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Abstract ............................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 2
Division of memory .......................................................................................... 2
Methods of memory testing .............................................................................. 3
Alzheimer' s disease .......................................................................................... 4
Implicit memory in Alzheimer' s disease .......................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 8
META-ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 25
Categories of meta-analysis combination ......................................................... 26
i.sample size ................................................................................................. 26
ii. difference between the mean ages of the AD and the control group.......... 26
iii. dementia severity .................................................................................... 26
iv.number of exposures of stimuli ................................................................ 30
v.orienting task ............................................................................................. 30
Methodology ...................................................................................................... 32
RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 33
Calculation of the average group-comparison size effects ................................ 33
Calculation of the average AD priming size effects .......................................... 33
i.sample size.................................................................................................... 34
ii. difference between the mean ages of the AD and the control group ....... 34
iii. dementia severity ..................................................................................... 35
iv.number of exposures of stimuli ................................................................. 35
v.orienting task .............................................................................................. 35
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 36
CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 37
GENERAL DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 39
Explicit memory of controls .............................................................................. 39
Associations with other tests ............................................................................. 40
AD and the transfer-appropriate processing ...................................................... 42
Semantic memory in AD .................................................................................. 43
Nature of stem-completion ............................................................................... 46
EXPERIMENT .................................................................................................... 51
Memory in healthy aging .................................................................................. 54
Methodology ..................................................................................................... 59
---Participants ................................................................................................... 59
---Design ........................................................................................................... 60
---Materials ....................................................................................................... 61
Procedure .......................................................................................................... 61
RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 63
Stem-completion ............................................................................................... 63
---young-old controls ........................................................................................ 63
--- matched old controls-AD patients ............................................................... 65
Cued-recall ...................................................................................................... 67
---young-old controls ........................................................................................ 67
--- matched old controls-AD patients ............................................................... 68
Analysis of responses by word-frequency .................................................... 69
---young-old controls ........................................................................................ 69
--- matched old controls-AD patients ............................................................... 69
DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 74
Young-old controls ........................................................................................... 74
Matched old controls-AD patients .................................................................... 77
CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 80
References . 87

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  • 1. CONTENT TABLE Abstract ............................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 2 Division of memory .......................................................................................... 2 Methods of memory testing .............................................................................. 3 Alzheimer' s disease .......................................................................................... 4 Implicit memory in Alzheimer' s disease .......................................................... 6 LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 8 META-ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 25 Categories of meta-analysis combination ......................................................... 26 i.sample size ................................................................................................. 26 ii. difference between the mean ages of the AD and the control group.......... 26 iii. dementia severity .................................................................................... 26 iv.number of exposures of stimuli ................................................................ 30 v.orienting task ............................................................................................. 30 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 32 RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 33 Calculation of the average group-comparison size effects ................................ 33 Calculation of the average AD priming size effects .......................................... 33 i.sample size.................................................................................................... 34 ii. difference between the mean ages of the AD and the control group ....... 34 iii. dementia severity ..................................................................................... 35 iv.number of exposures of stimuli ................................................................. 35 v.orienting task .............................................................................................. 35 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 36 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 37 GENERAL DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 39 Explicit memory of controls .............................................................................. 39 Associations with other tests ............................................................................. 40
  • 2. AD and the transfer-appropriate processing ...................................................... 42 Semantic memory in AD .................................................................................. 43 Nature of stem-completion ............................................................................... 46 EXPERIMENT .................................................................................................... 51 Memory in healthy aging .................................................................................. 54 Methodology ..................................................................................................... 59 ---Participants ................................................................................................... 59 ---Design ........................................................................................................... 60 ---Materials ....................................................................................................... 61 Procedure .......................................................................................................... 61 RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 63 Stem-completion ............................................................................................... 63 ---young-old controls ........................................................................................ 63 --- matched old controls-AD patients ............................................................... 65 Cued-recall ...................................................................................................... 67 ---young-old controls ........................................................................................ 67 --- matched old controls-AD patients ............................................................... 68 Analysis of responses by word-frequency .................................................... 69 ---young-old controls ........................................................................................ 69 --- matched old controls-AD patients ............................................................... 69 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 74 Young-old controls ........................................................................................... 74 Matched old controls-AD patients .................................................................... 77 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 80 References . 87