Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process where management and employees agree on objectives for the organization and what each employee needs to do to achieve them. It involves participative goal setting and decision making between managers and employees. MBO works best when employees are involved in setting goals and determining how to meet them, as they are more likely to fulfill their responsibilities. While it takes time to become effective, MBO clarifies objectives, gives managers and employees a clear understanding of important work areas and performance standards, and can improve morale and communication by increasing participation.
The document provides guidance for completing a sprint focused on becoming a more complete manager. It includes worksheets to draft an operating manual for strong relationships, identify worthy goals, and practice asking effective coaching questions. The operating manual worksheet prompts reflection on how others see you, what makes relationships good or frustrating, and how to handle stress. The worthy goals worksheets guide setting goals that are thrilling, important, and daunting. The coaching questions worksheet prompts identifying questions to ask others and reflecting on using questions effectively in conversations. Completing these exercises is intended to improve effectiveness as a manager through focusing on relationships, goals, and coaching skills.
Effective Conversations with Peers and Managers.xlsx.pptxShivamKasana2
The document provides guidance on effective communication and feedback techniques. It discusses the HEAR model for active listening, which involves listening without interrupting, understanding feelings and perspectives, and showing empathy. It also covers different communication styles, the importance of feedback for engagement and performance, and pillars of effective feedback like appreciative inquiry and balancing positive and negative feedback. Additional sections provide a STAR framework for structured feedback and the GROW model for developmental conversations. The key takeaway is that preparation, empathy, appreciation, structure, and a focus on growth and the future are important for successful performance and career-focused conversations.
The document provides guidance on conducting effective annual reviews. It emphasizes that annual reviews are an opportunity for team leaders and members to reflect on the past year, identify lessons learned, and plan for future success. The review process should involve preparation by both parties, discussion of achievements and challenges, and agreement on goals, priorities, and capability development for the upcoming year. By taking the time for thoughtful reviews, team members will feel energized and confident in their ability to perform at a high level with their manager's support.
The document provides an agenda for a management training session. It includes icebreakers, ground rules, management fundamentals like 1-on-1 meetings and delegation, a case study, tools for understanding employee behaviors and team dynamics, and guidance for managing both people and their jobs. The session aims to help managers maximize their effectiveness, align their teams, and identify strengths.
Attitude matters in our professional life. Enhance performance and Productivity through Attitude Improvement. A Corporate Training for Managers and Executives by Massive Business Academy.
The document outlines a Five Conversations Framework for regular check-ins between managers and direct reports. The first conversation is a Climate Review to gauge job satisfaction, morale, and communication. Sample questions are provided on scales of 1 to 10. The second conversation focuses on identifying an employee's strengths and talents in order to assign work that leverages these areas. Tips are given for both the manager and employee to have constructive discussions. The overall goals are to build trust, create synergy, and help employees excel in their work.
This document provides an agenda and materials for a workshop on managing people. The agenda includes discussions of management fundamentals, a case study, assessing jobs and teams' behavioral patterns, setting job targets, and a software demonstration. The document seeks to help managers maximize their effectiveness with individuals and teams by aligning strengths and job requirements.
This document is a project report on job satisfaction submitted by a student named Avi Pipada. The report examines job satisfaction levels among employees of Fieldfresh Foods Pvt Ltd through a survey. Key findings include that most employees are satisfied with their job and feel their performance is affected by satisfaction levels. The report provides analysis of employee responses to an 11 question survey and concludes that overall job satisfaction is high due to good compensation, opportunities, and working conditions. Recommendations encourage providing rewards, training, achievable targets, and counseling to increase satisfaction.
Organisational Development PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
Presenting this set of slides with name - Organisational Development Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains sixty slides. Our topic specific Organisational Development Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s presentation deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization.
If you have been assigned to lead a team recently or have been managing for a while, you must have noticed that managing people is quite different from managing things. So different that you have to use a different word for it: leading. When you deal with people, you need to lead them. This course explore a whole set of skills essential to become a successful, lovable, trustable, respectable leader who can get a lot done through his or her people.
By the end of this course you will be able to: Lead, motivate & influence a team to deliver more than ever before
2 days, lots of exercises
Relay Experience
Pause and ask students to introduce themselves. Say name, background (nature of job), what do they want to get out of this course.
Discover how much they already know about team leading, have they read any books on team leading or attended any other training program so you can adjust the tone of the course accordingly. Have you managed or lead before? To what extent? How big a team? At what level?
[LOOK AT WORKBOOK: Objectives]
To Tutor: Now get delegates to write down their objectives.
Learn their names and use it.
We are going to go through a number of techniques in this session and you will get to practice your skills until you feel confident about implementing them. It is better to learn a set of techniques well than to know a lot of techniques that you are not confident to use. The techniques I am going to talk about are well known to work
Relay Application
Where would you use the leading skills? Just at work? Anywhere else? What is their primary use?
Ask if people know each other (useful for decision on Johari Exercise later in the course)
[LOOK AT WORKBOOK: Objectives]
To Tutor: Now get delegates to write down their objectives.
Learn their names and use it.
We are going to go through a number of techniques in this session and you will get to practice your skills until you feel confident about implementing them. It is better to learn a set of techniques well than to know a lot of techniques that you are not confident to use. The techniques I am going to talk about are well known to work
Relay Application
Where would you use the leading skills? Just at work? Anywhere else? What is their primary use?
Ask if people know each other (useful for decision on Johari Exercise later in the course)
[LOOK AT WORKBOOK: Objectives]
To Tutor: Now get delegates to write down their objectives.
Learn their names and use it.
We are going to go through a number of techniques in this session and you will get to practice your skills until you feel confident about implementing them. It is better to learn a set of techniques well than to know a lot of techniques that you are not confident to use. The techniques I am going to talk about are well known to work
Relay Application
Where would you use the leading skills? Just at work? Anywhere else? What is their primary us?
This template will help you enhance your appraisal discussions. It can also work as a tool to streamline the appraisal process in your organisation.
Sympa's appraisal template provides you with concrete steps and tools that enable smooth discussions. It also helps you to collect data from appraisal discussions to be used in further analytics.
Feel free to use it as such, or format it further to suit your organisations and teams specific, unique needs!
Happy appraisals!
LL360 - Development Planning Session DeckJeremy Stover
The LinkedIn Leadership 360 is a tool used by LinkedIn to provide senior leaders (Directors and above) feedback on their leadership strengths and areas for growth from their managers, peers, direct reports, and partners. The objective is for leaders to gain insights to help them become better leaders. Leaders spend 2 hours completing the assessment and their raters each spend 10 minutes providing feedback. The entire process takes about 6 weeks. Leaders then use their feedback to create a focused leadership development plan outlining actions they will take over the next 3 weeks, 3 months, and 3 quarters to develop their key areas of focus.
This document discusses eight critical behaviors that can leverage accountability: drive for results, honesty and integrity, trust, clear vision and direction, problem solving/technical expertise, communication, ability to change, and collaboration/resolving conflict. It provides research findings on how each behavior increases personal accountability based on assessments of over 39,000 leaders. For each behavior, it discusses specific actions leaders can take to strengthen that behavior in themselves and their direct reports, such as focusing on goals, being truthful, building trust through expertise and consistency, providing clear strategy, communicating effectively, embracing challenges, and cooperating over competing. The goal is to help organizations boost employee engagement, productivity and profits by developing these accountability-building leadership strengths.
This document provides guidance on creating effective hiring strategies. It discusses the importance of performance profiles over traditional job descriptions, focusing on what the candidate will do rather than their qualifications. It also emphasizes using a two-question interview format centered around accomplishment-based questions and visualization exercises. The closing section notes that candidates are more motivated by career opportunities than compensation alone, so the job should be differentiated to emphasize growth, stretch assignments, and manager involvement. The overall message is that nothing is more important to business success than hiring great people.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a two-day training on project management. Day one will cover getting started with a project, including defining goals and success criteria, mobilizing the team and organization, and planning the work. Day two will focus on managing the project, including managing deadlines, resources, and change, as well as how to properly hand over and close down a project. The learning points emphasize how to establish relationships with sponsors, deliver projects on time and budget, support teams, and ensure sustainable change.
The MTL Professional Development Programme is a collection of 202 PowerPoint presentations that will provide you with step-by-step summaries of a key management or personal development skill. This presentation is on "The Appraisal Interview" and will show you how to prepare for and conduct a successful appraisal review session. 油
Is Performance Appraisal Salary Justification or Employee Development? Gatto Associates, LLC.
What have performance appraisals turned into?
Ways to justify the distribution money,
A play it safe approach by not giving too high or too low a rating,
A once a year necessity, a drudgery for the boss and employee
A justification game that organizations have to play
An untruth based on taking a 5-point scale that turns into a 3-point scale
This document provides tips and sample questions for employer branding to developers and measuring employee satisfaction. It discusses defining an employee value proposition focused on work-life balance, autonomy, and achievement. It also recommends differentiating job ads, attending tech events, improving career sites, and building employee referral programs. The document includes sample survey questions to measure compensation, benefits, career development, culture, satisfaction, recruitment experience, and employee attitudes.
This performance management survey demo shows how an overall rating is automatically calculated based on ratings in other areas. The survey includes sections for rating employees on customer service, achievement orientation, decision making, functional excellence, bias for action, interpersonal skills and developing individual objectives. As each section is completed, the overall rating field is updated in real-time. Instructions indicate that overall scores translate to letter grades ranging from outstanding to did not meet expectations. Comments can also be provided for each rating to provide additional feedback.
The LinkedIn Leadership 360 is a developmental tool for senior leaders at LinkedIn to obtain feedback and identify areas for growth in their leadership. Leaders complete a 360 review where their manager, peers, reports, and partners provide ratings. They then work with a facilitator to review insights, identify strengths and opportunities, and create short and long-term development goals focused on building their leadership skills. The process takes about 6 weeks and is designed to help leaders improve strengths and become "world class" in their roles.
The document summarizes an employee satisfaction survey conducted by Storebrand. It describes the purpose of the survey as obtaining employee assessments of their job satisfaction to help Storebrand identify areas for improvement. Employees rate their perceptions across nine areas including results, cooperation, development, and reputation. Results are analyzed and presented on a priority map to guide Storebrand's focus on areas of high importance but low ratings. The document recommends engaging employees in workshops to interpret results, prioritize focus areas, set improvement goals, identify actions, and develop plans to increase employee motivation and satisfaction.
Is Performance Appraisal: Salary Justification or Employee Development? Gatto Associates, LLC.
The document discusses performance appraisals and their evolution from a tool focused on employee development to primarily justifying salary decisions. It argues that appraisals are ineffective when conducted just annually and lack meaningful feedback and goal setting. To be effective, it suggests appraisals should include continual feedback, clear expectations set jointly by managers and employees, documentation of accomplishments, and treating employees as autonomous professionals responsible for their own development. Regular check-ins allow managers to recognize successes and support improvements, while respecting employees as responsible adults in charge of their own careers.
Facebook's Official Guide to Technical Program Management CandidatesLewis Lin
This document provides an overview of the technical program manager interview process at Facebook. It outlines the 5 fundamental interview areas which will assess technical project management skills, architecture and system design abilities, program management sense, partnership and collaboration experience, and leadership qualities. Candidates should expect a full day of consecutive 45-minute interviews with technical program managers, software engineers, and product managers focusing on program management, leadership, and technical depth. The document provides details on what to expect and what the interviewers are looking for in each of the 5 interview areas.
Transforming the quality of development conversations at scaleHuman Capital Media
Companies everywhere are searching for ways to improve employee performance. Many look towards employee ratings and bonuses for the solution, but find this simply isnt moving the needle as desired. Perhaps the problem is weve been tinkering around the edges rather than tackling the issue where its hardest: improving the quality of managerial conversations.
Brief slideshow to highlight my knowledge, skills, and experience as an IDPT professional. While most of the work is in an educational setting, Franklin University has prepared me to join the field as an active practitioner. The two projects highlighted are both done in collaboration with "real world" clients and met industry standards for instructional design and learning technologies.
Principles of Human Performance Technology sample project summaries.pdfThomas Muldrow
Two sample briefings that summarize the analysis of performance problems, determine the level and type of intervention required, and make recommendations for a suite of solutions that will achieve the desired impacts based on different case studies.
This document is a project report on job satisfaction submitted by a student named Avi Pipada. The report examines job satisfaction levels among employees of Fieldfresh Foods Pvt Ltd through a survey. Key findings include that most employees are satisfied with their job and feel their performance is affected by satisfaction levels. The report provides analysis of employee responses to an 11 question survey and concludes that overall job satisfaction is high due to good compensation, opportunities, and working conditions. Recommendations encourage providing rewards, training, achievable targets, and counseling to increase satisfaction.
Organisational Development PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
Presenting this set of slides with name - Organisational Development Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains sixty slides. Our topic specific Organisational Development Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s presentation deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization.
If you have been assigned to lead a team recently or have been managing for a while, you must have noticed that managing people is quite different from managing things. So different that you have to use a different word for it: leading. When you deal with people, you need to lead them. This course explore a whole set of skills essential to become a successful, lovable, trustable, respectable leader who can get a lot done through his or her people.
By the end of this course you will be able to: Lead, motivate & influence a team to deliver more than ever before
2 days, lots of exercises
Relay Experience
Pause and ask students to introduce themselves. Say name, background (nature of job), what do they want to get out of this course.
Discover how much they already know about team leading, have they read any books on team leading or attended any other training program so you can adjust the tone of the course accordingly. Have you managed or lead before? To what extent? How big a team? At what level?
[LOOK AT WORKBOOK: Objectives]
To Tutor: Now get delegates to write down their objectives.
Learn their names and use it.
We are going to go through a number of techniques in this session and you will get to practice your skills until you feel confident about implementing them. It is better to learn a set of techniques well than to know a lot of techniques that you are not confident to use. The techniques I am going to talk about are well known to work
Relay Application
Where would you use the leading skills? Just at work? Anywhere else? What is their primary use?
Ask if people know each other (useful for decision on Johari Exercise later in the course)
[LOOK AT WORKBOOK: Objectives]
To Tutor: Now get delegates to write down their objectives.
Learn their names and use it.
We are going to go through a number of techniques in this session and you will get to practice your skills until you feel confident about implementing them. It is better to learn a set of techniques well than to know a lot of techniques that you are not confident to use. The techniques I am going to talk about are well known to work
Relay Application
Where would you use the leading skills? Just at work? Anywhere else? What is their primary use?
Ask if people know each other (useful for decision on Johari Exercise later in the course)
[LOOK AT WORKBOOK: Objectives]
To Tutor: Now get delegates to write down their objectives.
Learn their names and use it.
We are going to go through a number of techniques in this session and you will get to practice your skills until you feel confident about implementing them. It is better to learn a set of techniques well than to know a lot of techniques that you are not confident to use. The techniques I am going to talk about are well known to work
Relay Application
Where would you use the leading skills? Just at work? Anywhere else? What is their primary us?
This template will help you enhance your appraisal discussions. It can also work as a tool to streamline the appraisal process in your organisation.
Sympa's appraisal template provides you with concrete steps and tools that enable smooth discussions. It also helps you to collect data from appraisal discussions to be used in further analytics.
Feel free to use it as such, or format it further to suit your organisations and teams specific, unique needs!
Happy appraisals!
LL360 - Development Planning Session DeckJeremy Stover
The LinkedIn Leadership 360 is a tool used by LinkedIn to provide senior leaders (Directors and above) feedback on their leadership strengths and areas for growth from their managers, peers, direct reports, and partners. The objective is for leaders to gain insights to help them become better leaders. Leaders spend 2 hours completing the assessment and their raters each spend 10 minutes providing feedback. The entire process takes about 6 weeks. Leaders then use their feedback to create a focused leadership development plan outlining actions they will take over the next 3 weeks, 3 months, and 3 quarters to develop their key areas of focus.
This document discusses eight critical behaviors that can leverage accountability: drive for results, honesty and integrity, trust, clear vision and direction, problem solving/technical expertise, communication, ability to change, and collaboration/resolving conflict. It provides research findings on how each behavior increases personal accountability based on assessments of over 39,000 leaders. For each behavior, it discusses specific actions leaders can take to strengthen that behavior in themselves and their direct reports, such as focusing on goals, being truthful, building trust through expertise and consistency, providing clear strategy, communicating effectively, embracing challenges, and cooperating over competing. The goal is to help organizations boost employee engagement, productivity and profits by developing these accountability-building leadership strengths.
This document provides guidance on creating effective hiring strategies. It discusses the importance of performance profiles over traditional job descriptions, focusing on what the candidate will do rather than their qualifications. It also emphasizes using a two-question interview format centered around accomplishment-based questions and visualization exercises. The closing section notes that candidates are more motivated by career opportunities than compensation alone, so the job should be differentiated to emphasize growth, stretch assignments, and manager involvement. The overall message is that nothing is more important to business success than hiring great people.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a two-day training on project management. Day one will cover getting started with a project, including defining goals and success criteria, mobilizing the team and organization, and planning the work. Day two will focus on managing the project, including managing deadlines, resources, and change, as well as how to properly hand over and close down a project. The learning points emphasize how to establish relationships with sponsors, deliver projects on time and budget, support teams, and ensure sustainable change.
The MTL Professional Development Programme is a collection of 202 PowerPoint presentations that will provide you with step-by-step summaries of a key management or personal development skill. This presentation is on "The Appraisal Interview" and will show you how to prepare for and conduct a successful appraisal review session. 油
Is Performance Appraisal Salary Justification or Employee Development? Gatto Associates, LLC.
What have performance appraisals turned into?
Ways to justify the distribution money,
A play it safe approach by not giving too high or too low a rating,
A once a year necessity, a drudgery for the boss and employee
A justification game that organizations have to play
An untruth based on taking a 5-point scale that turns into a 3-point scale
This document provides tips and sample questions for employer branding to developers and measuring employee satisfaction. It discusses defining an employee value proposition focused on work-life balance, autonomy, and achievement. It also recommends differentiating job ads, attending tech events, improving career sites, and building employee referral programs. The document includes sample survey questions to measure compensation, benefits, career development, culture, satisfaction, recruitment experience, and employee attitudes.
This performance management survey demo shows how an overall rating is automatically calculated based on ratings in other areas. The survey includes sections for rating employees on customer service, achievement orientation, decision making, functional excellence, bias for action, interpersonal skills and developing individual objectives. As each section is completed, the overall rating field is updated in real-time. Instructions indicate that overall scores translate to letter grades ranging from outstanding to did not meet expectations. Comments can also be provided for each rating to provide additional feedback.
The LinkedIn Leadership 360 is a developmental tool for senior leaders at LinkedIn to obtain feedback and identify areas for growth in their leadership. Leaders complete a 360 review where their manager, peers, reports, and partners provide ratings. They then work with a facilitator to review insights, identify strengths and opportunities, and create short and long-term development goals focused on building their leadership skills. The process takes about 6 weeks and is designed to help leaders improve strengths and become "world class" in their roles.
The document summarizes an employee satisfaction survey conducted by Storebrand. It describes the purpose of the survey as obtaining employee assessments of their job satisfaction to help Storebrand identify areas for improvement. Employees rate their perceptions across nine areas including results, cooperation, development, and reputation. Results are analyzed and presented on a priority map to guide Storebrand's focus on areas of high importance but low ratings. The document recommends engaging employees in workshops to interpret results, prioritize focus areas, set improvement goals, identify actions, and develop plans to increase employee motivation and satisfaction.
Is Performance Appraisal: Salary Justification or Employee Development? Gatto Associates, LLC.
The document discusses performance appraisals and their evolution from a tool focused on employee development to primarily justifying salary decisions. It argues that appraisals are ineffective when conducted just annually and lack meaningful feedback and goal setting. To be effective, it suggests appraisals should include continual feedback, clear expectations set jointly by managers and employees, documentation of accomplishments, and treating employees as autonomous professionals responsible for their own development. Regular check-ins allow managers to recognize successes and support improvements, while respecting employees as responsible adults in charge of their own careers.
Facebook's Official Guide to Technical Program Management CandidatesLewis Lin
This document provides an overview of the technical program manager interview process at Facebook. It outlines the 5 fundamental interview areas which will assess technical project management skills, architecture and system design abilities, program management sense, partnership and collaboration experience, and leadership qualities. Candidates should expect a full day of consecutive 45-minute interviews with technical program managers, software engineers, and product managers focusing on program management, leadership, and technical depth. The document provides details on what to expect and what the interviewers are looking for in each of the 5 interview areas.
Transforming the quality of development conversations at scaleHuman Capital Media
Companies everywhere are searching for ways to improve employee performance. Many look towards employee ratings and bonuses for the solution, but find this simply isnt moving the needle as desired. Perhaps the problem is weve been tinkering around the edges rather than tackling the issue where its hardest: improving the quality of managerial conversations.
Brief slideshow to highlight my knowledge, skills, and experience as an IDPT professional. While most of the work is in an educational setting, Franklin University has prepared me to join the field as an active practitioner. The two projects highlighted are both done in collaboration with "real world" clients and met industry standards for instructional design and learning technologies.
Principles of Human Performance Technology sample project summaries.pdfThomas Muldrow
Two sample briefings that summarize the analysis of performance problems, determine the level and type of intervention required, and make recommendations for a suite of solutions that will achieve the desired impacts based on different case studies.
This document outlines a proposed leadership development program for Nationwide. The program aims to empower people leaders and support associates' skills development through four phases: education, experience, exposure, and evaluation. It will use an interactive platform to connect leaders with coaching, mentoring, learning resources, and a discussion board. The program will pilot with volunteer departments and integrate with existing applications like BetterUp and Workday. The goal is to strengthen leaders' abilities to develop their teams' future skills through a personalized, data-driven experience.
Performance Improvement Final Presentation - ODH projectThomas Muldrow
Thomas Muldrow conducted a performance improvement project for the Bureau of Health Preparedness within the Ohio Department of Health. The project aimed to address high turnover in the Emergency Response Coordinator position, which hindered continuity in emergency preparedness planning. Muldrow analyzed performance gaps, developed an evaluation plan using Kirkpatrick's model, gathered client feedback, and created a change management document. While the project sponsor was pleased with the thorough analysis, the consultant and project manager noted limitations from the project timeline and responsibilities. Lessons included clarifying roles when working internally and identifying client needs earlier.
Topic: Leadership Development Skills - Coaching
Audience: 40 people leaders in their organization
Summary: Use this guide to facilitate a 30-min session that will create discussion and interaction amongst the companys people leaders. Focus is on the coaching habit: "Model curiosity early and often."
Problem: They asked for a proposal from us on motivating faculty and staff to invest in learning design thinking to prepare them with some specific learning and preparing a meeting design and agenda for meeting.
Solution: A solid instructional design for the four hours of faculty development accompanied by a description of the change management actions you would take.
Topic: Leadership Development Skills - Coaching
Audience: 40 people leaders in their organization
Summary: Use this guide to facilitate a 30-min session that will create discussion and interaction amongst the companys people leaders. Focus is on the coaching habit: "Model curiosity early and often." This supports the Leaders guide slides - sample.
Panel Discussion Moderator Guide - NationwideThomas Muldrow
This document provides a moderator guide for a panel discussion on leadership development skills. It outlines an agenda for a 1.5-2 hour discussion via Microsoft Teams with 3-5 panelists. The moderator will facilitate the discussion and use polling tools to engage the audience. The discussion will include introductions of panelists, predetermined questions for panelists on topics like decision-making and motivation, interactive polling questions for the audience every 15-20 minutes, a question-and-answer section, and closing remarks from each panelist.
Provides an overall project summary which includes prepare their people leaders role in the companys learning culture, strengthening the leaders abilities to support the Future of Work skill development of their team members. It also includes a project overview (objectives, planning assumptions, design concept, project outline, basic evaluation plan, and change management plan
Skills assessment (pre and post) - NationwideThomas Muldrow
Managers were asked to evaluate their leadership skills prior to the project to gain awareness on concepts that needed to be addressed during the training. It summarizes five critical skills that were preidentified by leadership and asks the manager to rate themselves using a five-point likert scale.
Sample of feedback provided to unit supervisor on webinar presentation. It includes feedback on the presentation and presenter followed by an analysis of the webinar and recommendations for improvement based on the data collected.
Sample of feedback provided to unit supervisor on webinar presentation. It includes feedback on the presentation and presenter followed by an analysis of the webinar and recommendations for improvement based on the data collected.
Sample of feedback provided to unit supervisor on webinar presentation. It includes feedback on the presentation and presenter followed by an analysis of the webinar and recommendations for improvement based on the data collected.
Performance improvement recommendations for ODH as a result of the needs analysis. The document looks at all levels (technology, performer, process, and organizational). It includes identification of the gap, conclusions from the analysis, and the performance recommendation. It also addresses the clients receptivity toward implementing the improvement recommendations.
Draft evaluation plan provided to client that contains a summary, evaluation needs, evaluation content, purpose, evaluation model design, and evaluation schedule
Revised project plan based at time of project turnover to the client. Includes revised timelines, and indicates changes made, activities/deliverables completed, results of the evaluation, and recommended change management plan
Evaluation instruments for Public Health Emergency Preparedness training webinar to be used to gather data. Initial draft for client based on Kirkpatrick's Model of evaluation (levels 1-3)
This document was used during the needs assessment portion of the project to:
- Determine technology-level disconnects, causes, impact, and solutions
- Determine job-level disconnects, causes, impact, and solutions
- Determine process-level disconnects, causes, impact, and solutions and,
- Determine organization-level disconnects, causes, impact, and solutions
Final performance improvement plan for ODH. Contains the final agreed upon project purpose, scope, and detailed workplan (including major activities to be accomplished and key deliverables)
Analysis of learner results from pre and post test (based on pilot webinar). Results were compared to determine if the questions were addressed in the presentations and if there was an increase in knowledge as a result of the training.
Kenneth Kremsky Was in Charge of Overseeing Every Facet of the Accounting Div...KennethKremsky
Kenneth Kremsky, who was previously the controller of Kraft Foods Group, oversaw all accounting operations for the company, including creating the yearly operational budget, making sure Sarbanes Oxley compliance was maintained, and managing internal and external audits. Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory, Supply Chain, and Production were all under his management in the accounting department.
project management tool is specifically designed for project managers, offeri...rowevel861
This project management tool is specifically designed for project managers, offering a comprehensive suite of features to streamline planning, execution, and monitoring of projects. With intuitive interfaces and robust functionalities, it facilitates effective collaboration, resource allocation, and progress tracking, ensuring that project goals are met efficiently. Ideal for teams of all sizes, this solution enhances productivity and fosters accountability, making it an essential asset for any project management professional.
Graeme Cowan, keynote speaker: Building Team Safety, Resilience and Growth Gr...Graeme Cowan Enterprises
Graeme Cowan is a team care and resilience speaker. His keynote topics include:
GREAT TEAMS CARE - Building safety, resilience, and growth
SELFCARE ISN'T SELFISH - Resilience for uncertain times
CREW CARE - Building psychologically safe and resilient teams
R U OK?365 - How to support a teammate (or loved one) in distress
He has found that in the best teams - people have each other's back, enjoy working together, and care about each other
Tran Quoc Bao Leading Chief Executive Officer CEO in Vietnam Healthcare -the ...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: The Visionary Transforming Vietnams Healthcare Landscape
Tran Quoc Bao, CEO of Prima Saigon, stands as one of Vietnams most influential healthcare leaders, making a profound mark on the countrys healthcare sector and beyond. As the first Vietnamese member of the Advisory Panel for the Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management, Bao shapes global healthcare trends. Under his leadership, Prima Saigon has become the benchmark for excellence in international daycare and ambulatory services.
With nearly two decades of experience at the crossroads of healthcare and finance, Bao is not only a clinical innovator but also a master strategist. He has held leadership roles at prominent institutions like City International Hospital, FV Hospital, and TMMC Healthcare (Tam Tri Hospital Group), as well as international experience at The Alfred Hospital in Australia. His crowning achievement was leading Cao Tang Hospital through its transformation into Vietnams first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited hospitalan achievement that propelled Vietnams healthcare system onto the global stage.
Baos influence reaches far beyond his clinical expertise. Armed with elite financial credentialsCFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速he has directed over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, fundamentally reshaping the countrys healthcare investment landscape. His rare ability to merge healthcare innovation with financial insight has earned him widespread recognition as a thought leader in the sector.
A prolific writer, Bao has contributed over 20 articles to leading publications such as Bloomberg, Forbes, and US News, offering valuable perspectives on healthcare investment and innovation. His insights have made him a sought-after authority globally. He has also received numerous accolades, including "Healthcare Executive of the Year Vietnam 2021" and Medical Tourism Leader of the Year 2021 from Medical Excellence Japan.
Beyond his leadership at Prima Saigon, Bao advises global consulting giants like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey on strategic healthcare investments and partnerships. His unparalleled expertise continues to shape the future of healthcare in Asia and around the world, solidifying his legacy as one of the most influential healthcare leaders in Vietnam.
The Key to Nonprofit Stability_ Independent Board Leadership by Legacy Profes...Legacy Professionals LLP
Board independence is crucial because it prevents conflicts of interest and maintains a system of checks and balances. When board members have financial or personal ties to the organization, their ability to make unbiased decisions may be compromised. On the other hand, an independent board acts with integrity, prioritizing the needs of the nonprofit over any individual or external entity.
Traktor is a popular DJ software developed by Native Instruments, designed for professional DJs, music producers, and anyone looking to mix and manipulate audio tracks. It offers powerful tools for live performances, studio mixing, and creating custom soundscapes. Traktor is known for its robust feature set, intuitive interface, and excellent integration with hardware controllers and audio equipment.
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Key Features of Traktor:
1. Advanced Mixing and Cueing
Multiple Decks: Traktor supports up to 4 decks, allowing you to mix and manipulate multiple tracks simultaneously. Each deck can be customized with its own settings and effects.
Cue Points: DJs can set multiple cue points within tracks to quickly jump to specific parts of the
1. Reflection Survey
People Leader Assessment
Job: Projectrole:
People Leader: Department:
Project: Dates:
We here at Nationwide take our employees' overall satisfaction very seriously. We want you to
be happy working here, with the ability to learn from and work with your leaders. This people
leader assessment is one way in which the company can get a better sense of your level of
satisfaction with us, and the results will help us identify areas of improvement. We want to
know more about your experience during the project, specifically your perspective on your
managers performance.
This survey is completely anonymous, so please be perfectly honest with your answers.
Simply select a number between 1 and 5 that best describes how much you agree or disagree
with the statement, 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree". There is
additional space to add comments that you think will be helpful and provide context to your
1. You feel confident in your managers effectiveness.
1 2 3 4 5
2. Your manager helps your team meet goals and succeed.
1 2 3 4 5
3. Your manager provides you with constructive feedback.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Your manager does things that benefit you and your department.
1 2 3 4 5
5. Your manager includes your entire department in big decisions.
1 2 3 4 5
6. Your manager makes an effort to listen to your ideas.
1 2 3 4 5
7. Your manager could improve his/her skills as a leader. Provide an example.
1 2 3 4 5
8. When there is a problem, your manager finds a solution.
1 2 3 4 5
9. Your manager has everyones best interests in mind.
1 2 3 4 5
10. Your manager is an effective communicator.
1 2 3 4 5
11. On a scale of 1 to 5, how pleased were you with the overall experience during this
1 2 3 4 5