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Slater Farms
Stop by for a day of family fun,
and make memories that will last a lifetime!
Roadside Farmers Market
The new farmers market is a roadside market that sells the
produce grown on our farm. Whether you desire fresh fruits
and vegetables, one of Sandys homemade pies, apple cider,
homemade jams, or a candied apple, you can find it all in
our market. In addition, its open for business 61 hours per
Trio Barn
We are proud of our new 8,000 square foot Trio Barn that
houses our animals in the 6,000 square foot main room, and
a 2,000 square foot attached room that houses Sandys
Kitchen. The petting zoo is a fenced-in area located on the
north and west sides of the Trio Barn.
Third generation owners of 300+ acre Slater Farms, brothers Mike and
Alex Slater and their sister Sandy (nicknamed The Trio) have expanded
the farm to include a roadside farmers market, a barn for events and
cooking classes, a petting zoo, and a new program for school field trips.
This presentation highlights both the fun and the flavor of this farm
Sandys Kitchen
Sells delicious menu items prepared on the premises using our farm-fresh produce
in many of its menu items.
Offers cooking demonstrations twice a day featuring such items as homemade
apple pies, watermelon/peach salsa, strawberry jam, and homemade ice cream.
Offers one-on-one private cooking lessons with sandy.
Features a small dining room with handmade tables and chairs and a rustic d辿cor.
Features a picnic area with rustic tables overlooking the cornfield.
Offers daily specials, such as Betsy burgers (named after our favorite cow), Mikes
Malts (made with our own homemade ice cream), farm Fries (made with the best
potatoes in Tifton), and Harolds Hot Dogs (named after our dad).
The full menu for Sandy's Kitchen may be found at www.slaterfarms.net/menu.
Petting Zoo
A petting zoo is all about animals and education. Animals help children to learn about responsibility, care, and kindness. Our friendly animals include:
Cows (Betsy is our favorite!)
Children are allowed to feed and pet some of the animals and to ride on others. Petting zoo birthday parties are always lots of fun, and we can put together a
custom package where you get to choose which animals to include in your birthday celebration.
Our animals enjoy their visitors and our visitors enjoy our animalsan educational and delightful encounter for all!
Corn Maze
Find some fun by getting lost. Yes, theres lots of fun to be had in
our new corn maze!
Did you know that our corn maze is in the shape of our favorite
cow, Betsy?
Everyone who finishes the corn maze within 20 minutes gets a
free sugar pumpkin and a candied apple.
Pumpkin Patch
One of our most popular attractions is the 15-minute hayride to
and from the pumpkin patch. Our hayride drivers, Roland and
Roger, will entertain you with their dry humor. Theres a section of
the trail where only one hay wagon can pass at a time. If its
Rogers turn to take his hay wagon across, he says into the
walkie-talkie rollin, Roland, and Roland responds with Roger,
Roger. Youre sure to chuckle with those two in charge. Upon your
return, if you need help off of the hay wagon or to carry your
pumpkins, they are always there to assist you. And, no tipping,
Apple Orchard
Our orchard, with its 21
varieties of apples, is a popular
destination for our customers.
The most frequently asked
question is about the
sweetness and tartness of each
variety and when each variety
is in season. The following
chart provides that information.
Watermelon Patch
Our 5-acre watermelon patch produces big, plump,
juicy watermelons, both round and oblong, to be
picked and sold in our farmers market, shipped to
local grocery stores and supermarkets, and used in
Grandma Slaters Watermelon/Peach Salsa. We
grow ten different varieties of watermelons. They
1. Crimson
2. Royal sweet
3. Mirage
4. Huck Finn
5. Au Producer
6. Regency
7. Jubilee
8. Jubilation
9. Au Jubilant
10.Royal Jubilee
There is no substitute for a Georgia
At Slater Farms, we grow a variety of
Clingstone, freestone, and Semi-Freestone
peaches. You are invited to pick your own
from our orchard, or stop by our farmers
market and choose from our fresh, sweet,
ready-picked assortment.
Peach Orchard
Field Trips
Field trips to Slater Farms are both fun and educational.
Fall field trips include:
A hayride to the pumpkin patch where everyone selects and picks a pumpkin to take
A visit to the petting zoo
A candied apple from Sandys Kitchen
Admission to the corn maze
Spring field trips include:
A cooking demonstration in Sandys Kitchen
A pony ride
An ice cream cone made with our homemade ice cream
Strawberry picking
Blueberry picking
Visit www.slaterfarms.net for field trip packages and pricing.
Hours of Operation and Directions
Slater farms
1 sweet Dixie Lane
Tifton, GA 31793
Phone: 1-555-VEG-GIES (834-4437)
Fax: 1-555-SLA-TERS (752-8377)
Email: slaterfarmtrio@Georgia.net
Were Open:
Mon & Tue 8 am-5pm
Wed & Thurs 8 am-6pm
Fri 8 am-8 pm
Sat 8 am-3 pm
Sun 9 am-1 pm
For directions, visit Hours of Operation
and Directions
Thats Our Farm!
Plan to visit us very soon.
Mike, Alex, Sandy, AND BETSY!

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PPT-1 Tour

  • 1. Slater Farms Stop by for a day of family fun, and make memories that will last a lifetime!
  • 2. Roadside Farmers Market The new farmers market is a roadside market that sells the produce grown on our farm. Whether you desire fresh fruits and vegetables, one of Sandys homemade pies, apple cider, homemade jams, or a candied apple, you can find it all in our market. In addition, its open for business 61 hours per week! OPEN 61 HOURS per Week!
  • 3. Trio Barn We are proud of our new 8,000 square foot Trio Barn that houses our animals in the 6,000 square foot main room, and a 2,000 square foot attached room that houses Sandys Kitchen. The petting zoo is a fenced-in area located on the north and west sides of the Trio Barn.
  • 4. Introduction Third generation owners of 300+ acre Slater Farms, brothers Mike and Alex Slater and their sister Sandy (nicknamed The Trio) have expanded the farm to include a roadside farmers market, a barn for events and cooking classes, a petting zoo, and a new program for school field trips. This presentation highlights both the fun and the flavor of this farm experience.
  • 5. Sandys Kitchen Sells delicious menu items prepared on the premises using our farm-fresh produce in many of its menu items. Offers cooking demonstrations twice a day featuring such items as homemade apple pies, watermelon/peach salsa, strawberry jam, and homemade ice cream. Offers one-on-one private cooking lessons with sandy. Features a small dining room with handmade tables and chairs and a rustic d辿cor. Features a picnic area with rustic tables overlooking the cornfield. Offers daily specials, such as Betsy burgers (named after our favorite cow), Mikes Malts (made with our own homemade ice cream), farm Fries (made with the best potatoes in Tifton), and Harolds Hot Dogs (named after our dad). The full menu for Sandy's Kitchen may be found at www.slaterfarms.net/menu.
  • 6. Petting Zoo A petting zoo is all about animals and education. Animals help children to learn about responsibility, care, and kindness. Our friendly animals include: Chickens Cows (Betsy is our favorite!) Ducks Goats Kittens Llamas Pigs Ponies Reindeer Sheep Children are allowed to feed and pet some of the animals and to ride on others. Petting zoo birthday parties are always lots of fun, and we can put together a custom package where you get to choose which animals to include in your birthday celebration. Our animals enjoy their visitors and our visitors enjoy our animalsan educational and delightful encounter for all!
  • 7. Corn Maze Find some fun by getting lost. Yes, theres lots of fun to be had in our new corn maze! Did you know that our corn maze is in the shape of our favorite cow, Betsy? Everyone who finishes the corn maze within 20 minutes gets a free sugar pumpkin and a candied apple.
  • 8. Pumpkin Patch One of our most popular attractions is the 15-minute hayride to and from the pumpkin patch. Our hayride drivers, Roland and Roger, will entertain you with their dry humor. Theres a section of the trail where only one hay wagon can pass at a time. If its Rogers turn to take his hay wagon across, he says into the walkie-talkie rollin, Roland, and Roland responds with Roger, Roger. Youre sure to chuckle with those two in charge. Upon your return, if you need help off of the hay wagon or to carry your pumpkins, they are always there to assist you. And, no tipping, please!
  • 9. Apple Orchard Our orchard, with its 21 varieties of apples, is a popular destination for our customers. The most frequently asked question is about the sweetness and tartness of each variety and when each variety is in season. The following chart provides that information.
  • 10. Watermelon Patch Our 5-acre watermelon patch produces big, plump, juicy watermelons, both round and oblong, to be picked and sold in our farmers market, shipped to local grocery stores and supermarkets, and used in Grandma Slaters Watermelon/Peach Salsa. We grow ten different varieties of watermelons. They are: 1. Crimson Sweet 2. Royal sweet 3. Mirage 4. Huck Finn 5. Au Producer 6. Regency 7. Jubilee 8. Jubilation 9. Au Jubilant 10.Royal Jubilee
  • 11. There is no substitute for a Georgia peach! At Slater Farms, we grow a variety of Clingstone, freestone, and Semi-Freestone peaches. You are invited to pick your own from our orchard, or stop by our farmers market and choose from our fresh, sweet, ready-picked assortment. Peach Orchard
  • 12. Field Trips Field trips to Slater Farms are both fun and educational. Fall field trips include: A hayride to the pumpkin patch where everyone selects and picks a pumpkin to take home A visit to the petting zoo A candied apple from Sandys Kitchen Admission to the corn maze Spring field trips include: A cooking demonstration in Sandys Kitchen A pony ride An ice cream cone made with our homemade ice cream Strawberry picking Blueberry picking Visit www.slaterfarms.net for field trip packages and pricing.
  • 13. Hours of Operation and Directions Slater farms 1 sweet Dixie Lane Tifton, GA 31793 Phone: 1-555-VEG-GIES (834-4437) Fax: 1-555-SLA-TERS (752-8377) Email: slaterfarmtrio@Georgia.net www.slaterfarms.net Were Open: Mon & Tue 8 am-5pm Wed & Thurs 8 am-6pm Fri 8 am-8 pm Sat 8 am-3 pm Sun 9 am-1 pm For directions, visit Hours of Operation and Directions
  • 14. Thats Our Farm! Plan to visit us very soon. Mike, Alex, Sandy, AND BETSY!