Mark Hourston joined Northamptonshire County Council to lead programs redesigning older persons' services and adult social care assessments. He delivered on expectations by quickly picking up the work, achieving outputs and outcomes, and designing an new operating model. He had excellent stakeholder management and communication skills, building relationships through a personable approach and treating all with consideration. References highly recommend him due to his knowledge, interpersonal skills, ability to challenge appropriately, and integrating well into the team culture.
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Reference Maura Noone Northamptonshire CC
1. Reference forMarkHourston – NorthamptonshireCountyCouncil
1) What was the focusof the role and whatwere youlookingforthe candidate todeliver?Mark
initiallyjoinedtoleadonthe BCF Programme andlatermovedontothe OlderPersonsService
RedesignProgramme whichrequiredhimtodesignandimplementthe TargetOperatingModel for
OlderPerson’sservice,deliverefficienciesandcostsavingsthroughthe implementationof the new
TOM andredesignAdultSocial Care assessmentprocess.ThisrequiredMarktowork veryclosely
2) Did theydelivertoyourexpectations?Yeshe absolutelydid.Ididn’twanttolethimgo and was
keentokeephimforan additional fewmonthsbutthe budgetspressurepreventedme frombeing
able to dothat. Mark wasable to pickthingsup veryquickly andgetthe jobdone in termsof
achievingoutputsandoutcomes,soonthat basisIwouldlove toworkwithhimagain.
3) How wouldyoudescribe theirstakeholdermanagementandcommunicationskills?He was
excellentatmanagingstakeholdersdue tohisverystrongcommunicationsskills.He hasa very
personable andamiable approachandisable tochallenge andaskdifficultquestionswithoutever
appearingthreateningoraggressive.Markwasable to buildrelationshipswithpeopleatall levels
because of hisowncomfortand confidence inhimself andtreatall inthe same considerable
manner.The team,colleagues,managementandthe partnerorganisationsall enjoyedworkingwith
4) Please describe whatyoufeelthe candidate’score strengthsare?
Knowledgeof ASC,hisinterpersonal,communicationsskillsaswell ashisabilitytochallenge andask
the right questionsatthe righttime andinthe rightway.
5) Did theyintegrate wellintothe team/existingculture?
Yes Mark didthisverywell andhe because part of the team veryquickly.
6) Wouldyou re-employhim?Iwouldabsolutelyre-employhimandhighlyrecommendhimtothe
future employers!
7) Dated of Employment:January2016 – December2016