The document provides instructions for registering with the website It outlines clicking the menu icon to access the login or registration pages. Users can register by filling out a form, selecting their user type, and submitting. They can then login using their email and password. After logging in, users should update their profile by uploading a photo, providing details like registration number and education, and linking social media so patients can contact them. Location details like address should also be included so patients can find the practitioner.
5. After login, you have this page. If new
in here click on the button named
"!!!click here to register!!“
If already registered click on the
button named "!!!click here to
6. Fill up the registration form.
. Then click user type, for select your
user level. Then you have next page…
13. You have 3 option for specialty. Select
your specialty.
14. Give details. Your registration no of
DGH(AMC) if you take graduate on
homoeopathy; unani & aurvedha. Or
Rgistration no of BOARD; if you take
diploma.And give name of authority if
registration. As for example-
For graduate- DGH(AMC)
For diploma – BOARD NAME.
Give education details up to date.
15. Make link your profile with social
media. So your patient can easily
communicate with you.
16. Write your address. Google can search
it, and then select your location.
Please give here your chamber
address. So patient can easily find your