Bringing the organisation with you - Susan Quain - Intranet NowIntranet Now
Care UK is a large provider of outsourced healthcare services in the UK, operating facilities across the country. It needed a new intranet due to workforce restructuring and a more dispersed workforce. The objectives of the new intranet were to improve internal communications, boost staff morale, and create efficiencies. A project team was assembled and an engagement strategy created to help launch and adopt the new intranet, including establishing digital champions, communicating milestones, and monitoring success metrics. The new intranet provides mobile access, improved search and content management, an employee directory, and social features to better connect employees.
El turismo es la tercera industria m叩s grande del Per炭 y se centra principalmente en los sitios arqueol坦gicos, el ecoturismo en la Amazon鱈a, el turismo cultural en las ciudades coloniales y el turismo de playa. El 94% de los turistas quedan satisfechos despu辿s de visitar el Per炭 y la industria ha crecido a una tasa anual del 25% en los 炭ltimos cinco a単os. Los principales pa鱈ses de origen de los turistas extranjeros son Chile, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Reino Unido, Francia y Alemania.
Primend Pilveseminar - Windows 10 (Heiki T辰his, Microsoft MVP)Primend
Heiki T辰his, Microsoft MVP
Windows 10 sisaldab uusi v探imalusi seadmete haldamiseks, on seotud paremini pilveteenustega ja on samasugune nii arvutis kui nutiseadmes. Lisaks r辰辰gime uue Windowsi litsentsimisest ja 端leminekuv探imalustest.
This document discusses creating long-term loyalty relationships with customers. It defines key concepts like customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, lifetime value, and customer relationship management. It also provides examples of companies that have successfully built loyalty, like Harrah's and Amy's Kitchen. The document outlines steps to maximize customer lifetime value through identifying customer needs, differentiating customers, and customizing interactions. It also covers using customer databases to target offers, deepen loyalty, and avoid mistakes.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el kit de p辿rdida de peso Iaso Planet, el cual incluye Iaso Tea y Iaso Ultra HCG2. Iaso Tea contiene nueve hierbas naturales que ayudan a desintoxicar y purificar el cuerpo, mientras que Iaso Ultra HCG2 sigue el protocolo del Dr. Simeons para inducir la p辿rdida de peso a trav辿s de peque単as dosis de la hormona HCG combinadas con una dieta baja en calor鱈as, lo que puede resultar en la p辿rdida de hasta 2 libras por d鱈a
Praktiline Pilvekonverents - Siseveeb kellele ja kuidas?Primend
Inimeste informatsioonitarbimise harjumused on muutunud. Kasutajad eeldavad ligip辰辰su olulisele infole igal ajal ja igast seadmest. Toimiv infovahetus on suures ettev探ttes esmat辰htis. Kuidas aga luua siseveebi, mis t旦旦tab ja mida t旦旦tajad sooviksid kasutada? Sellest k探igest r辰辰kis Juha Koivula Blue Meteorite'ist, mis on nomineeritud maailma parima SharePointi-p探hise lahenduse auhinnale.
This document provides information about a Zipato smoke sensor, including:
- It uses Z-Wave 500 series technology for wireless communication and includes a smoke detector, sound alarm, and tamper switch.
- It has a range of 30 meters indoors, 70 meters outdoors, and can connect to other Z-Wave devices as a repeater.
- It requires a CR123A lithium battery and includes instructions for installation, setup, testing and configuration through a Z-Wave controller.
Mini jack on off and counter z wave plus everspringDomotica daVinci
Mini Jack Meter is designed to control the switching on and off lighting and electrical equipment in your home. With a voltage of 220 - 240 V, this socket can support up to 2500W (resistance), 1200 W (incandescent), 700 W (engine) or 320 W fluorescent equ
The document discusses market segmentation and provides examples of how Titan watches segments the market. It defines segmentation as grouping consumers with similar responses to marketing actions. Titan segments the market based on factors like price, style, rural vs urban, and demographics. It has watches starting at Rs. 475 for basic consumers up to luxury collections. Titan uses different brand ambassadors and collections like Fastrack, Sonata, and Aqua to target various age groups and lifestyles. This effective segmentation allows Titan to target diverse customer groups and be a leader in the Indian watch market.
This page shows the
current status of the robot and allows
sending basic commands like Clean,
Dock and Spot.
Users Remote: This page allows
sending more advanced commands
- Change robot mode (Safe, Passive,
- Control motors
- Send virtual walls
- Check battery status
- Check firmware version
Drivers Remote: This page allows
sending low level commands directly
to the robot like:
- Direct motor control
- LED control
- Buzzer control
- Sensors values
- Firmware update
Setup Wi-Fi Configuration: This
page allows configuring the Wi-Fi
parameters to connect RooWifi to
Identifying Market Segments and Targets / Marketing Management By Kotler K...Choudhry Asad
This document discusses market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. It provides the following key points:
1. Market segmentation involves identifying distinct groups of customers based on their needs and preferences. Targeting involves selecting specific segments to target, while positioning establishes the benefits of the market offering.
2. A market segment consists of customers who share similar needs and wants. Examples of segments include geographic areas, demographics, lifestyles, usage behaviors, and business characteristics.
3. Effective segmentation criteria for target selection includes segments being measurable, accessible, substantial in size/profitability, and responsive to different marketing mix elements.
The document discusses Indian culture and its impact on business. It notes that Indian culture is characterized by family and hierarchy. Business negotiations and meetings require building relationships and showing patience. Decision making happens at high levels. Western culture emphasizes individualism, materialism, and efficiency over relationships. Doing business in India requires understanding these cultural differences and allowing more time for decision making and consensus building.
Donna Bernabez was an outstanding student in Tahesha Wade's Business Management classes, meeting deadlines and regularly participating while also drawing on her experience to develop thoughtful opinions on business issues. Wade recommends Donna as a prospective employee, describing her as detail-oriented yet creative with problem-solving skills well-suited for supervision or other professional roles. Wade is available to provide further recommendation for Donna.
PPT Final Presentation-Office Timesavers-How to Increase ProductivityDonna Bernabez
This document provides tips for improving office productivity. Some key points include:
1) Prepare in advance by planning your outfit, getting enough sleep, and having a healthy breakfast at home to save time and stress before work.
2) Cut your commute time in half by shifting your workday start time earlier or later to avoid traffic.
3) Pare down what's on your desk to only what you need like a computer, phone, supplies, and inspirational photos.
4) Set up your desk to work from left to right with your inbox on the left and outbox on the right.
This document provides a recipe for a no-cook watermelon and peach salsa from Slater Farms. The recipe calls for 1 cup each of diced watermelon and peaches, 1 tablespoon each of chopped fresh mint and finely chopped red onion, and 3 tablespoons of orange juice and 1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme. The instructions explain how to dice the peaches and cube the watermelon, then mix all the ingredients together with the other components, let it chill for 30 minutes, and enjoy as a snack or party dish.
Slater Farms is a 300+ acre family farm in Tifton, Georgia owned by the Slater siblings - Mike, Alex, and Sandy. They have expanded the farm attractions to include a roadside farmer's market selling produce, baked goods, and cider; an 8,000 square foot Trio Barn housing animals and Sandy's Kitchen; a petting zoo; corn maze; pumpkin patch; apple and peach orchards; and field trips for school groups. Sandy's Kitchen offers cooking demonstrations and lessons using ingredients from the farm along with a menu of farm-fresh foods and daily specials named after farm animals. The farm welcomes visitors for family fun and farming experiences.
Donna D. Bernabez was inducted into the National Technical Honor Society in 2013 while attending Southern Crescent Technical College in Thomaston, GA. The National Technical Honor Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 to recognize excellence in career and technical education and award scholarships to members. Membership in NTHS demonstrates the skills, ability, and commitment required for success in quality-driven business and industry.
This document provides information about a Zipato smoke sensor, including:
- It uses Z-Wave 500 series technology for wireless communication and includes a smoke detector, sound alarm, and tamper switch.
- It has a range of 30 meters indoors, 70 meters outdoors, and can connect to other Z-Wave devices as a repeater.
- It requires a CR123A lithium battery and includes instructions for installation, setup, testing and configuration through a Z-Wave controller.
Mini jack on off and counter z wave plus everspringDomotica daVinci
Mini Jack Meter is designed to control the switching on and off lighting and electrical equipment in your home. With a voltage of 220 - 240 V, this socket can support up to 2500W (resistance), 1200 W (incandescent), 700 W (engine) or 320 W fluorescent equ
The document discusses market segmentation and provides examples of how Titan watches segments the market. It defines segmentation as grouping consumers with similar responses to marketing actions. Titan segments the market based on factors like price, style, rural vs urban, and demographics. It has watches starting at Rs. 475 for basic consumers up to luxury collections. Titan uses different brand ambassadors and collections like Fastrack, Sonata, and Aqua to target various age groups and lifestyles. This effective segmentation allows Titan to target diverse customer groups and be a leader in the Indian watch market.
This page shows the
current status of the robot and allows
sending basic commands like Clean,
Dock and Spot.
Users Remote: This page allows
sending more advanced commands
- Change robot mode (Safe, Passive,
- Control motors
- Send virtual walls
- Check battery status
- Check firmware version
Drivers Remote: This page allows
sending low level commands directly
to the robot like:
- Direct motor control
- LED control
- Buzzer control
- Sensors values
- Firmware update
Setup Wi-Fi Configuration: This
page allows configuring the Wi-Fi
parameters to connect RooWifi to
Identifying Market Segments and Targets / Marketing Management By Kotler K...Choudhry Asad
This document discusses market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. It provides the following key points:
1. Market segmentation involves identifying distinct groups of customers based on their needs and preferences. Targeting involves selecting specific segments to target, while positioning establishes the benefits of the market offering.
2. A market segment consists of customers who share similar needs and wants. Examples of segments include geographic areas, demographics, lifestyles, usage behaviors, and business characteristics.
3. Effective segmentation criteria for target selection includes segments being measurable, accessible, substantial in size/profitability, and responsive to different marketing mix elements.
The document discusses Indian culture and its impact on business. It notes that Indian culture is characterized by family and hierarchy. Business negotiations and meetings require building relationships and showing patience. Decision making happens at high levels. Western culture emphasizes individualism, materialism, and efficiency over relationships. Doing business in India requires understanding these cultural differences and allowing more time for decision making and consensus building.
Donna Bernabez was an outstanding student in Tahesha Wade's Business Management classes, meeting deadlines and regularly participating while also drawing on her experience to develop thoughtful opinions on business issues. Wade recommends Donna as a prospective employee, describing her as detail-oriented yet creative with problem-solving skills well-suited for supervision or other professional roles. Wade is available to provide further recommendation for Donna.
PPT Final Presentation-Office Timesavers-How to Increase ProductivityDonna Bernabez
This document provides tips for improving office productivity. Some key points include:
1) Prepare in advance by planning your outfit, getting enough sleep, and having a healthy breakfast at home to save time and stress before work.
2) Cut your commute time in half by shifting your workday start time earlier or later to avoid traffic.
3) Pare down what's on your desk to only what you need like a computer, phone, supplies, and inspirational photos.
4) Set up your desk to work from left to right with your inbox on the left and outbox on the right.
This document provides a recipe for a no-cook watermelon and peach salsa from Slater Farms. The recipe calls for 1 cup each of diced watermelon and peaches, 1 tablespoon each of chopped fresh mint and finely chopped red onion, and 3 tablespoons of orange juice and 1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme. The instructions explain how to dice the peaches and cube the watermelon, then mix all the ingredients together with the other components, let it chill for 30 minutes, and enjoy as a snack or party dish.
Slater Farms is a 300+ acre family farm in Tifton, Georgia owned by the Slater siblings - Mike, Alex, and Sandy. They have expanded the farm attractions to include a roadside farmer's market selling produce, baked goods, and cider; an 8,000 square foot Trio Barn housing animals and Sandy's Kitchen; a petting zoo; corn maze; pumpkin patch; apple and peach orchards; and field trips for school groups. Sandy's Kitchen offers cooking demonstrations and lessons using ingredients from the farm along with a menu of farm-fresh foods and daily specials named after farm animals. The farm welcomes visitors for family fun and farming experiences.
Donna D. Bernabez was inducted into the National Technical Honor Society in 2013 while attending Southern Crescent Technical College in Thomaston, GA. The National Technical Honor Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 to recognize excellence in career and technical education and award scholarships to members. Membership in NTHS demonstrates the skills, ability, and commitment required for success in quality-driven business and industry.