This document lists 10 references used in research on hand anatomy and finger movement identification. The references include textbooks on hand anatomy from 1942 and 1918, journal articles from 2009 to 2002 on decoding individual finger movements using electromyography and restoring movement using electrical stimulation, and dissertation from 2008 on finger movement classification using forearm EMG signals. Some additional online resources are also listed.
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References for emg
[1]. Jones,F.W., The Principles of Anatomy as Seen in the Hand , 2nd ed.,Baillier, Tindall, and Cox
,London,readable classic, 1942.Gray, Henry, Anatomy of the Human Body. Philadelphia: Lea& Febiger,
1918;, 2000.
[2]. Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn, ―Science Human Anatomy and Physiology, Google Book Result,
June 2010, pp. 357–60
. [3]. K.-P. Hoffmann, M .C. Carrozza, S. Micera, K. P. Koch, K. Yoshida, R..Ruff, ―The Sensitive Hand
Prosthesis-an Innovative Project, in Proceedings of Orthopdie-Technik 8/07, 2007, pp. 564-570.
[4]. F. V. G. Tenore, A. Ramos, A. Fahmy, S. Acharya, R. Etienne-Cummings, and N. V. Thakor,
―Decoding of Individuated finger Movements Using Surface Electromyography, IEEE transactions on
bio-medical engineering,vol.56,no. 5,pp. 1427-34,May 2009.
[5]. A. Andrews, ―Finger Movement classification Using Forearm EMG Signals, M.Sc. dissertation,
Queen’s University, Kingston, On, Canada, 2008.
[6]. LanlanYu, Tianxing Meng, Jian Hu, ―The finger Movement Identification Based on Fuzzy
Clustering and BP Neural Network Performance, 24-26 July 2009.
[7]. Heather M. Seifert1 and Andrew J. Fuglevand, ―Restoration of Movement Using Functional
Electrical Stimulation and Bayes Theorem,The Journal of Neuroscience, November 1, 2002, 22(21):9465-
[8]. Suzuki, R., and Suematsu, T., ―Pattern Recognition of Multichannel Myoelectric Signals by
Learning Method, Japanese of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering.vo,
[9]. Gray, Henry, Anatomy of the Human Body. Philadelphia: Lea& Febiger, 1918;, 2000.
[10]. some resources are available at