RedZone tracks wildfires and other natural disasters. We calculate total potential impact and help clients understand their exposure in near real-time.
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RedZone - Smart Intelligence for natural disaster tracking
4. A Brief History
Today, exclusively focused on serving P/C and
commercial insurance and public utility markets.
Geospatial technologies with deep experience
in emergency management
Headquartered in Boulder, CO, with a fully staffed
Intelligence Center located in San Diego, CA
Founded in 2003 to develop tactical fire planning
and response software for first responders
One foot in the black, One foot in the boardroom
Our ability to respond to complex disaster scenes and deliver informed intelligence and
analytics to executive teams makes RedZone a unique partner
4Proprietary and Confidential
5. 100 acre fire
breaks out
Your boss is watching
the news and picks up
Youre at a meeting in
5Proprietary and Confidential
When Disasters Become a Crisis for You
6. 6 Keys to Accurate Tracking - RZAlert
02 Analyst Support
05 Flexible Delivery
01 Automated Collection
03 Calculate Potential
04 Proprietary Ranking
06 Pricing
6Proprietary and Confidential
7. 7
Where We Source Our Intelligence
Federal Geospatial
infrared aerial mapping
Satellite data
IMT teams
RedZone subscribes to a variety of
media sources: commercial,
public, and social. Data is
automatically aggregated and
correlated to existing incidents
before being published
Dispatch Centers
RedZones highly sensitive data
collectors capture E911 data
directly from the source,
allowing earlier notification in
high risk areas
Intel Center and IMT Reps
Perimeter information is
collected and published by
RedZones professional
intelligence analysts and
incident liaisons
Proprietary and Confidential
8. The RedZone Intelligence Center
Fully staffed Intelligence Center located in San Diego, CA.
Open 7 days, 18 hours per day (24/7 as needed)
Provides Daily Intelligence Briefings to Operations and
Executive teams
Custom mapping and analysis for large incidents
On scene representation and data collection
8Proprietary and Confidential
9. Early Updates on Fast Moving Incidents
For fast moving fires, RZAlert offers a consistent stream
of Reports on Conditions. This illustrates typical updates
for a moderate fire in CA.
10. Using RedZones
proprietary RZRisk model,
a fires potential impact is
now accurately calculated.
RedZone provides realistic
estimates for claims
teams, public relations,
and executive
No more 5 mile buffers!
Calculating Impact Potential
Poinsettia Fire, San Diego 2014 10
11. Risk of loss
Smoke and Evac
Risk Classifications to Refine Loss Estimates
RZRisk classifications
include zones of direct
wildfire hazard, ember
fall zones, and areas at
risk for evacuation or
smoke damage
You can easily
estimate or validate
Loss of Use and Smoke
Proprietary and Confidential
12. Hazard/Risk Rating
Minimal Likely
RZRisk Wildfire Severity and Frequency Model
RedZones Proprietary Severity and
Frequency Model RZRisk - is
available for all 50 states and provides
unique insight into a wildfires
potential impact.
Clients use RZRisk to refine exposure
calculations, improve loss estimates,
and notify policyholders who may be
affected by the incident.
12Proprietary and Confidential
13. Real-time online insight with your assets and incidents
RZAlert - Torchlight
13Proprietary and Confidential
14. Key Analytics at your Fingertips
RZAlert Dashboard provides
Catastrophe Managers with real-time
updates on exposures and incident
Dashboards can be customized
Proprietary Fire Ranking
Rank by your asset exposure
Live statistics on assets
14Proprietary and Confidential
15. Exposure Analysis
Automated calculations including
count, TIV, and more
Email Notifications
Improve situational awareness using RZAlert
email notifications.
Embedded maps
Combined map and weather dashboard
give you a quick yet complete view
Flexible Templates
Cost-effective customization for
different audiences and regions
Secure Downloads
Download policy or asset data
through our secure service
15Proprietary and Confidential
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Evacuation Monitoring
As a custom service for large fires,
RedZone provides evacuation areas in
alerts, online, and in geospatial feeds.
Extent, start/end dates, and classifications
Verify Loss of Use claims
Assist adjusters with safe and efficient
Proprietary and Confidential
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geoJSON OCG compliant services for server-to-server
Delivery Options
Online Secure geospatial web portal with incidents, assets, and
reporting. New for 2015.
Email Simple template-driven alerts with situation reports.
Used for first pass alerting for on-call CAT staff.
Mobile Custom enterprise iPad app for streaming incident and
policy intelligence. Available Q4 2015.
The OGC compliant Web Map Service Interface (WMS) for
requesting geo-registered map images. Compatible with
Google Earth and many other GIS programs.
Auto-updating KML which can be overlaid in Google
Earth. Available for incidents, perimeters, threat areas,
and evacuation areas.
18. Covered Perils
Innovative curated
Tactical and
logistical support for
field teams
Sourced from USGS
EQ program.
Leverages existing
asset hosting
Rapid impact areas
by remote analysts
Exposure analysis and
automated alerts
18Proprietary and Confidential
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Using your already hosted assets, RZAlert can deliver detailed impact analysis for
earthquake and other perils
Proprietary and Confidential
20. Additional Services
03 Program Management
Work with RedZone experts to advance
company initiatives to promote Firewise
concepts and make effective use of
available technology .
04 Aggregation Modeling
Utilize RedZones Wildfire Severity and
Frequency model (RZRisk) to meet
business goals for aggregate risk.
01 Onsite Liaison Rep.
Senior fire officials facilitate the
public-private relationship, and
represent clients in Incident
Command Posts.
02 Broker CE Classes
Custom wildfire continuing
education classes designed
specifically for P/C brokers
Proprietary and Confidential
RedZone is committed to providing top-quality, responsive, customized
services and providing the most accurate and useful intelligence.
We can provide the customizations or additional services you need.
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GeoHosting and GeoScoring
Current and accurate assets locations are the cornerstone for all tracking and analysis.
We are here to help.
GeoHosting: RedZone
provides a turn-key asset
processing, cleaning, and
hosting service to ensure
automated analytics can be
performed on your data as
disasters unfold.
GeoScoring: Optional address
and coordinate cleaning and
verification to improve
geospatial accuracy
As it applies to RentSys
22. Pricing
Pricing is calculated using 4 inputs. Our sales team can quickly generate
a detailed quote with a short discovery call.
Perils Covered
Assets Hosted
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R&D Initiatives
Curated Data Feeds
RedZone is constantly working on new
data sources and coverage, including
providing first responders with free
mapping apps
While compelling, use of drones for
large-scale data collection will need to
be standardized. RedZone is working to
support standard vendor formats to
aggregate and share data
Policyholder Communications
New delivery mechanisms for identifying
affected policyholders and providing targeted
communications and intelligence
24. The RedZone Process
RedZone GIS specialists and program management staff work with clients to
identify your specific goals and needs
Contracts and IT Review
Determine contractual requirements for production communications between
RedZone and Client
RedZones development team builds templates for geospatial feeds, web access
and email notifications
Deployment and Ongoing Support
Deploy standard operating procedures for supporting production services
24Proprietary and Confidential