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Anna Kasperska
IV Liceum OgテウlnoksztaナDトce
im. Stefana ナサeromskiego
Ul. ナ嗹istackiego 12
50 窶 430 WrocナBw
7th January 2010
I am writing to you in support of Aleksandra ナ「czak and her desire to attend university. I have been
teaching Aleksandra English for nearly two years in secondary school.
Aleksandra is taking an intensive English course and has always been an outstanding student in terms
of her academic performance, class participation and attendance. Her command of English exceeds far
beyond the school curriculum, therefore not surprisingly, she earned the highest marks every term. She
is certainly a student who understands the importance of obtaining high level of education, thus
performs her school duties with eagerness and simply takes pleasure in studying. Aleksandra shows
a keen interest in the English language and the British culture. She has been attending extra curricular
classes systematically and enrolled in intensive English courses in the United Kingdom during her
summer holidays. Her great ambition is to master English at proficiency level and as her teacher, I
must admit that Aleksandra is undoubtedly linguistically gifted and has a flair for subjects like
literature, history and social science.
Aleksandra displays a number of qualities which may ensure her success in her future academic
performance. She is an extremely industrious, ambitious and conscientious student who sets herself
high goals and tries to achieve them with hard work and persistence. Based on my own observation as
well as other teachers窶 I can assert that she is an exceptionally mature and reliable young person.
Aleksandra also exhibits well developed social skills and therefore interacts with peers without
difficulties. She is very considerate and willingly helps classmates who have some difficulties with
studying. Aleksandra voluntarily gets involved in school life participating in organizing school events.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend Aleksandra ナ「czak as a prospective student. Studying at
university in the United Kingdom would definitely let her further develop her talents and potentials. It
is my hope that you will accept her admission to your university. I wish Aleksandra all the best in her
future academic career.
I would gladly answer any request for further information. Please contact me at 0048 698 66 47 19 or
at email address aniakasperska@poczta.onet.pl
Yours faithfully,
Anna Kasperska
The teacher of English

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  • 1. Anna Kasperska IV Liceum OgテウlnoksztaナDトce im. Stefana ナサeromskiego Ul. ナ嗹istackiego 12 50 窶 430 WrocナBw Poland 7th January 2010 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I am writing to you in support of Aleksandra ナ「czak and her desire to attend university. I have been teaching Aleksandra English for nearly two years in secondary school. Aleksandra is taking an intensive English course and has always been an outstanding student in terms of her academic performance, class participation and attendance. Her command of English exceeds far beyond the school curriculum, therefore not surprisingly, she earned the highest marks every term. She is certainly a student who understands the importance of obtaining high level of education, thus performs her school duties with eagerness and simply takes pleasure in studying. Aleksandra shows a keen interest in the English language and the British culture. She has been attending extra curricular classes systematically and enrolled in intensive English courses in the United Kingdom during her summer holidays. Her great ambition is to master English at proficiency level and as her teacher, I must admit that Aleksandra is undoubtedly linguistically gifted and has a flair for subjects like literature, history and social science. Aleksandra displays a number of qualities which may ensure her success in her future academic performance. She is an extremely industrious, ambitious and conscientious student who sets herself high goals and tries to achieve them with hard work and persistence. Based on my own observation as well as other teachers窶 I can assert that she is an exceptionally mature and reliable young person. Aleksandra also exhibits well developed social skills and therefore interacts with peers without difficulties. She is very considerate and willingly helps classmates who have some difficulties with studying. Aleksandra voluntarily gets involved in school life participating in organizing school events. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Aleksandra ナ「czak as a prospective student. Studying at university in the United Kingdom would definitely let her further develop her talents and potentials. It is my hope that you will accept her admission to your university. I wish Aleksandra all the best in her future academic career. I would gladly answer any request for further information. Please contact me at 0048 698 66 47 19 or at email address aniakasperska@poczta.onet.pl Yours faithfully, Anna Kasperska The teacher of English