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Regular Expressions
Boot Camp
Presented by Chris Schiffhauer
What are Regular Expressions?
 Regular expressions are an extension of wildcards (i.e. *.doc).
 Code that manipulates text needs to locate strings that match
complex patterns.
 A regular expression is a shorthand for a pattern.
 w+ is a concise way to say match any non-null strings of alphanumeric
Finding Nemo

Find nemo

 When ignoring case, will match Nemo, NEMO, or nEmO.
 Will also match characters 9-12 of Johnny Mnemonic, or Finding Nemo 2.


Find nemo as a whole word

 b is a code that says match the position at the beginning of end of any word.
 Will only match complete words spelled nemo with any combination of upper and
lowercase letters.

 bnemob.*b2b Find text with nemo followed by 2
 The special characters that give Regular Expressions their power is already making
them hard for humans to read.
Determining the Validity of Phone

Matches any single digit.
Literal hyphen (has no special meaning).


Find ten-digit US phone number

Better way to find the number

Follows d to mean repeat the preceding character three times.
Special Characters
 baw*b Find words that start with the letter a



The beginning of a word.
The letter a.
Any number of repetitions of alphanumeric characters.
The end of a word.

Find repeated strings of digits
Similar to *, but requires one repetition.
Special Characters, continued
 bw{6}b Find six letter words


Match any character except newline
Match any alphanumeric character
Match any whitespace character
Match any digit
Match the beginning or end of a word
Match the beginning of the string
Match the end of the string
Beginnings and Endings

Validate an entire string as a phone number

The beginning of the string.
The end of the string.
 In .NET, use RegexOptions.Multiline to match the beginning and end of a line.



Find $1000 as the entire string
The beginning of the string.
Escaped $ (literal $).
Literal 1000.
The end of the string.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Repeat any number of times
Repeat one or more times
Repeat zero or one time
Repeat n times
Repeat at least n, but not more than m times
Repeat at least n times.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat, continued

Find all five and six letter words
Word with at least 5, but not more than 6, characters.

Find phone numbers formatted for intl calling

White space

 d{3}-d{2}-d{4} Find social security numbers
Find first word in string
Character Classes

Matches any vowel


Matches punctuation at the end of a sentence


Literal ., losing its special meaning because its inside brackets
Literal ?

 (?d{3}[) ]s?d{3}[ ]d{4}

Matches a 10-digit phone number

Zero or one left parentheses.
 [) ]
A right parenthesis or a space.
 Will also match 480) 555-1212.

Match any character that is NOT alphanumeric
Match any character that is NOT whitespace
Match any character that is NOT a digit
Match a position that is NOT a word boundary
Match any character that is NOT x
Match any character that is NOT one of the chars aeiou


All strings that do not contain whitespace characters

Pipe symbol separates alternatives


Five and nine digit Zip Codes

 bd{5}-d{4}b Leftmost alternative first: nine digit Zip Codes.
Second: five digit Zip Codes.


Only matches five digit Zip Codes

 ((d{3})|d{3})s?d{3}[- ]d{4}

Ten digit phone numbers

Matches (480) or 480.
Parentheses delimit a subexpression to allow repetition or special

A simple IP address finder

A one to three digit number following by a literal period.
Repeats the preceding three times.
 Also matches invalid IP addresses like 999.999.999.999.

A better IP address finder
Backreferences search for a recurrence of previously matched text that
has been captured by a group.

Find repeated words
Finds a string of at least one character within group 1.
Finds any amount of whitespace.
Finds a repetition of the captured text.
Backreferences, continued
Automatic numbering of groups can be overridden by specifying an
explicit name or number.
Capture repeated word in a named group
 (?<Word>w+) Names this capture group Word.
Captures and Lookarounds
Match exp & capture in an automatically numbered group.
 (?<name>exp) Match exp and capture it in a group named name.
Match exp, but do not capture it.



Match a position like ^ or b and never match any
Match any position preceding a suffix exp.
Match any position following a prefix exp.
Match any position after which the suffix exp isnt found.
Match any position before which the prefix exp isnt found.
Positive Lookaround

The beginning of words ending with ing
Zero-width positive lookahead assertion
Matches a position that precedes a given suffix.


The end of words starting with re


Zero-width positive lookbehind assertion
Matches a position following a prefix.


3 digits at the end of a word, preceded by a digit

 (?<=s)w+(?=s) Alphanumeric strings bounded by whitespace
Negative Lookaround

Always matches a character. Iraq does not match.


Words with q followed by NOT u

Search for words with q not followed by u
Zero-width negative lookahead assertion
Succeeds when u does not exist. Iraq matches.

 (?<![a-z ])w{7} 7 alphanumerics not preceded by a letter or space
 (?<![a-z ])

Zero-width negative lookbehind assertion
Greedy and Lazy
Be default, regular expressions are greedy. This means that when a
quantifier can accept a range of repeitions, as many characters as
possible will be matched.
The longest string starting with a and ending with b
 An input of aabab will match the entire string.

Quantifiers can be made lazy by adding a question mark.
The shortest string starting with an a and ending with a b
 An input of aabab will match aab and then ab.
Greedy and Lazy, continued

Repeat any number of times, but as few as possible.
Repeat one or more times, but as few as possible.
Repeat zero or one time, but as few as possible.
Repeat at least n, but no more than m, as few as possible.
Repeat at least n times, but as few as possible.

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Regular Expressions Boot Camp

  • 1. Regular Expressions Boot Camp Presented by Chris Schiffhauer www.schiffhauer.com twitter.com/PaulyGlott
  • 2. What are Regular Expressions? Regular expressions are an extension of wildcards (i.e. *.doc). Code that manipulates text needs to locate strings that match complex patterns. A regular expression is a shorthand for a pattern. w+ is a concise way to say match any non-null strings of alphanumeric characters.
  • 3. Finding Nemo nemo Find nemo When ignoring case, will match Nemo, NEMO, or nEmO. Will also match characters 9-12 of Johnny Mnemonic, or Finding Nemo 2. bnemob Find nemo as a whole word b is a code that says match the position at the beginning of end of any word. Will only match complete words spelled nemo with any combination of upper and lowercase letters. bnemob.*b2b Find text with nemo followed by 2 The special characters that give Regular Expressions their power is already making them hard for humans to read.
  • 4. Determining the Validity of Phone Numbers bddd-ddd-dddd d - Matches any single digit. Literal hyphen (has no special meaning). bd{3}-d{3}-d{4} {3} Find ten-digit US phone number Better way to find the number Follows d to mean repeat the preceding character three times.
  • 5. Special Characters baw*b Find words that start with the letter a b a w* b d+ + The beginning of a word. The letter a. Any number of repetitions of alphanumeric characters. The end of a word. Find repeated strings of digits Similar to *, but requires one repetition.
  • 6. Special Characters, continued bw{6}b Find six letter words . w s d b ^ $ Match any character except newline Match any alphanumeric character Match any whitespace character Match any digit Match the beginning or end of a word Match the beginning of the string Match the end of the string
  • 7. Beginnings and Endings ^d{3}-d{3}-d{4}$ Validate an entire string as a phone number ^ The beginning of the string. $ The end of the string. In .NET, use RegexOptions.Multiline to match the beginning and end of a line. ^$1000$ ^ $ 1000 $ Find $1000 as the entire string The beginning of the string. Escaped $ (literal $). Literal 1000. The end of the string.
  • 8. Wash, Rinse, Repeat * + ? {n} {n,m} {n,} Repeat any number of times Repeat one or more times Repeat zero or one time Repeat n times Repeat at least n, but not more than m times Repeat at least n times.
  • 9. Wash, Rinse, Repeat, continued bw{5,6}b w{5,6} Find all five and six letter words Word with at least 5, but not more than 6, characters. b+d{1,3}sd{3}-d{3}-d{4} Find phone numbers formatted for intl calling s White space d{3}-d{2}-d{4} Find social security numbers ^w* Find first word in string
  • 10. Character Classes [aeiou] Matches any vowel [.?!] Matches punctuation at the end of a sentence . ? Literal ., losing its special meaning because its inside brackets Literal ? (?d{3}[) ]s?d{3}[ ]d{4} Matches a 10-digit phone number (? Zero or one left parentheses. [) ] A right parenthesis or a space. Will also match 480) 555-1212.
  • 11. Negation W S D B [^x] [^aeiou] Match any character that is NOT alphanumeric Match any character that is NOT whitespace Match any character that is NOT a digit Match a position that is NOT a word boundary Match any character that is NOT x Match any character that is NOT one of the chars aeiou S+ All strings that do not contain whitespace characters
  • 12. Alternatives | Pipe symbol separates alternatives bd{5}-d{4}b|bd{5}b Five and nine digit Zip Codes bd{5}-d{4}b Leftmost alternative first: nine digit Zip Codes. bd{5}b Second: five digit Zip Codes. bd{5}b|bd{5}-d{4}b Only matches five digit Zip Codes ((d{3})|d{3})s?d{3}[- ]d{4} ((d{3})|d{3}) Ten digit phone numbers Matches (480) or 480.
  • 13. Grouping Parentheses delimit a subexpression to allow repetition or special treatment. (d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3} A simple IP address finder (d{1,3}.) A one to three digit number following by a literal period. {3} Repeats the preceding three times. Also matches invalid IP addresses like 999.999.999.999. ((2[0-4]d|25[0-5]|[01]?dd?).){3}(2[0-4]d|25[0-5]|[01]?dd?) A better IP address finder
  • 14. Backreferences Backreferences search for a recurrence of previously matched text that has been captured by a group. b(w+)bs*1b (w+) s* 1 Find repeated words Finds a string of at least one character within group 1. Finds any amount of whitespace. Finds a repetition of the captured text.
  • 15. Backreferences, continued Automatic numbering of groups can be overridden by specifying an explicit name or number. b(?<Word>w+)bs*k<Word>b Capture repeated word in a named group (?<Word>w+) Names this capture group Word.
  • 16. Captures and Lookarounds Captures (exp) Match exp & capture in an automatically numbered group. (?<name>exp) Match exp and capture it in a group named name. (?:exp) Match exp, but do not capture it. Lookarounds text (?=exp) (?<exp) (?!exp) (?<!exp) Match a position like ^ or b and never match any Match any position preceding a suffix exp. Match any position following a prefix exp. Match any position after which the suffix exp isnt found. Match any position before which the prefix exp isnt found.
  • 17. Positive Lookaround bw+(?=ingb) (?=ing) The beginning of words ending with ing Zero-width positive lookahead assertion Matches a position that precedes a given suffix. (?<=bre)w+b The end of words starting with re (?<=bre) Zero-width positive lookbehind assertion Matches a position following a prefix. (?<=d)d{3}b 3 digits at the end of a word, preceded by a digit (?<=s)w+(?=s) Alphanumeric strings bounded by whitespace
  • 18. Negative Lookaround bw*q[^u]w*b [^u] Always matches a character. Iraq does not match. bw*q(?!u)w*b (?!u) Words with q followed by NOT u Search for words with q not followed by u Zero-width negative lookahead assertion Succeeds when u does not exist. Iraq matches. (?<![a-z ])w{7} 7 alphanumerics not preceded by a letter or space (?<![a-z ]) Zero-width negative lookbehind assertion
  • 19. Greedy and Lazy Be default, regular expressions are greedy. This means that when a quantifier can accept a range of repeitions, as many characters as possible will be matched. a.*b The longest string starting with a and ending with b An input of aabab will match the entire string. Quantifiers can be made lazy by adding a question mark. a.*?b The shortest string starting with an a and ending with a b An input of aabab will match aab and then ab.
  • 20. Greedy and Lazy, continued *? +? ?? {n,m}? {n,}? Repeat any number of times, but as few as possible. Repeat one or more times, but as few as possible. Repeat zero or one time, but as few as possible. Repeat at least n, but no more than m, as few as possible. Repeat at least n times, but as few as possible.