2. Regular Expression
Historically, regular expressions are one
of computer science's shining examples
of how using good theory leads to good
Today, regular expressions have also
become a shining example of how
ignoring good theory leads to bad
3. What is regular expression
Is a notation for describing a set of
character strings
sequence of characters within /, /
single character within /, / is the simple
regular expression
Ex: /hello world/
4. What can be done with regular
expression ?
Test a string to see whether it matches
a pattern
Extract from a string the sections that
match all or part of a pattern
Change the string, replacing parts that
match a pattern
5. Metacharcters
Some characters have special meaning
in regular expression
., |, (, ), [, ], {, }, +, , ^, $, * and ?
They don't match themselves
To match, escape it with ''
Ex: '*' =~ /*/
6. Ruby Regular Expressions
Uses 'Oniguruma' open source C library
by K. Kosako
It also an object, Regexp
#{...} expression substitutions in the
7. How to create pattern in ruby ?
Ex: /hello/
Ex: Regexp.new('hello')
Ex: %r{mm/dd}
8. Matching against String
When a particular string is in the set described
by a regular expression, we often say that the
regular expression matches the string
Returns matched index / nil
Returns true / false
Method of String & Regexp
Returns MatchData object / nil
11. Metacharacters
To restrict the pattern to match beginning
or end of the line
^ - beginning of the line
$ - end of the line
A beginning of the string
Z end of the string
12. Metacharacters
Character Class
Set of characters between [ and ]
Can have ranges
Can negate character sets
d, D, w, W, s, S
Match digits [0-9]
Alphanumeric [A-Za-z0-9]
Except digits [^0-9]
13. Metacharacters
r* Matches zero or more occurrences of r
r+ Matches one or more occurrences of r
r? Matches zero or one occurrence of r
r{m,n} Matches at least m and at most n
occurrences of r
r{m,} Matches at least m occurrences of r
r{,n} Matches at most n occurrences of r
r{m } Matches exactly m occurrences of r
15. Metacharacters
r* Matches zero or more occurrences of r
r+ Matches one or more occurrences of r
r? Matches zero or one occurrence of r
r{m,n} Matches at least m and at most n
occurrences of r
r{m,} Matches at least m occurrences of r
r{,n} Matches at most n occurrences of r
r{m } Matches exactly m occurrences of r
17. Vim - Intro
Vim is a text editor written by Bram
Moolenaar based on 'vi'
The original code for 'vi' was written by
Bill Joy in 1976
Originally created for Unix systems
18. Vim Modes
Normal Mode
characters you type are commands
Default mode
Insert Mode
the characters are inserted as text
I, i, A, a, O, o switch to insert mode
Escp key is to come back to normal mode
19. Vim Manipulation
dw, dd, D, x, X
yw, yy, Y
P, p
r, R
Undo & Redo
u, Ctrl+r
20. Vim Navigation
h, j, k , l
w, b, e
0, ^, $
P, p
G, gg
% (matches {}()[ ])
Ctrl-b, Ctrl-f
N G ( got to nth line)
21. Vim Search & Replace
N, n
:range s/oldpattern/new/options
F, f, t, T