I intend to show how similar hackers are to rednecks. In doing so I hope
to encourage people to be more accepting of rednecks. Hackers and the
greater InfoSec community has always been one of acceptance. So to are
rednecks. They will invite you over, feed you, and be your best friend.
Even though rednecks are getting more attention as of late, it's the
wrong kind of attention.
Many of the InfoSec folks I know are from small towns in the south.
Furthermore, I'm learning that almost every state has a redneck
population. There have been sightings in Ohio and Alaska. I believe
that there may be a link between rednecks and hackers in that many
hackers grew up in small, poor towns with relatives that were intuitive
problem solvers.
Both groups have to visualize the solution in their minds first and
then, once complete, manifest it into reality.
Hackers and rednecks possess a strong desire to forge their own way.
They both employee creativity to solving problems. And both groups often
end up doing things themselves rather than waiting for someone to offer
something for sale.
And, and if you need further convincing. Hackers and rednecks love to
binge drink. Seriously. With lots of other people also binge drinking.
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Rednecksec The intersection of Rednecks and Hackers
2. Introduction
Rednecks get a bad rep. I think there are a lot of similarities between rednecks and hackers. Hopefully by the
time I’m finished you’ll at least consider the same thing.
3. Obilgatory?credential?slide
Grew up in Alexander County, North Carolina (2010 Pop. 37,198)
Home of Harry Gant: Driver of the Skol Bandit race car
+ - Lots of farms (cattle, chickens, tobacco, cotton, etc) - Went to the public High School (surrounded by
4. Bobby?Mojo
Was discussing nick names one day at work
Co-workers thought I reminded them of Ricky Bobby from Taledaga Nights
I believe this was because of the redneck association. I lived in NC mountains at the time.
They came up with some complexish rules which I’ll explain with an example.
The first half of you "Bobby Name" is the first two letters of your last name. If the second letter
of your last name is not a vowel, then the next letter from your last name is added on until you
find the first vowel. The second half of your "Bobby Name" is made up of simply the first two
letters of your first name.
Mojo is a shortened form of Bobby Mojo.
Mojo is derived from (Jo)n (Mo)lesa, then swap places.
MoJo, then tack a "Bobby" on the front and BAM Bobby Mojo
Shouts to Bobby Stabr, Bobby Noda (Dr. Drupal), Boby Yuchi, and Bobby Bema
Bobby name generator:
5. What?is?a?Redneck
Love to laugh, make others laugh, and have fun
A hardcore do it yourself attitude
Love driving in the snow and the opportunity to pull someone out of the ditch
Loves BIG trucks
Excessive drinking
Excessive group drinking
Full of "Ideas" usually originating during afore mentioned drinking time
Often resource limited ($)
Creative problem solvers
Guns, guns, guns!!!
6. What?is?a?hacker?
Often resource limited ($)
A hardcore do it yourself attitude
Excessive drinking
Excessive group drinking
Full of "Ideas" usually originating during afore mentioned drinking time
Creative problem solvers
Guns, guns, guns!!!
8. Rednecks?Portrayed?in?Media
Most focus on the idiotic crap they do
Usually involve near death expirements
Or the unintentional? destruction of private property
Meant to illustrate how dumb rednecks are
19. Rocket?City?Rednecks?(National?Geographic)
This one is an exception. Focuses on ingenuity. These guys are actual rocket scientists and more importantly
The very first episode they bomb proof a truck with beer cans, PVC, and Plywood.
Note: PVC was invented by a southerner
37. Cool?Dog?Bed
Redneck? This is well-designed and clever.
— darwinpolice
As a redneck, that’s usually the case. We aren’t stupid, just poor. Well, some of us are stupid
and poor.
— MrBananaBeak
39. Story?Time
A man named Clive grew up in his Dad’s small business
Drpped out of school in the 6th grade
Bought his Dad’s business
He dreamt up and had built pneumatic powered machines
They would take raw blank material in one side
Spit cut and drilled pieces out the other side
40. Conclusion
Rednecks are a VERY inventive bunch
They are extremly creative problem solvers
They don’t let the lack of resources ($$$) stop them
Yes things don’t aways work out as expected
But hey! At least they tried something
If you’re from the South, embrace your Redneck side