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                             Lindsay McCardle, Stephanie Helm, Allyson F. Hadwin, Kara Shaw, & Peter Wild
                                                        University of Victoria
                                    Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant 410-2008-0700 (PI: Hadwin)
                                                                                   Table 1. Codes for Strategy Main Ideas                                                                                                                                                      Table 4.Type of Regulation Frequency by Type of Challenge
                                                                                         Main Idea                                     Description                                                                         Examples                                                                 Strategic          Team
                              PURPOSE                                                      Planning         Task understanding, goal setting/ planning,&scheduling                    saying up front what our goals for the project are -saying when we don't agree on what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Regulating         Planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Soft Skills

   To explore students regulation of learning in response to                                                                                                                         our priorities are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Self                   53                17               22          92
challenges encountered in three collaborative tasks with the                            Roles &             Workload, equality,&leadership/ coordination                              If it were a longer task I think I it would be easier to divvy up task as opposed
                                                                                     Responsibilities                                                                                 to many people working on the same issue                                                 Each other             78                17               36          131
following research questions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Together               19                 1               4           24
                                                                                          Distributed       Different perspectives or using different knowledge bases                 I would like to expand my knowledge base into other disciplines to make myself
1. What strategies do individuals identify for themselves (I                               Expertise                                                                                  a bigger asset to a group.                                                               Total                  150               35               62          247
     strategies) and for their team (WE strategies) to address                            Motivation        Students desire to actively&effortfullyengage in the task                 Even if you have a lot of other work or have not completed your part, frequent
                                                                                                                                                                                      group meeting are essential to keep the group motivated and continue                     Table 5. Strategy Main Idea Frequency by Type of Challenge
     collaborative challenges?                                                                                                                                                        developing thoughts and ideas.                                                                                   Strategic         Team
2. Do students evidence regulatory shifts in the challenges                              Monitoring &       Reflecting on or adapting learning processes/ task enactment              Make sure that everyone in the group feel just as satisfied with the work at                      Code           Planning       Coordination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Soft Skills
     encountered across tasks?                                                            Regulating        processes                                                                 hand as I am myself.                                                                                            Challenges       Challenges

                                                                                          Supportive        Creating a comfortable environment, shared language, & open               I would use open dialogue as much as possible to overcome disagreements.                 Regulatory                   40               7            15         62
                                                                                           Climate          environment                                                                                                                                                        Team Coordination            29               7            12         48
                                                                                         Personal           Changing/ developing beliefs, attributes or skills in order to improve    I would like to practice to improve my social behaviors because last night I could       Soft Skills                  54               21           24         99
                                                                                    Attributes, Beliefs     group functioning                                                         not participate in the discussion and I did not have enough self- confidence to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Task Completion
                                                                                          & Skills                                                                                    even think in the right direction.                                                                                    27               0            11         38
                                                                                                                                                                                      A little more focus, but it was a good team in all. (there isn't a second thing)                                     150               35           62         247
                   THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK                                                  Task Focus
                                                                                   Enacting Processes
                                                                                                            Staying on track during the task and discussion
                                                                                                            Cognitive& behavioural strategies for completing the task                 Encourage initial brainstorming before jumping right in
   Successful collaboration depends on three levels of regulation                   Satisfactory Group      Indicated that they would not change how their group functioned           Continue doing what we do, being flexible.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Table 6. Shifts in Challenges Encountered
(Barron, 2003):                                                                          Processes                                                                                                                                                                                    Challenge        Change          No Change         Total
1. Strategies & regulatory skills individuals use to regulate                            No Regulation      Indicated that group functioning needed to improve but how to do          Talk brainstorm work anything!                                                           Challenge               35 (85%)         6 (15%)           41
                                                                                           Strategy         this was unknown
     themselves (self-regulation; SRL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Challenge Group         21 (51%)         20 (49%)          41
2. Strategies & regulatory skills individuals use to regulate each
     other (co-regulation; CoRL)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FINDINGS & DISCUSSION
3. Strategies & regulatory skills individuals use to regulate
     together (socially-shared regulation; SSRL)
                                                                                               Perceptions                                                          CORL                                                                   Task
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Perceptions                                    A total of 84 challenges were identified. I & WE strategies were
   Successful collaboration among group members occurs when                                                                                                                                                                                                                            combined (totaling 276 strategies) & coded with the exception of
individuals collectively regulate their learning across the four phases                                                                                                                                                                                                                29 strategies where students indicated they wouldnt change
of Winne &Hadwins (1998) model (see Figure 1). Challenge                                                                                                                                                                                                                              anything (n = 8), or did not provide a strategy (n = 21.
                                                                          Large Scale                 SRL               Goals &                                                                                   Large Scale               SRL                  Goals &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Communication: Was a focus in 57.9% of strategies. Students
episodes provide salient contexts to study regulation in action as        Adaptation                                    Planning                                                                                  Adaptation                                     Planning
these create the need to engage regulatory processes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  perceived communication as integral to group work.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Regulation: Students recognized in their strategies the need to
                                                                                                                                                                   Shared Task
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       regulate themselves and each other. SSRL strategies for regulating
                                                                                                 Strategic                                                                                                                                Strategic                                    together were rarely identified.
                              METHOD                                                            Enactment                                                                                                                                Enactment                                     Main idea: Soft skills strategies were the most frequently
     Participants: 42 upper year students in Environmental Science                                                                                                                                                                                                                     identified strategy, no matter the type of challenge encountered.
  (N = 24) or Mechanical Engineering (N = 18, unspecified, N = 6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Students most often identified strategic planning challenges, and
  working in teams.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    many students suggested regulatory strategies to address these.
     Tasks: Two in-class assignments & one major assignment                                                                      Shared Large
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shared Goals                                                                        However, students most often suggested soft skills strategies to
  outside class time on community environmental issues. Teams                                                                       Scale                               SSRL                        & Planning                                                                         deal with strategic planning challenges, which implies a mismatch
  differed across tasks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               between challenge and strategy.
     Measures: A structured reflection (J辰rvenoja&J辰rvela, 2009)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shifts in challenges: Shifts in challenge types occurred only
  that asked students to:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              about half the time suggesting that many students were not
  1. Choose the main challenge their team encountered                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  successfully addressing challenges. This provides further support
  2. List two things they would like to do to address collaborative                                                                                                   Shared                                                                                                           to the idea that students applied strategies which were poorly
       challenge in future tasks (I strategies)                                                                                                                      Strategic                                                                                                         matched to the challenge they were facing.
  3. List two things they would like their team to do in future                                                                                                     Enactment
       tasks (WE strategies)
                                                                                                                       Figure 1. Schematic of self-, co-, and socially shared regulation of learning.
     Coding: Strategies were coded using an inductive coding                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         IMPLICATIONS
  scheme guided by Winne &Hadwins (1998) model (see Table 1).             Table 2. Challenge Groupings                                                                              Table 3. Strategy Groupings                                                               Results hold important implications for educators working to instruct
  Two coders completed multiple iterations of coding, coming to            Grouping                       Challenge Included in Grouping                                             Grouping                           Strategies Included in Grouping                        students in developing group work skills. Findings suggest that
  agreement on codes. Strategies were coded for:                                                                                                                                                                                                                               students believe soft skills strategies to be the answer to any
  1. Presence of communication keywords (e.g., talk, ask)                  Strategic Planning             Goals, Priorities, Standards of work, What to                              Regulation                         Planning, Monitoring & regulation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               challenge, however strategic planning challenges such as holding
  2. Type of regulation, i.e., regulation of self, of each                                                do, Concept or task
                                                                                                                                                                                     Team Coordination                  Distributed expertise, Roles &                         different goals or different priorities, were most often reported.
       other, together                                                     Team Coordination              Working styles, Equal participation,                                                                          responsibilities                                       Although soft skills are commonly identified as potential strategies
  3. Main idea of strategy (Table 1)                                                                      Knowledge                                                                  Soft Skills                        Supportive climate, Motivation, Personal               for improving group functioning, regulatory processes are crucial for
  Challenges and strategy ideas were grouped for ease of                                                                                                                                                                beliefs, attributes, & skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               successful group functioning. Thus a shift in training soft skills to a
                                                                           Soft Skills                    Interaction styles, Language proficiency,
  interpretation (see Tables 2 & 3, respectively).                                                                                                                                                                                                                             focus on regulatory processes should be beneficial.
                                                                                                          Connection, Commitment, Distraction                                        Task Completion                    Task focus, Enacting processes

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Regulation of Learning in the Context of Collaborative Challenges

  • 1. REGULATION OF LEARNING IN THE CONTEXT OF COLLABORATIVE CHALLENGES Lindsay McCardle, Stephanie Helm, Allyson F. Hadwin, Kara Shaw, & Peter Wild University of Victoria Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant 410-2008-0700 (PI: Hadwin) Table 1. Codes for Strategy Main Ideas Table 4.Type of Regulation Frequency by Type of Challenge Main Idea Description Examples Strategic Team PURPOSE Planning Task understanding, goal setting/ planning,&scheduling saying up front what our goals for the project are -saying when we don't agree on what Regulating Planning Challenges Coordination Challenges Soft Skills Challenges TOTAL To explore students regulation of learning in response to our priorities are Self 53 17 22 92 challenges encountered in three collaborative tasks with the Roles & Workload, equality,&leadership/ coordination If it were a longer task I think I it would be easier to divvy up task as opposed Responsibilities to many people working on the same issue Each other 78 17 36 131 following research questions. Together 19 1 4 24 Distributed Different perspectives or using different knowledge bases I would like to expand my knowledge base into other disciplines to make myself 1. What strategies do individuals identify for themselves (I Expertise a bigger asset to a group. Total 150 35 62 247 strategies) and for their team (WE strategies) to address Motivation Students desire to actively&effortfullyengage in the task Even if you have a lot of other work or have not completed your part, frequent group meeting are essential to keep the group motivated and continue Table 5. Strategy Main Idea Frequency by Type of Challenge collaborative challenges? developing thoughts and ideas. Strategic Team 2. Do students evidence regulatory shifts in the challenges Monitoring & Reflecting on or adapting learning processes/ task enactment Make sure that everyone in the group feel just as satisfied with the work at Code Planning Coordination Soft Skills Challenges TOTAL encountered across tasks? Regulating processes hand as I am myself. Challenges Challenges Supportive Creating a comfortable environment, shared language, & open I would use open dialogue as much as possible to overcome disagreements. Regulatory 40 7 15 62 Climate environment Team Coordination 29 7 12 48 Personal Changing/ developing beliefs, attributes or skills in order to improve I would like to practice to improve my social behaviors because last night I could Soft Skills 54 21 24 99 Attributes, Beliefs group functioning not participate in the discussion and I did not have enough self- confidence to Task Completion & Skills even think in the right direction. 27 0 11 38 Total A little more focus, but it was a good team in all. (there isn't a second thing) 150 35 62 247 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Task Focus Enacting Processes Staying on track during the task and discussion Cognitive& behavioural strategies for completing the task Encourage initial brainstorming before jumping right in Successful collaboration depends on three levels of regulation Satisfactory Group Indicated that they would not change how their group functioned Continue doing what we do, being flexible. Table 6. Shifts in Challenges Encountered (Barron, 2003): Processes Challenge Change No Change Total 1. Strategies & regulatory skills individuals use to regulate No Regulation Indicated that group functioning needed to improve but how to do Talk brainstorm work anything! Challenge 35 (85%) 6 (15%) 41 Strategy this was unknown themselves (self-regulation; SRL) Challenge Group 21 (51%) 20 (49%) 41 2. Strategies & regulatory skills individuals use to regulate each other (co-regulation; CoRL) FINDINGS & DISCUSSION 3. Strategies & regulatory skills individuals use to regulate together (socially-shared regulation; SSRL) Task Perceptions CORL Task Perceptions A total of 84 challenges were identified. I & WE strategies were Successful collaboration among group members occurs when combined (totaling 276 strategies) & coded with the exception of individuals collectively regulate their learning across the four phases 29 strategies where students indicated they wouldnt change of Winne &Hadwins (1998) model (see Figure 1). Challenge anything (n = 8), or did not provide a strategy (n = 21. Large Scale SRL Goals & Large Scale SRL Goals & Communication: Was a focus in 57.9% of strategies. Students episodes provide salient contexts to study regulation in action as Adaptation Planning Adaptation Planning these create the need to engage regulatory processes. perceived communication as integral to group work. Regulation: Students recognized in their strategies the need to Shared Task regulate themselves and each other. SSRL strategies for regulating Perceptions Strategic Strategic together were rarely identified. METHOD Enactment Enactment Main idea: Soft skills strategies were the most frequently Participants: 42 upper year students in Environmental Science identified strategy, no matter the type of challenge encountered. (N = 24) or Mechanical Engineering (N = 18, unspecified, N = 6) Students most often identified strategic planning challenges, and working in teams. many students suggested regulatory strategies to address these. Tasks: Two in-class assignments & one major assignment Shared Large Shared Goals However, students most often suggested soft skills strategies to outside class time on community environmental issues. Teams Scale SSRL & Planning deal with strategic planning challenges, which implies a mismatch Adaptation differed across tasks. between challenge and strategy. Measures: A structured reflection (J辰rvenoja&J辰rvela, 2009) Shifts in challenges: Shifts in challenge types occurred only that asked students to: about half the time suggesting that many students were not 1. Choose the main challenge their team encountered successfully addressing challenges. This provides further support 2. List two things they would like to do to address collaborative Shared to the idea that students applied strategies which were poorly challenge in future tasks (I strategies) Strategic matched to the challenge they were facing. 3. List two things they would like their team to do in future Enactment tasks (WE strategies) Figure 1. Schematic of self-, co-, and socially shared regulation of learning. Coding: Strategies were coded using an inductive coding IMPLICATIONS scheme guided by Winne &Hadwins (1998) model (see Table 1). Table 2. Challenge Groupings Table 3. Strategy Groupings Results hold important implications for educators working to instruct Two coders completed multiple iterations of coding, coming to Grouping Challenge Included in Grouping Grouping Strategies Included in Grouping students in developing group work skills. Findings suggest that agreement on codes. Strategies were coded for: students believe soft skills strategies to be the answer to any 1. Presence of communication keywords (e.g., talk, ask) Strategic Planning Goals, Priorities, Standards of work, What to Regulation Planning, Monitoring & regulation challenge, however strategic planning challenges such as holding 2. Type of regulation, i.e., regulation of self, of each do, Concept or task Team Coordination Distributed expertise, Roles & different goals or different priorities, were most often reported. other, together Team Coordination Working styles, Equal participation, responsibilities Although soft skills are commonly identified as potential strategies 3. Main idea of strategy (Table 1) Knowledge Soft Skills Supportive climate, Motivation, Personal for improving group functioning, regulatory processes are crucial for Challenges and strategy ideas were grouped for ease of beliefs, attributes, & skills successful group functioning. Thus a shift in training soft skills to a Soft Skills Interaction styles, Language proficiency, interpretation (see Tables 2 & 3, respectively). focus on regulatory processes should be beneficial. Connection, Commitment, Distraction Task Completion Task focus, Enacting processes