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5 December 2014
To whom it may concern
It is a pleasure to write this reference for Anastasia Raptis. She participated in a
secondment with the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Womens Council (NPY
Womens Council), Domestic and Family Violence Service in Alice Springs from 20 October
to 27 November 2014. Anastasia was a committed colleague during her secondment.
The NPY Women's Council Domestic and Family Violence Service is a grass roots, member
led indigenous womens corporation delivering human services across the tri state region of
South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, also known as the NPY
lands. The central purpose of the NPW Womens Council is to relieve poverty, sickness,
destitution, distress, suffering, misfortune or helplessness experienced by Aboriginal people
of the NPY Indigenous Australian communities. This year we acknowledged and
commemorated our 20 year anniversary of the Service.
During her time with us on secondment Anastasia was a positive, professional, dedicated
resourceful individual who had the ability to ensure all issues were dealt with in a
thoughtful manner. She must be commended for her all her work in planning and
facilitating this event that ran seamlessly on 25 November 2014. The event coincided with
White Ribbon Day; an international day of men saying no to violence against women. The
highlights included a morning tea and DVD launch with over 80 guests; a Q&A panel
discussion in Alice Springs which over 40 people in attendance; and facilitated a thank you
Bush Picnic in the evening for NPY Womens Council Directors and interstate guests.
Anastasia contributed positively with the team throughout the time she was on secondment
with us. I was impressed by Anastasias professionalism, commitment, determination, and
I am happy to discuss this reference further with you and can be contacted on (08) 8958
Yours faithfully
Emily Di Cesare
Domestic and Family Violence Service Manager

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reference to Anastasia Jawun

  • 1. 5 December 2014 To whom it may concern It is a pleasure to write this reference for Anastasia Raptis. She participated in a secondment with the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Womens Council (NPY Womens Council), Domestic and Family Violence Service in Alice Springs from 20 October to 27 November 2014. Anastasia was a committed colleague during her secondment. The NPY Women's Council Domestic and Family Violence Service is a grass roots, member led indigenous womens corporation delivering human services across the tri state region of South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, also known as the NPY lands. The central purpose of the NPW Womens Council is to relieve poverty, sickness, destitution, distress, suffering, misfortune or helplessness experienced by Aboriginal people of the NPY Indigenous Australian communities. This year we acknowledged and commemorated our 20 year anniversary of the Service. During her time with us on secondment Anastasia was a positive, professional, dedicated resourceful individual who had the ability to ensure all issues were dealt with in a thoughtful manner. She must be commended for her all her work in planning and facilitating this event that ran seamlessly on 25 November 2014. The event coincided with White Ribbon Day; an international day of men saying no to violence against women. The highlights included a morning tea and DVD launch with over 80 guests; a Q&A panel discussion in Alice Springs which over 40 people in attendance; and facilitated a thank you Bush Picnic in the evening for NPY Womens Council Directors and interstate guests. Anastasia contributed positively with the team throughout the time she was on secondment with us. I was impressed by Anastasias professionalism, commitment, determination, and dedication. I am happy to discuss this reference further with you and can be contacted on (08) 8958 2375. Yours faithfully Emily Di Cesare Domestic and Family Violence Service Manager