This document discusses collaborating on regulation for machine-to-machine (M2M) and internet of things (IoT) technologies in the Middle East region. It notes that key stakeholders are bringing together issues like big data, cloud computing, privacy, and cybersecurity to devise a regulatory framework. It suggests establishing a regional M2M/IoT working group through DLA Piper to develop whitepapers on relevant topics. While some see no need yet for specific regulation, others argue regulators can facilitate joining supply and demand. Examples of regional collaboration discussed include initiatives by the UAE's TRA and smart city projects in Dubai.
Neurons are the basic units of the nervous system that transmit electrical and chemical signals. When an electrical signal reaches the end of an axon, it causes neurotransmitters to be released into synapses, which then stimulate or inhibit neighboring neurons. The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system, containing the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, containing nerves that connect to muscles and organs. The endocrine system communicates through hormones released by glands into the bloodstream to influence distant tissues like the brain.
WHLVillas is a leading holiday rental site listing thousands of villas, cottages, apartments and other properties in Europe. They verify each property owner and provide detailed descriptions, photos and maps so users can find the right accommodation. They offer tips on how to save up to 50% on holiday rentals and specialize in bringing new customers and owners into the holiday rental market.
REFLESS project partners: Comenius University in BratislavaREFLESS Project
Comenius University in Bratislava is the oldest and largest university in Slovakia. It has 13 faculties and over 27,000 students. The Faculty of Education specializes in teacher training from grades 1-4 as well as specialized pedagogy and languages. The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures provides initial and continuing training of teachers and translators and has participated in developing the European Language Portfolio and CEFR for Slovakia. The document introduces the Comenius University team for the ReFLEeSS project, including Anna Buta邸ov叩 as local coordinator, and discusses the areas of expertise for team members such as language technologies, ICT, and foreign language teaching methodology.
The LLAS at the University of Southampton is a national centre established in 2000 to support language educators across the UK. It has three core strands: developing staff and departments in higher education, outreach activities for language teachers in schools, and professional development. Some of its activities include workshops, conferences, resources, and a magazine to support the teaching and learning of languages in higher education and schools.
REFLESS project partners - University of Nis REFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the University of Ni邸 and its Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. It provides details about the 13 academic units that comprise the University of Ni邸. It notes that the Faculty of Philosophy was established in 1971 and has around 2600 students across its 10 departments, including three philology departments focusing on English, Serbian, and Russian language and literature. The Faculty of Philosophy is described as the leading institution for foreign language learning in southern Serbia, offering courses in English, French, German, Russian, Modern Greek, and Bulgarian.
The REFLESS TEMPUS project aims to reform foreign language studies in Serbia according to European standards. Led by Prof. Julijana Vuo, the consortium of 18 Serbian and European institutions works on harmonizing language curricula, developing new master's programs in translation/interpretation and Serbian as a foreign language, and implementing reforms. The project aims to position Serbia to have qualified linguistic professionals and help integration with the EU. It has support from Serbian and European policymakers and universities. Risks include insufficient university cooperation and lack of political support.
The document summarizes the topics and discussions from a working group meeting on March 1st, 2013 for a Master's program in conference interpreting and translation (MCIT). Key points included: equipment procurement for the program; proposed training seminars in Brussels, Graz and Strasbourg; proposed expert visitors from Slovenia and Turkey; plans for an entrance exam and practice simulation; a review of completed and upcoming tasks; and proposed course descriptions. Other topics were conference opportunities, cooperation with another university, and inter-project support.
Which competences does the market demand an analysis of job advertisements wi...REFLESS Project
This document analyzes job advertisements for translators and interpreters from 2009 to 2011 in Serbia. It found an increase in the number of ads and employers over this period. Most employers were located in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and sought translations primarily between English, German, Russian, Italian, and French. In-demand skills included translation, interpreting, writing and proofreading abilities. Advertisements also emphasized characteristics like organization, precision, willingness to learn, and being a team player. Common tools listed included MS Office, CAT tools like Trados and Wordfast, and subtitling software.
The document summarizes Serbia's system of quality assurance in higher education. It describes the internal mechanism of self-assessment conducted by higher education institutions every 3 years and the external mechanisms of accreditation by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance every 5 years and external quality assessment every 5-8 years. Standards for these processes are based on the European Standards and Guidelines. Results are presented for accreditation from 2007-2011 and external assessments from 2011-2013. Specific data is also given on accreditation of language education programs and institutions, including student numbers.
This document discusses the employability of language professionals in Serbia. It examines who language professionals are, where they seek employment, the types of employment offered, how they are assessed in job interviews, and whether university studies should aim to increase employability. The document uses data from a REFLESS Project study of over 1,800 respondents, including students, unemployed and employed graduates, and companies, to analyze topics like satisfaction levels, reasons for choosing certain fields of study, and qualifications.
Bratislava comenius university chair of roman languages and literaturesREFLESS Project
The document summarizes the study programs available at the Chair of Roman Languages and Literatures at Comenius University in Bratislava. Students can pursue combined studies with Roman languages plus another subject or specialized studies focusing solely on French or Spanish languages. The programs include language courses, literature, culture, translation, and teaching methodology. Students have opportunities for study abroad and can obtain a bachelor's, master's, PhD or "little doctorate" degree. Admission requires proficiency in the target language and an undergraduate degree for graduate programs.
Employment and Economic Development - Michael Kelly REFLESS Project
The document discusses how learning languages can benefit employment and economic development. It outlines how languages can increase an individual's range of job opportunities and career prospects by improving their cognitive skills, communication abilities, and intercultural competence. Additionally, it explains how languages benefit countries and businesses by allowing them to better access international markets, partners, suppliers, and customers. The document concludes by noting language educators need to improve public understanding of these economic benefits and ensure language courses equip students with the wider skills needed to realize these benefits.
Refless labour market survey open space eventREFLESS Project
An opinion poll was conducted among students and lecturers of philology programs concerning how well program contents align with the labor market. 827 students and 66 lecturers from several universities participated. The majority of students were in their 3rd or 4th year of study and most lecturers had 6-15 years of experience. Students expressed interest in languages but also in becoming translators or teachers. While most students and lecturers were satisfied, some views suggested intensifying practical translation training and connecting course content more directly to careers.
Ud s etudes europeennes et gestion de projets europeensREFLESS Project
REFLESS project partners: Comenius University in BratislavaREFLESS Project
Comenius University in Bratislava is the oldest and largest university in Slovakia. It has 13 faculties and over 27,000 students. The Faculty of Education specializes in teacher training from grades 1-4 as well as specialized pedagogy and languages. The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures provides initial and continuing training of teachers and translators and has participated in developing the European Language Portfolio and CEFR for Slovakia. The document introduces the Comenius University team for the ReFLEeSS project, including Anna Buta邸ov叩 as local coordinator, and discusses the areas of expertise for team members such as language technologies, ICT, and foreign language teaching methodology.
The LLAS at the University of Southampton is a national centre established in 2000 to support language educators across the UK. It has three core strands: developing staff and departments in higher education, outreach activities for language teachers in schools, and professional development. Some of its activities include workshops, conferences, resources, and a magazine to support the teaching and learning of languages in higher education and schools.
REFLESS project partners - University of Nis REFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the University of Ni邸 and its Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. It provides details about the 13 academic units that comprise the University of Ni邸. It notes that the Faculty of Philosophy was established in 1971 and has around 2600 students across its 10 departments, including three philology departments focusing on English, Serbian, and Russian language and literature. The Faculty of Philosophy is described as the leading institution for foreign language learning in southern Serbia, offering courses in English, French, German, Russian, Modern Greek, and Bulgarian.
The REFLESS TEMPUS project aims to reform foreign language studies in Serbia according to European standards. Led by Prof. Julijana Vuo, the consortium of 18 Serbian and European institutions works on harmonizing language curricula, developing new master's programs in translation/interpretation and Serbian as a foreign language, and implementing reforms. The project aims to position Serbia to have qualified linguistic professionals and help integration with the EU. It has support from Serbian and European policymakers and universities. Risks include insufficient university cooperation and lack of political support.
The document summarizes the topics and discussions from a working group meeting on March 1st, 2013 for a Master's program in conference interpreting and translation (MCIT). Key points included: equipment procurement for the program; proposed training seminars in Brussels, Graz and Strasbourg; proposed expert visitors from Slovenia and Turkey; plans for an entrance exam and practice simulation; a review of completed and upcoming tasks; and proposed course descriptions. Other topics were conference opportunities, cooperation with another university, and inter-project support.
Which competences does the market demand an analysis of job advertisements wi...REFLESS Project
This document analyzes job advertisements for translators and interpreters from 2009 to 2011 in Serbia. It found an increase in the number of ads and employers over this period. Most employers were located in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and sought translations primarily between English, German, Russian, Italian, and French. In-demand skills included translation, interpreting, writing and proofreading abilities. Advertisements also emphasized characteristics like organization, precision, willingness to learn, and being a team player. Common tools listed included MS Office, CAT tools like Trados and Wordfast, and subtitling software.
The document summarizes Serbia's system of quality assurance in higher education. It describes the internal mechanism of self-assessment conducted by higher education institutions every 3 years and the external mechanisms of accreditation by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance every 5 years and external quality assessment every 5-8 years. Standards for these processes are based on the European Standards and Guidelines. Results are presented for accreditation from 2007-2011 and external assessments from 2011-2013. Specific data is also given on accreditation of language education programs and institutions, including student numbers.
This document discusses the employability of language professionals in Serbia. It examines who language professionals are, where they seek employment, the types of employment offered, how they are assessed in job interviews, and whether university studies should aim to increase employability. The document uses data from a REFLESS Project study of over 1,800 respondents, including students, unemployed and employed graduates, and companies, to analyze topics like satisfaction levels, reasons for choosing certain fields of study, and qualifications.
Bratislava comenius university chair of roman languages and literaturesREFLESS Project
The document summarizes the study programs available at the Chair of Roman Languages and Literatures at Comenius University in Bratislava. Students can pursue combined studies with Roman languages plus another subject or specialized studies focusing solely on French or Spanish languages. The programs include language courses, literature, culture, translation, and teaching methodology. Students have opportunities for study abroad and can obtain a bachelor's, master's, PhD or "little doctorate" degree. Admission requires proficiency in the target language and an undergraduate degree for graduate programs.
Employment and Economic Development - Michael Kelly REFLESS Project
The document discusses how learning languages can benefit employment and economic development. It outlines how languages can increase an individual's range of job opportunities and career prospects by improving their cognitive skills, communication abilities, and intercultural competence. Additionally, it explains how languages benefit countries and businesses by allowing them to better access international markets, partners, suppliers, and customers. The document concludes by noting language educators need to improve public understanding of these economic benefits and ensure language courses equip students with the wider skills needed to realize these benefits.
Refless labour market survey open space eventREFLESS Project
An opinion poll was conducted among students and lecturers of philology programs concerning how well program contents align with the labor market. 827 students and 66 lecturers from several universities participated. The majority of students were in their 3rd or 4th year of study and most lecturers had 6-15 years of experience. Students expressed interest in languages but also in becoming translators or teachers. While most students and lecturers were satisfied, some views suggested intensifying practical translation training and connecting course content more directly to careers.
Ud s etudes europeennes et gestion de projets europeensREFLESS Project
2. TEMPUS REFLESS: Lektorati
srpskog jezika u svetu
Sonja Hornjak, Sandra Buljanovi, Danijela orevi,
Maja Stevanovi, Jasmina Nikoli, Jelena Gledi
3. Uvod
Znaajan elemenat u procesu 邸irenja jezika i
kulture jednog naroda
,,Prozor u svet
Bogata istorija lektorata srpskohrvatskog jezika
SFRJ - stotine lektorata po celom svetu
Raspad SFRJ
Izmenjena slika lektorata
Istra転ivanje o lektoratima u okviru REFLESSa
4. Istra転ivanje
Predmet: ispitivanje trenutnog stanja lektorata srpskog jezika u
Cilj: dobijanje aktuelnih informacija, sainjavanje spiska
lektorata, sagledavanje statusa srpskog jezika u svetu i
apelovanje na neophodnost delovanja u smislu ouvanja i
unapreivanja lektorata
Metodologija: podatke smo sakuplili tako 邸to smo ponaosob
kontaktirali lektore preko i-mejl adresa. Instrument koji smo
koristili bio je upitnik otvorenog tipa.
Korisna je bila i Facebook grupa koja okuplja lektore:
5. Pitanja:
1. naziv institucije
2. naziv predmeta
3. broj poena
4. koliko godina se izuava
5. ko je nadle転an
6. broj studenata
7. kratak opis plana i programa
8. Problemi
Ko je nadle転an?
Republiki zavod za meunarodnu naunu, kulturnu,
tehniku i prosvetnu saradnju do raspada SFRJ
Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova
Ministarstvo prosvete?
Koji su kriterijumi za izbor lektora?
Osnov anga転ovanja:
Periodini program kulturne i prosvetne saradnje
Sporazum o saradnji izmeu dva univerziteta
Sporazum o saradnji izmeu dva fakulteta
10. Zakljuak
Znaaj srpskih lektorata je ogroman ne samo za na邸 jezik i
kulturu, ve i za samu dr転avu, politiku i ekonomiju
Utvrditi koji je nadle転ni organ
Definisati jeziku politiku
Napraviti strategije za ouvanje postojeih i
revitalizaciju uga邸enih lektorata
Na邸i profesori i lektori su kao diplomate, koji strance upoznaju sa na邸im jezikom, kulturom i
obiajima. Kada u inostranstvu imamo stranog studenta koji govori srpski jezik, mi zapravo
imamo jednog prijatelja vi邸e koji nas voli i predstavlja celom svetu
Ivana Nikoli, NBS
Vesti online, 22.11.2010.
11. TEMPUS REFLESS: Nastava stranih
jezika struke i nauke na
nefilolo邸kim fakultetima u Srbiji
Danijela orevi, Sandra Buljanovi, Sonja Hornjak, Maja Stevanovi,
Jasmina Nikoli, Jelena Gledi, Jasmina Dra転i, Jasna Vidi, Milan
Milanovi, Mirna Radin-Sabado邸, Vladimir Jovanovi, Nina Polovina,
Sabina Zejmelagi, Tanja Dini
12. Uvod
Strani struni jezik
specijalizovana struna oblast
posebna vrsta diskursa
pragmatika upotreba
Pregled polo転aja stranih jezika
Ignjaevi (2009, 2011)
1992/1993. 100% zastupljenost
2005/2006. 40% (engleski jezik)
2010/2011. 50% (engleski jezik)
Metodologija: upitnik, uzorak, anketiranje
15. Rezultati i diskusija
Da li na fakultetu
postoji katedra
za strane jezike
Nivoi studija na kojima se predaje
Osnovne svuda
Master i doktorske studije 43%, odnosno 7%
22. Predlozi za reformu
promeniti fond asova, odnosno uvesti vei broj asova
izuavati strani jezik na svim nivoima studija
studentima omoguiti izbor veeg broja jezika
istai ravnopravan znaaj stranog jezika u odnosu na
predmete struke
poveati broj nastavnika da bi se radilo u manjim
uvesti CLIL (content and language integrated learning)
odrediti nivoe jezika po ZEO
koristiti komunikativni pristup u nastavi
23. Predlozi za reformu
uvesti praksu
ohrabrivati mobilnost
raditi radove na stranom jeziku, posebno na vi邸im
nivoima studija
ujednaiti grupe po nivou znanja, odnosno uvesti
ulazne testove
uvesti stalno usavr邸avanje nastavnika
koristiti savremenu opremu za uenje jezika
u toku I i II godine studija izuavati op邸ti jezik,
pa tek kasnije jezik struke, i to obavezno i na
master i doktorskim studijama