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THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
Dr. Diane Nijs 
your Business Logic 
Nijs  2014 1
Lector/Professor Imagineering 
Directeur/Eigenaar Attract, Imagineering Company 
PhD Business Management, RUGroningen 
Nijs  2014 2
Peter De Keyzer: groei in Europa, alleen door INNOVATIE! 
Innovatieve ideeen kunnen ook in bestaande organisaties ontstaan mits. 
Prof. Gino Van Ossel: U zelf volledig heruitvinden! 
Vrijdag 31 oktober 2014 
Nijs  2014 3
2013 Dave Gray, When service design 
meets the divided company
Business Logic 
Enterprise Logic 
De diepe structuur 
De evidente aannames 
die we niet in vraag stellen, 
moeten we leren in vraag stellen. 
We moeten anders leren denken 
niet alleen creatiever! 
Gewoon ECHT anders. 
Nijs  2014 5
Nijs  2014 6
Nijs  2014 7
Nijs  2014 8
One small act... 
Nijs  2014 9
Conventional, linear logic 
meets nonlinear phenomena. 
Haren (NL), 2012 
Nijs  2014 10
Nijs  2014 11
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
your Business Logic 
Nijs  2014 12
Nijs  2014 13
Shareholder Value v Stakeholder Value 
a onedimensional approach 
induces and rewards behavior 
that is at odds 
with natural laws that 
govern all complex systems 
Nijs  2014 14
Reframe your identity 
in the narrative mode BETEKENIS! 
Continuous business modelling! 
Nijs  2014 15
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
Een voorbeeld 
Nijs  2014 16
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
2 Stappen 
 Reframe your identity in the narrative mode 
 Manage the dynamics of emergent processes 
Nijs  2014 17
Reframing is als stoppen met roken met zijn allen 
 USING A ONELINER in the logo 
to reframe the identity 
(business conception in the connected society) 
 not from a marketingperspective but from 
 an organizational/systemic perspective 
 to prevent from falling back 
 to invite all kind of stakeholders 
 Reframing value creation in the narrative mode as to empower 
collective creativity strategically 
Nijs  2014 18
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
your Business Logic 
Nijs  2014 19
Industrial, mechanic Logic Logic of Living Systems 
(Nijs, 2014) 
Closed  Static Open  Dynamic 
Sequential (chain) Simultaneous (network) 
Predictable  Experts Unpredictable 
Core problem: behavioral change 
Core Problem 
Planning and Control Management 
Orchestrating and Inspiring 
Goods Dominant Logic Marketing 
Service and Experience D Logic 
Shareholder Value Orientation BUSINESS LOGIC 
Stakeholder V. O.  Meaning for society 
Solution Design 
Logicoscientific modus Thinking (Brunner) 
Narrative Modus 
Philips, Unilever, KLM, Oad  BlaBla Car, Facebook, eBay, Google 
Nijs  2014 20
Het gebeurt niet vaak. Maar soms wel. 
Dan verandert het spel en de spelers. 
From OS 1968 
Dan kan je het spel wel blijven spelen 
zoals je dat gewend bent 
maar je bent gewoon minder effectief. 
Nijs  2014 21
Twee complementaire, wetenschappelijke lenzen 
Industrial, mechanic Logic Logic of Living Systems 
The good news: Living systems change differently: 
they transform, they start to grow in another direction. 
Nijs  2014 22
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
3 Basisprincipes 
 Cocreatie en coevolutie 
 Emergente processen 
 Butterfly effecten 
Nijs  2014 23
Frans Filosoof, Edgar Morin 
Nijs  2014 24 
Principle 1: 
Living systems are open systems. 
Cocreation and coevolution 
are essential mechanisms. 
A stakeholder value orientation is therefore 
superior to a shareholder value orientation. 
Nijs, 2014
Principle 2 of living systems: 
Order Through Fluctuation. 
To generate new order, one should bring 
an organization slightly out of equilibrium. 
Most of the new players such as Facebook, 
Dont have a planned strategy. 
They have an emergent strategy. 
Ilya Prigogine, a Russian born Belg who won the Noble Prize Chamistry in 77. 
Nijs  2014 25
Nijs  2014 26 
Principle 3: 
Living systems are 
nonlinear dynamic systems: 
The output is not directly 
Proportional to the input. 
In living systems, well designed 
small interventions can have emerging effects. 
Bruce J. West, Mathematical and Information Sciences
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
Een voorbeeld 
Nijs  2014 27
Change is a complex problem 
KLM, Journeys of Inspiration 
Visie: Niet mensen van A naar B brengen maar ze inspireren van A naar B 
Inspireren is een spel dat KLM systemisch kan spelen. Touroperating, and beyond. 
 1. Reframing the identity (in the narrative mode) 
 To start to grow in another direction 
 To enable collective creativity 
 Not just from the employees but also of the network, competitors, 
 2. And managing the emerging processes 
 Integrating it in the identity and the HRMinstruments 
 Managing the dynamics: 
Positive Feedback  Stabilization  Recombination  Fluctuation 
Nijs  2014 28
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8nTfVthkdw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKT_t166TY 
3.000.000 keer bekeken 
15.000.000 keer bekeken 
22.000 medewerkers 
die reframen. 
Small interventions can emerge into something big. 
Nijs  2014 29
Impact* - Systemic Innovation! 
Ander kostenplaatje: marketing, research, creativity 
Exposure: + 15.000.000 views soon and on the longer term 
Proudness employees + stimulating creativity employees 
Strengthening strategic choice of Journeys of Inspiration 
Other agents (such as Disney) will start to think: Whats in it for me 
The Dutch as we know them are back in airline business 
Please read the comments on this movies on youtube 
 KLM-Disney Planes and KLM Lost and Found 
Are JUST 2 creative interpretations of Journeys of Inspiration. 
Nijs  2014 30
THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 
design proces 
*Framing and reframing to invent the future together 
Nijs  2014 31
Het imagineering design proces 
 INSPIRATION: Discovering relevant stakeholder value 
 Analyse: Zoeken naar de generatieve kracht van de organisatie 
 Brooden: Systeemdenken: Welke organisaties werken aan dat 
betekenisveld  kan cocreatie zinvol gebeuren in dit veld? 
 IDEATION: Articulating it in the narrative mode in the identity 
 Creeer een visie: Wat kan de organisatie betekenen in dit 
betekenisveld  Core competency 
 Design het mantra zodat de individuele actor zich aangesproken voelt om 
tot actie pover te gaan 
 IMPLEMENTATION: Managing the dynamics of emergence 
 Experience platform, touchpoints en experience design 
 Followup: Managing the dynamics of emerging processes 
Stabilization  Pos. Feedback, Recombination, Fluctuation 
Nijs  2014 32
Nijs  2014 33
REFRAME your Business Logic 
Thank You 
for your attention! 
Nijs  2014 際際滷s on www.DianeNijs3.4com

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Reframe your business logic gent 2014

  • 1. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ Dr. Diane Nijs REFRAME your Business Logic Nijs 2014 1
  • 2. Lector/Professor Imagineering Directeur/Eigenaar Attract, Imagineering Company PhD Business Management, RUGroningen Nijs 2014 2
  • 3. Peter De Keyzer: groei in Europa, alleen door INNOVATIE! BlaBlaCar Innovatieve ideeen kunnen ook in bestaande organisaties ontstaan mits. Prof. Gino Van Ossel: U zelf volledig heruitvinden! Vrijdag 31 oktober 2014 Nijs 2014 3
  • 4. 2013 Dave Gray, When service design meets the divided company
  • 5. Business Logic Enterprise Logic De diepe structuur De evidente aannames die we niet in vraag stellen, moeten we leren in vraag stellen. We moeten anders leren denken niet alleen creatiever! Gewoon ECHT anders. Nijs 2014 5
  • 9. One small act... Nijs 2014 9
  • 10. Conventional, linear logic meets nonlinear phenomena. Haren (NL), 2012 Nijs 2014 10
  • 11. Nijs 2014 11
  • 12. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ How to REFRAME your Business Logic Nijs 2014 12
  • 13. Nijs 2014 13
  • 14. Shareholder Value v Stakeholder Value a onedimensional approach induces and rewards behavior that is at odds with natural laws that govern all complex systems Nijs 2014 14
  • 15. Reframe your identity in the narrative mode BETEKENIS! Continuous business modelling! Nijs 2014 15
  • 16. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ Een voorbeeld Nijs 2014 16
  • 17. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 2 Stappen Reframe your identity in the narrative mode Manage the dynamics of emergent processes Nijs 2014 17
  • 18. Reframing is als stoppen met roken met zijn allen USING A ONELINER in the logo to reframe the identity (business conception in the connected society) not from a marketingperspective but from an organizational/systemic perspective to prevent from falling back to invite all kind of stakeholders IMAGINEERING Reframing value creation in the narrative mode as to empower collective creativity strategically Nijs 2014 18
  • 19. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ Why to REFRAME your Business Logic Nijs 2014 19
  • 20. Industrial, mechanic Logic Logic of Living Systems (Nijs, 2014) COMPLICATED issues COMPLEX issues Closed Static Open Dynamic Sequential (chain) Simultaneous (network) Predictable Experts Unpredictable Core problem: behavioral change Core Problem Planning and Control Management Orchestrating and Inspiring Goods Dominant Logic Marketing Service and Experience D Logic Shareholder Value Orientation BUSINESS LOGIC Stakeholder V. O. Meaning for society Solution Design Evolution Logicoscientific modus Thinking (Brunner) Narrative Modus Philips, Unilever, KLM, Oad BlaBla Car, Facebook, eBay, Google Nijs 2014 20
  • 21. Het gebeurt niet vaak. Maar soms wel. Dan verandert het spel en de spelers. From OS 1968 Dan kan je het spel wel blijven spelen zoals je dat gewend bent maar je bent gewoon minder effectief. Nijs 2014 21
  • 22. Twee complementaire, wetenschappelijke lenzen Industrial, mechanic Logic Logic of Living Systems The good news: Living systems change differently: they transform, they start to grow in another direction. Nijs 2014 22
  • 23. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ 3 Basisprincipes Cocreatie en coevolutie Emergente processen Butterfly effecten Nijs 2014 23
  • 24. Frans Filosoof, Edgar Morin Nijs 2014 24 Principle 1: Living systems are open systems. Cocreation and coevolution are essential mechanisms. IMPLICATION: A stakeholder value orientation is therefore superior to a shareholder value orientation. Nijs, 2014
  • 25. Principle 2 of living systems: Order Through Fluctuation. Emergence IMPLICATION: To generate new order, one should bring an organization slightly out of equilibrium. Most of the new players such as Facebook, Dont have a planned strategy. They have an emergent strategy. Ilya Prigogine, a Russian born Belg who won the Noble Prize Chamistry in 77. Nijs 2014 25
  • 26. Nijs 2014 26 Principle 3: Living systems are nonlinear dynamic systems: The output is not directly Proportional to the input. IMPLICATION: In living systems, well designed small interventions can have emerging effects. Bruce J. West, Mathematical and Information Sciences
  • 27. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ Een voorbeeld Nijs 2014 27
  • 28. Change is a complex problem KLM, Journeys of Inspiration Visie: Niet mensen van A naar B brengen maar ze inspireren van A naar B Inspireren is een spel dat KLM systemisch kan spelen. Touroperating, and beyond. 1. Reframing the identity (in the narrative mode) To start to grow in another direction To enable collective creativity Not just from the employees but also of the network, competitors, colleagues. 2. And managing the emerging processes Integrating it in the identity and the HRMinstruments Managing the dynamics: Positive Feedback Stabilization Recombination Fluctuation Nijs 2014 28
  • 29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8nTfVthkdw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKT_t166TY 3.000.000 keer bekeken 15.000.000 keer bekeken . 22.000 medewerkers die reframen. Small interventions can emerge into something big. Nijs 2014 29
  • 30. Impact* - Systemic Innovation! Ander kostenplaatje: marketing, research, creativity Exposure: + 15.000.000 views soon and on the longer term Proudness employees + stimulating creativity employees Strengthening strategic choice of Journeys of Inspiration Other agents (such as Disney) will start to think: Whats in it for me The Dutch as we know them are back in airline business Please read the comments on this movies on youtube KLM-Disney Planes and KLM Lost and Found Are JUST 2 creative interpretations of Journeys of Inspiration. Nijs 2014 30
  • 31. THE CONFERENCE ____________Connecting the Dots___________ Imagineering* design proces *Framing and reframing to invent the future together Nijs 2014 31
  • 32. Het imagineering design proces INSPIRATION: Discovering relevant stakeholder value Analyse: Zoeken naar de generatieve kracht van de organisatie STAKEHOLDER VALUE BETEKENIS VOOR DE SAMENLEVING Brooden: Systeemdenken: Welke organisaties werken aan dat betekenisveld kan cocreatie zinvol gebeuren in dit veld? IDEATION: Articulating it in the narrative mode in the identity Creeer een visie: Wat kan de organisatie betekenen in dit betekenisveld Core competency Design het mantra zodat de individuele actor zich aangesproken voelt om tot actie pover te gaan IMPLEMENTATION: Managing the dynamics of emergence Experience platform, touchpoints en experience design Followup: Managing the dynamics of emerging processes Stabilization Pos. Feedback, Recombination, Fluctuation Nijs 2014 32
  • 33. Nijs 2014 33
  • 34. REFRAME your Business Logic Thank You for your attention! Nijs 2014 際際滷s on www.DianeNijs3.4com