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? GMV, 2015 Property of GMV
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Timing Requirements
in the IXV
On-Board Software
Conference on Reliable Software Technologies
Santiago Urue?a, Nuria Prez, Bruno N. Calvo,
Carlos Flores, Andreas Jung
? GMV, 2015
Page 2
Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW
Space vehicle from the European Space Agency (ESA)
to experiment on atmospheric re-entry
successfully launched on February 11th, 2015
? GMV, 2015
Page 3
? Around 100 min suborbital flight
? Representative return missions from Low-Earth Orbit
? Fully automated flight, unmanned vehicle
? No telecommanding after launch
? Monitored from ground stations
Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? GMV, 2015
Page 4
Control Software in charge of
autonomously flying the IXV vehicle
following a predefined mission timeline
? Safety-Critical Software (DAL-B)
? C99 & MISRA-C:2004
? Fault tolerance
(radiation hardened SPARCv8)
? Hard real time requirements
? Caches enabled & code optimized
? RTEMS operating system
? Ravenscar profile
OBSW Application & Service layer:
OBSW Basic layer:
- BSW (drivers): 7 kLOC
- RTEMS (subset): 16 kLOC
Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Ada run-time profile
C Subset of concurrency features to allow schedulability analysis
? Advantages:
C Timing predictability, strict deadlines, low jitter
C Small run-time to enable certification to high-integrity levels
C Low resource consumption, high performance
? Defined in IRTAW 1997 (held in English village of same name)
C 8th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
? Part of Annex D (Real-Time Systems) since Ada 2005
pragma Profile (Ravenscar);
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
pragma Task_Dispatching_Policy (FIFO_Within_Priorities);
pragma Locking_Policy (Ceiling_Locking);
pragma Detect_Blocking;
pragma Restrictions (
Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 1,
Max_Protected_Entries => 1,
Max_Task_Entries => 0,
No_Dependence => Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control,
No_Dependence => Ada.Calendar,
No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Group_Budget,
No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Timers,
No_Dependence => Ada.Task_Attributes,
No_Dependence => System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains);
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Success of Ravenscar profile, not just for Ada
C Adapted to Java (A. Wellings & J. Kwon)
C No previous publications to enforce Ravenscar in RTEMS
? Analysis of RTEMS documentation and source code internals
C Qualified version of RTEMS by Edisoft in IXV
C API compatibility (e.g. scheduling and synchronization policies)
C Find primitives requiring memory allocation/deallocation
? Classification of RTEMS primitives
C Unrestricted use (e.g. rtems_semaphore_obtain)
C OBSW initialization only (e.g. rtems_interrupt_catch)
C Completely forbidden (e.g. rtems_task_delete)
? Creation of RTOS wrapper (just allowed RTEMS primitives)
C Periodic / sporadic tasks, mutexes, and interrupt service routines
C Ported in new OBSW projects to different RTOS / CPU
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? System validation tests
C Open-loop and closed-loop tests
C Emphasis in fault injection test (OBSW, OBC,
avionics devices)
? 100% branch coverage (ECSS-E-ST-40C decision coverage)
? Stack analysis
C Check maximum stack usage at different validation tests
? Timing analysis
C Validation & Flight: Task overruns monitored (event to Ground)
C Validation:
1. Response time analysis (dynamic analysis) ? All tasks and mutexes
2. WCET with RapiTime (dynamic & static analysis) ? Critical tasks only
? Analysis of results reveals coding errors (e.g. nesting of locks)
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Measure the computation times of tasks and critical sections
C Timestamps at beginning and end of each task activation
C Timestamps at lock and unlock routines
? Store all the timestamps generated
in different system tests
? Script to analyze the computation
time of every task activation and
critical section
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Software Validation Facility (SVF)
C Pure software emulation of OBC and avionics,
Real-World simulator
C LEON2-FT tsim emulator
C Flexibility: introspection, debugging, fault injection
? Avionics / GNC Test Bench (AGTB)
C Hardware avionics (engineering models) &
software Real-World
C OBC Functional Model (FPGA LEON2)
C Representative avionics hardware
? Proto-Flight Model (PFM)
C Flight hardware avionics + Real-World simulator
(GPS stimulators)
C OBC with AT697E (ASIC LEON2)
C Flight software
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Measurement techniques analyzed (SVF only)
1. Low overhead traces (invalid instruction processed by tsim module)
? Instrumented executable
? Very easy to use, convenient just for application code
? Some overhead (more instructions in memory, less code optimizations)
2. Breakpoints (debugger)
? No instrumentation needed
? Difficult to use, but very flexible
? Initially no overhead
? Both techniques can also be used
with RapiTime
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Average task times comparison measured with both techniques
C Higher overhead of traces than breakpoints as expected
C Some tasks execute faster with traces! (cache anomalies?)
Task Priority Period Breakpoints Traces Overhead
MILB 150 10.00 0.427 0.435 0.0077 1.8%
RCS 155 10.00 0.085 0.089 0.0045 5.3%
SUP 160 50.00 0.036 0.038 0.0014 3.9%
ACQ 165 50.00 1.634 1.657 0.0238 1.5%
GNC_C 170 50.00 1.956 1.973 0.0168 0.9%
EH 175 50.00 2.353 2.361 0.0078 0.3%
MVM 177 50.00 0.059 0.060 0.0002 0.3%
CMD 180 50.00 0.063 0.064 0.0008 1.3%
GPS 182 50.00 0.188 0.194 0.0063 3.4%
HK 185 50.00 2.061 2.066 0.0049 0.2%
TTM 190 50.00 1.190 1.124 C0.0662 C5.6%
TC 195 50.00 0.034 0.039 0.0054 16.0%
GNC_N 200 500.00 10.655 10.458 C0.1977 C1.9%
GNC_G 210 500.00 1.574 1.601 0.0267 1.7%
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
Event message
Reference timestamp
(no timing measurements)
EV_MOS_ACTION_TRIGGERED 4316.97509 second +0.00 ms +424.32 ms
EV_ACTION_SUCCESSFUL_EXEC 4316.97686 second +0.00 ms +424.38 ms
EV_MOS_TRANS_TO_REENTRY 4371.97497 second +0.06 ms C75.68 ms
EV_ACTION_SUCCESSFUL_EXEC 4371.97552 second +0.06 ms C75.62 ms
? Timestamp comparison of transmitted packets in same SVF test
1. Flight executable with no timing measurements
2. Flight executable with breakpoints
3. Instrumented executable with traces
? Breakpoints also introduce some timing overhead
? Overhead of traces affects test behavior
? Similar comparison with AGTB (SVF adds less than 1 ms)
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Separate schedulability analysis for each mission phase
? The OBSW is schedulable in all phases, with 35% CPU margin
? No task overrun ever detected during validation or the mission
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Publication of response times of every thread per mission mode
? Useful in future projects (budget estimations at early phases)
? GMV, 2015
Page 16
Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? Ravenscar profile allows the schedulability analysis
C IXV OBSW schedulable in all phases
? Different measurement techniques analyzed
1. Low-overhead traces
? Easy to use, but just application code
? Some overhead and noticeable software interference
? Convenient during development
2. Breakpoints
? Very flexible, both for application and RTOS code
? Negligible overhead, minor software interference
? Difficult to use manually, just for final tests
? Emulators and CPUs must provide better timing features
? Critical software should monitor its timing attributes
? GMV, 2015 Property of GMV
All rights reserved
Thank you
Santiago Urue?a
Section Head Critical Software
Software Engineering department
Email: suruena@gmv.com
? GMV, 2015
Page 18
HERMES (1990)
ARD (1998)
X38/CRV (1999)
PHOENIX (2004)
USV1,2,3 (2007)
EXPERT (2012)
IXV (2015)
Reentry vehicle applications:
- Servicing of orbital infrastructures
(e.g. ISS)
- Servicing of satellites
(e.g. refueling or disposal)
- Robotic exploration
(e.g. sample return from Mars)
- Microgravity experiments
- Earth sciences
(e.g. high-altitude atmospheric research)
- Earth observation
(e.g. crisis monitoring)
Next step: PRIDE
(Programme for Reusable
In-orbit Demonstrator for
Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
? GMV, 2015
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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements
in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24

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Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV On-Board Software

  • 1. ? GMV, 2015 Property of GMV All rights reserved Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV On-Board Software Conference on Reliable Software Technologies Santiago Urue?a, Nuria Prez, Bruno N. Calvo, Carlos Flores, Andreas Jung
  • 2. ? GMV, 2015 IXV OVERVIEW WHAT IS THE INTERMEDIATE EXPERIMENTAL VEHICLE? Page 2 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW Space vehicle from the European Space Agency (ESA) to experiment on atmospheric re-entry successfully launched on February 11th, 2015 2015-06-24
  • 3. ? GMV, 2015 IXV OVERVIEW MISSION Page 3 ? Around 100 min suborbital flight ? Representative return missions from Low-Earth Orbit ? Fully automated flight, unmanned vehicle ? No telecommanding after launch ? Monitored from ground stations Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
  • 4. ? GMV, 2015 IXV ON-BOARD SOFTWARE HIGHLIGHTS Page 4 Control Software in charge of autonomously flying the IXV vehicle following a predefined mission timeline ? Safety-Critical Software (DAL-B) ? C99 & MISRA-C:2004 ? Fault tolerance ? 50 MHz LEON2-FT CPU (radiation hardened SPARCv8) ? Hard real time requirements ? Caches enabled & code optimized ? RTEMS operating system ? Ravenscar profile OBSW Application & Service layer: - OBSW MVM: 55 kLOC - OBSW GNC: 22 kLOC OBSW Basic layer: - BSW (drivers): 7 kLOC - RTEMS (subset): 16 kLOC Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
  • 5. ? GMV, 2015 RAVENSCAR PROFILE INTRODUCTION Page 5 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Ada run-time profile C Subset of concurrency features to allow schedulability analysis ? Advantages: C Timing predictability, strict deadlines, low jitter C Small run-time to enable certification to high-integrity levels C Low resource consumption, high performance ? Defined in IRTAW 1997 (held in English village of same name) C 8th International Real-Time Ada Workshop ? Part of Annex D (Real-Time Systems) since Ada 2005 pragma Profile (Ravenscar);
  • 6. ? GMV, 2015 RAVENSCAR PROFILE ARM 2012 DEFINITION Page 6 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 pragma Task_Dispatching_Policy (FIFO_Within_Priorities); pragma Locking_Policy (Ceiling_Locking); pragma Detect_Blocking; pragma Restrictions ( No_Abort_Statements, No_Dynamic_Attachment, No_Dynamic_Priorities, No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, No_Local_Protected_Objects, No_Local_Timing_Events, No_Protected_Type_Allocators, No_Relative_Delay, No_Requeue_Statements, No_Select_Statements, No_Specific_Termination_Handlers, No_Task_Allocators, No_Task_Hierarchy, No_Task_Termination, Simple_Barriers, Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 1, Max_Protected_Entries => 1, Max_Task_Entries => 0, No_Dependence => Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control, No_Dependence => Ada.Calendar, No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Group_Budget, No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Timers, No_Dependence => Ada.Task_Attributes, No_Dependence => System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains);
  • 7. ? GMV, 2015 RAVENSCAR PROFILE ADAPTATION TO RTEMS Page 7 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Success of Ravenscar profile, not just for Ada C Adapted to Java (A. Wellings & J. Kwon) C No previous publications to enforce Ravenscar in RTEMS ? Analysis of RTEMS documentation and source code internals C Qualified version of RTEMS by Edisoft in IXV C API compatibility (e.g. scheduling and synchronization policies) C Find primitives requiring memory allocation/deallocation ? Classification of RTEMS primitives C Unrestricted use (e.g. rtems_semaphore_obtain) C OBSW initialization only (e.g. rtems_interrupt_catch) C Completely forbidden (e.g. rtems_task_delete) ? Creation of RTOS wrapper (just allowed RTEMS primitives) C Periodic / sporadic tasks, mutexes, and interrupt service routines C Ported in new OBSW projects to different RTOS / CPU
  • 8. ? GMV, 2015 IXV OBSW VALIDATION OVERVIEW Page 8 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? System validation tests C Open-loop and closed-loop tests C Emphasis in fault injection test (OBSW, OBC, avionics devices) ? 100% branch coverage (ECSS-E-ST-40C decision coverage) ? Stack analysis C Check maximum stack usage at different validation tests ? Timing analysis C Validation & Flight: Task overruns monitored (event to Ground) C Validation: 1. Response time analysis (dynamic analysis) ? All tasks and mutexes 2. WCET with RapiTime (dynamic & static analysis) ? Critical tasks only ? Analysis of results reveals coding errors (e.g. nesting of locks)
  • 9. ? GMV, 2015 IXV OBSW VALIDATION TIMING ANALYSIS Page 9 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Measure the computation times of tasks and critical sections C Timestamps at beginning and end of each task activation C Timestamps at lock and unlock routines ? Store all the timestamps generated in different system tests ? Script to analyze the computation time of every task activation and critical section
  • 10. ? GMV, 2015 IXV OBSW VALIDATION TEST ENVIRONMENTS Page 10 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Software Validation Facility (SVF) C Pure software emulation of OBC and avionics, Real-World simulator C LEON2-FT tsim emulator C Flexibility: introspection, debugging, fault injection ? Avionics / GNC Test Bench (AGTB) C Hardware avionics (engineering models) & software Real-World C OBC Functional Model (FPGA LEON2) C Representative avionics hardware ? Proto-Flight Model (PFM) C Flight hardware avionics + Real-World simulator (GPS stimulators) C OBC with AT697E (ASIC LEON2) C Flight software
  • 11. ? GMV, 2015 TIMING ANALYSIS MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Page 11 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Measurement techniques analyzed (SVF only) 1. Low overhead traces (invalid instruction processed by tsim module) ? Instrumented executable ? Very easy to use, convenient just for application code ? Some overhead (more instructions in memory, less code optimizations) 2. Breakpoints (debugger) ? No instrumentation needed ? Difficult to use, but very flexible ? Initially no overhead ? Both techniques can also be used with RapiTime
  • 12. ? GMV, 2015 TIMING ANALYSIS COMPARISON AVERAGE COMPUTATION TIMES Page 12 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Average task times comparison measured with both techniques C Higher overhead of traces than breakpoints as expected C Some tasks execute faster with traces! (cache anomalies?) Task Priority Period Breakpoints Traces Overhead MILB 150 10.00 0.427 0.435 0.0077 1.8% RCS 155 10.00 0.085 0.089 0.0045 5.3% SUP 160 50.00 0.036 0.038 0.0014 3.9% ACQ 165 50.00 1.634 1.657 0.0238 1.5% GNC_C 170 50.00 1.956 1.973 0.0168 0.9% EH 175 50.00 2.353 2.361 0.0078 0.3% MVM 177 50.00 0.059 0.060 0.0002 0.3% CMD 180 50.00 0.063 0.064 0.0008 1.3% GPS 182 50.00 0.188 0.194 0.0063 3.4% HK 185 50.00 2.061 2.066 0.0049 0.2% TTM 190 50.00 1.190 1.124 C0.0662 C5.6% TC 195 50.00 0.034 0.039 0.0054 16.0% GNC_N 200 500.00 10.655 10.458 C0.1977 C1.9% GNC_G 210 500.00 1.574 1.601 0.0267 1.7%
  • 13. ? GMV, 2015 TIMING ANALYSIS COMPARISON WITH NO TIMING MEASUREMENTS Page 13 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 Event message Reference timestamp (no timing measurements) Interference breakpoints Interference traces EV_MOS_ACTION_TRIGGERED 4316.97509 second +0.00 ms +424.32 ms EV_ACTION_SUCCESSFUL_EXEC 4316.97686 second +0.00 ms +424.38 ms EV_MOS_TRANS_TO_REENTRY 4371.97497 second +0.06 ms C75.68 ms EV_ACTION_SUCCESSFUL_EXEC 4371.97552 second +0.06 ms C75.62 ms ? Timestamp comparison of transmitted packets in same SVF test 1. Flight executable with no timing measurements 2. Flight executable with breakpoints 3. Instrumented executable with traces ? Breakpoints also introduce some timing overhead ? Overhead of traces affects test behavior ? Similar comparison with AGTB (SVF adds less than 1 ms)
  • 14. ? GMV, 2015 TIMING ANALYSIS SCHEDULABILITY ANALYSIS Page 14 ASCENT ORBITAL RE-ENTRY DESCENT SEA LANDING Thrusters Flaps Parachutes Balloons Thrusters VEGA Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Separate schedulability analysis for each mission phase ? The OBSW is schedulable in all phases, with 35% CPU margin ? No task overrun ever detected during validation or the mission
  • 15. ? GMV, 2015 TIMING ANALYSIS TIMING RESULTS Page 15 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Publication of response times of every thread per mission mode ? Useful in future projects (budget estimations at early phases)
  • 16. ? GMV, 2015 TIMING ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS Page 16 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24 ? Ravenscar profile allows the schedulability analysis C IXV OBSW schedulable in all phases ? Different measurement techniques analyzed 1. Low-overhead traces ? Easy to use, but just application code ? Some overhead and noticeable software interference ? Convenient during development 2. Breakpoints ? Very flexible, both for application and RTOS code ? Negligible overhead, minor software interference ? Difficult to use manually, just for final tests ? Emulators and CPUs must provide better timing features ? Critical software should monitor its timing attributes
  • 17. ? GMV, 2015 Property of GMV All rights reserved Thank you Santiago Urue?a Section Head Critical Software Software Engineering department Email: suruena@gmv.com www.gmv.com
  • 18. ? GMV, 2015 IXV OVERVIEW PAST (EUROPE) & FUTURE Page 18 HERMES (1990) (cancelled) ARD (1998) (successful) X38/CRV (1999) (cancelled) PHOENIX (2004) (cancelled) USV1,2,3 (2007) (successful) EXPERT (2012) (on-hold) IXV (2015) (successful) Reentry vehicle applications: - Servicing of orbital infrastructures (e.g. ISS) - Servicing of satellites (e.g. refueling or disposal) - Robotic exploration (e.g. sample return from Mars) - Microgravity experiments - Earth sciences (e.g. high-altitude atmospheric research) - Earth observation (e.g. crisis monitoring) Next step: PRIDE (Programme for Reusable In-orbit Demonstrator for Europe) Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24
  • 19. ? GMV, 2015 IXV INTRODUCTION MISSION Page 19 Guaranteeing Timing Requirements in the IXV OBSW 2015-06-24