13. Select the one partner
that you want to set the
project up with
14. Project Description Page
these are details for the project
as a whole not just your
school, you are writing on
behalf of your partners too so
dont be UK-centric.
15. Give your project a title.
This should be agreed
with your partner(s)
A brief overview of your
project. Try to explain
simply what your
project is about
Tick the languages that
you will use to
16. Select the age range of
students in the project
and the overall number
of students involved
Select all the subject
areas that the project
covers. From yours and
your partners point of
Select the ICT tools that
you will be using
17. Project aims specifically what you are
aiming the impact on your pupils to be.
What skills they are going to enhance,
what areas of the curriculum are going to
be enriched by working in this way
through the project
How are you going to carry out
your project? What are you
going to do when? How are you
going to collaborate and
communicate together?
What outputs and outcomes
are you planning to create
throughout and at the end of
the project?
18. This is the Preview Screen. You
can view and review all the
information that you just entered
in the Project Description Page.
If you want to change any of the
information at this point you can
click on Change which takes you
back a step, but if youre happy just
click Submit.
20. Recap
1. Can I register a project without a partner?
2. Do I need to think about the end of my
project when Im registering it?
3. Can I change my project details before I
submit it?
22. At this point you are told your
project is created but it will remain
pending until firstly your partner
and then the National Support
Services approve it.
You can find your project now in
the Pending tab of your Projects
23. You can view the current status of
the project here. It will either be
waiting for partner approval or
waiting for NSS approval.
At this stage
you can Delete
the project or
Edit the details
24. Your partner will have received a
notification in their Desktop saying
that the project has been registered
and that you are waiting for them to
accept the project.
They will also be able to find it in
the Pending tab of their Projects
page and there they will have the
option to Accept or Reject the
25. Once your partner has approved
the project it gets sent to the NSS
in each country for each of them to
verify and approve (to check the
project is appropriate, well planned
etc). This shouldnt take more than
3 days.
27. Recap
1. Does my project go live straight away?
2. Will my partner be automatically e-mailed
when the project is ready?
3. Do I need to contact my NSS?
29. Now that your eTwinning project is
up and running you can manage it
from the Projects page of your
eTwinning Desktop.
You can also see that now your
project has been approved it
appears in the Open projects tab
30. You can add new partner schools to
the project by clicking on Add new
partner(s). Again, just make sure
they are in your Contacts List
before you try and do this.
By clicking on Manage Partner(s)
you can change the role of the
members of the project.
31. Within Manage Partner(s) you can
change the role of the members of
the project to either Administrator
or Member. Administrators can
add (and remove) others to/from the
project and change the project
details whereas Members can just
view this information. Should you
wish to remove a partner from the
project you can do so from this
Click to remove a
32. You can also close the project when
it finishes, access your Twinspace
and apply for a Quality Label from
this page.
34. Recap
1. Can I add new members once my project
has been approved?
2. Will my partner be able to edit the project
3. Will my project carry on forever on the
eTwinning Desktop?