Article translated from the original Polish Language document entitled 'Regulamin zdobywania sotopni judo_broszura' and customized to suit the needs of the Libyan Judo Federation. Specifies the rules and regulation for obtaining a valid International Judo Federation Degree. According to my Judo Master there are small errors with some of the Japanese in this document, however on the whole is acceptable. My official Judo Degree has remained at 1st Kyu since the age of 13 and have not pursued a Dan Degree.
This is an example of the kind of document I can translate into English language from any other language, should your business need such a document.
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Regulations of obtaining Judo Degrees - Libyan Judo Federation
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REGULATIONS OF OBTAINING JUDO DEGREES.......................................................................................................1
Rules of Judo Achievement Levels......................................................................................................................4
General ...........................................................................................................................................................4
Three types of degrees ...............................................................................................................................4
Examination Rules ......................................................................................................................................4
Rules of obtaining Kyu Degree............................................................................................................................5
The 6 degrees Kyu...........................................................................................................................................5
The criteria for gaining Kyu Degree ............................................................................................................5
Sporting Requirements for Kyu Degrees ....................................................................................................6
Technical Requirements and Time Criteria .................................................................................................6
Kyu - white belt..........................................................................................................................................7
Eligibility for Promotion Duration...............................................................................................................7
Kyu - yellow belt.........................................................................................................................................8
Eligibility for Promotion Duration...............................................................................................................8
Kyu - orange belt........................................................................................................................................9
Eligibility for Promotion Duration...............................................................................................................9
Kyu - green belt..........................................................................................................................................9
Eligibility for Promotion Duration...............................................................................................................9
Kyu - blue belt..........................................................................................................................................10
Eligibility for Promotion Duration.............................................................................................................10
Kyu - brown belt.......................................................................................................................................11
Eligibility for Promotion Duration.............................................................................................................11
Rules for obtaining Dan Degree........................................................................................................................12
The 10 Degrees Dan......................................................................................................................................12
Rules for Obtaining Competitive Master's Degrees (1 - 6 Dan) ................................................................13
Sporting Requirements for Competitive Masters Degrees 1-6 Dan .....................................................13
Technical requirements for Competitive Masters Dan Degrees...........................................................13
Time Criteria for Competitive Masters Dan Degrees 1-5* ...................................................................14
Criteria for Master Degree Coaching (2-8 Dan)........................................................................................14
3. 3
Sporting Requirements for Master Degree Coaching (2-8 Dan) ...........................................................14
Technical Requirements for Master Degree Coaching (2-8 Dan)..........................................................14
Time Criteria for Masters Degree Coaching.........................................................................................15
Time criteria for Coaches meeting the all the Sporting Requirements .............................................15
Masters Degree Referee ..........................................................................................................................16
Sporting Requirements for Masters Degree Referee ...........................................................................16
Technical requirements for Masters Degree Referee...........................................................................16
Time criteria for Masters Degree Referee............................................................................................17
Honorary Degrees (1 to 10 Dan)...............................................................................................................17
Final Remarks ...............................................................................................................................................18
Contact .........................................................................................................................................................19
4. 4
Rules of Judo Achievement Levels
Three types of degrees
1. School Grades - Kyu
2. Championship Grades - Dan
3. Honorary/Master Degrees - Dan
Examination Rules
1. The right to award 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd Kyu degrees is reserved for Judo coaches and
instructors holding a minimum of 1st Dan (verified by the Libyan Judo Federation)
whom have actively participated in Judo courses for a mandatory period of the last
3 years.
2. The right to award 2nd and 1st Kyu degrees is reserved for coaches and instructors
who hold a minimum of 3rd Dan (verified by the Libyan Judo Federation) and are
involved with directly training the examinee in the parent club and whom have
actively participated in Judo courses for a mandatory period of the last 3 years.
3. The right to award Dan and Master degrees is organized twice a year by the Libyan
Judo Federation and is undertaken in training camps and courses for the National
Team. The Dan Commission may examine the proper execution of appropriate
forms of Kata. For degrees of 2nd Dan and above it is suggested that the
examinations take place in January and June, however in exceptional cases it is
acceptable to organize examinations on other occasions.
4. Awarded Degrees are valid after obtaining a positive test result and information
about awarded degrees is announced at least once a year and serves as ultimate
confirmation that the degree is valid under the rules of the Libyan Judo Federation.
5. When awarding any degrees, players, examiners and trainers are obliged to
honour the order of the degree grading system
5. 5
6. In accordance with the provisions of the International Judo Federation, any
degrees awarded by other federations other than the Libyan Judo Federation are
not valid for non-Libyan citizens. Dan degrees given by the Kodokan are accepted
under these rules.
7. A Judoka applying for the awarding of a Judo degree must present an impeccable
attitude and moral standards.
Rules of obtaining Kyu Degree
The 6 degrees Kyu
Japanese English Image
6th Kyu white belt
5th Kyu yellow belt
4th Kyu orange belt
3rd Kyu green belt
2nd Kyu blue belt
1st Kyu brown belt
The criteria for gaining Kyu Degree
a. For Kyu Degrees 6th-4th the technical requirements must be met
b. For Kyu Degrees 3rd-1st Kyu fulfilment of technical requirements and sporting
requirements must be met
If the coach or instructor in charge of directly training the examinee does not have a
minimum of grade 3rd Dan, then the second member of the examination commission must
be a competent trainer who holds the required degree and the exam organizer is obliged
to inform the Dan Commission in writing at least 14 days ahead of schedule of the
examination date.
Circumvention of degrees is not allowed.
6. 6
c. For Kyu Degrees 6th-1st Kyu the time criteria must be met
Sporting Requirements for Kyu Degrees
Players are required to obtain at least 30 tournament points in the annual calendar of the
Libyan Judo Federation, African Judo Union or International Judo Federation competitions.
Points are awarded according to the following table:
Criteria Points
Victory against a player 2 degrees lower 1
Victory against a player 1 degree lower 2
Victory against a player with equal grade 3
Victory against a player 1 degree higher 4
Victory against a player 2 or more degrees higher 5
A Judoka who does not to participate in official competitions organized by the Libyan Judo
Federation, African Judo Union or International Judo Federation may also earn degrees
without participating in tournaments under the following conditions:
a. Obtaining consent of the leading coach.
b. Obtaining 150 points* in the Randori training in the club against opponents listed by
the Libyan Judo Federation
c. Passing an examination before the Dan Commissions Regional Representative
*One Randori victory is awarded 1 point regardless of the degree of the opponent.
Points for Randori must be confirmed by a qualified coach recognized by the Libyan Judo
Degrees obtained by this method does not qualify the player to participate in the tournament
calendars of the Libyan Judo Federation, African Judo Union or International Judo Federation.
For degrees of 3rd or 2nd Kyu the examiner is required to record points obtained by club level
Randori participation on the reverse side of the degree certificate.
Technical Requirements and Time Criteria
a. For a high degree of Judo proficiency the Judoka must pass the examinations
demonstrating technical skills for the degree applied for, including all of the existing
techniques from previously obtained degrees, in both left and right sides if applicable
for the particular technique.
These include the requirements for (if applicable, according to degree applied for):
7. 7
Nage-no-kata Techniques
Hairi-kata Techniques
Katame-waza Techniques
Uke-waza Techniques
Atemi-waza Techniques
Ukemi Techniques
J笛 Yoku G O Seisu Principals
Form examinations are determined for the Judoka whom are participating in a course
approved by the Libyan Judo Federation by upon the instruction of the examiners. The
Judoka is required to perform the techniques to an acceptable standard as deemed by
the examiners.
b. The time criteria and applicable skills are necessary requirements to qualify for
eligibility for examination for the degree applied for.
6th Kyu - white belt
Eligibility for Promotion Duration
The Judoka may apply for degree advancement after serving a minimum of 50 Judo lessons.
To be promoted the Judoka must demonstrate applicable knowledge and skills relevant to
the following:
History and principles of Judo
Demonstrate the correct application of Judogi folding and tying of belt
Demonstrate understanding the concept of Uke and Tori
Demonstrate correct execution of Rei Ho
Demonstrate understanding the concept of Shizen (Tai Shizen, Jigo Tai)
Demonstrate understanding the concept of Shin Tai (Ashi Tsugi, Ayumi Ashi)
Demonstrate understanding the concept of Tai Sabaki
Demonstrate correct execution of Ukemi
Demonstrate correct execution of Kumi Kata
Demonstrate effective execution of Happo No Kuzushi
Demonstrate correct execution of the following Katema Waza
8. 8
1. Hon Kesa Gatama
2. Tate Shiho Gatama
3. Yoko Shiho Gatama
4. Kami Shiho Gatama
5. Fusegi from opponent
5th Kyu - yellow belt
Eligibility for Promotion Duration
The Judoka may apply for degree advancement after serving a minimum of 50 Judo lessons
after obtaining 6th Kyu
To be promoted the Judoka must demonstrate applicable knowledge and skills relevant to
the following techniques:
Nage Waza
1. Hiza Gurumi
2. Uchi Gari
3. Ippon Seoi Nage
4. Ko Uchi Gari
5. De Ashi Harai
6. Sasa Tsurikomi Ashi
7. Goshi
8. Soto Gari
9. Including Basic Renraku Waza and Henka Waza
Katama Waza
Katama Waza based on previously learned techniques may also be required
1. Kuzure Kesa Gatama
2. Kata Gatama
3. Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatama
4. Kuzure Yoko Shiho Gatama
5. Mune Gatama
6. Hadaka Jime
7. Fusegi from opponent
9. 9
4th Kyu - orange belt
Eligibility for Promotion Duration
The Judoka may apply for degree advancement after serving a minimum of 6 months Judo
lessons after obtaining 5th Kyu
To be promoted the Judoka must demonstrate applicable knowledge and skills relevant to
the following techniques:
Nage Waza
1. Uki Goshi
2. Ko Soto Gari
3. Tsuri Goshi
4. Sode Tsurikomi Goshi
5. Tsurikomi Goshi
6. Okuri Ashi Harai
7. Harai Goshi
8. Tai Otoshi
9. Demonstrate the ability to obtain advantage with Kumi Kata
10. Demonstrate Basic Renraku Waza and Henka Waza based on already known
Katama Waza
1. Udi Garami
2. Ushiro Ude Garami
3. Ude Hishigi Juji Gatame
4. Okuri Eri Jime
5. Kata Juji Jime
6. Fusegi from opponent
3rd Kyu - green belt
Eligibility for Promotion Duration
The Judoka may apply for degree advancement after serving a minimum of 6 months Judo
lessons after obtaining 4th Kyu
*In recreational Judo after at least one year of training on obtaining 4th Kyu
10. 10
To be promoted the Judoka must demonstrate applicable knowledge and skills relevant to
the following techniques:
Nage Waza
1. Uchi Mata
2. Ashi Gurumi
3. Tomoe Naga
4. Tani Otoshi
5. Sukui Nage
6. Uki Otoshi
7. Ushiro Goshi
8. Demonstrate Basic Renraku Waza and Henka Waza based on already known
Katama Waza
1. Ude Hishigi Ude Gatama
2. Ude Hishigi HIiza Gatama
3. Ude Hishigi Waki Gatama
4. Nami Juji Jime
5. Gyaku Juji Jime
6. Kata Ha Jima
7. Tsukkomi Jima
8. Sankaku Jime
9. Fusegi from opponent
2nd Kyu - blue belt
Eligibility for Promotion Duration
The Judoka may apply for degree advancement after serving a minimum of 6 months Judo
lessons after obtaining 3rd Kyu
*In recreational mode after a minimum of 1 year from obtaining 3rd Kyu
To be promoted the Judoka must demonstrate applicable knowledge and skills relevant to
the following techniques:
11. 11
Nage Waza
1. Morote Gari
2. Ko Soto Gake
3. Koshi Gurumi
4. Yoko Otoshi
5. Harai Tsurikomi Ashi
6. Kata Gurumi
7. Sumi Gaeshi
8. Yoko Gurumi
9. Demonstrate Basic Renraku Waza and Henka Waza based on already known
Katama Waza
1. Ude Hishigi Hara Gatama
2. Ude Ashi Hishigi Gatama
3. Ude Hishigi Sankaku gatame
4. Ude Hishigi Te Gatama
5. Ashi Garami
6. Sode Gurumi
7. Ryo Te Jima
8. Kata Te Jima
9. Fusegi from opponent
1st Kyu - brown belt
Eligibility for Promotion Duration
The Judoka may apply for degree advancement after serving a minimum of 6 months Judo
lessons after obtaining 2nd Kyu
*In recreational mode after a minimum of 1 year from obtaining 2nd Kyu
Nage Waza
1. Hane Goshi
2. Hane Makikomi
3. Utsuri Goshi
4. O Gurumi
5. Soto Makikomi
12. 12
6. Soto Gurumi
7. Uki Waza
8. Yoko Wakara
9. Ura Nage
10. Sumi Otoshi
11. Yoko Gake
12. Demonstrate Basic Renraku Waza and Henka Waza based on already known
Rules for obtaining Dan Degree
The 10 Degrees Dan
Japanese English Image
Shodan 1st Dan
Nidan 2nd Dan
Sandan 3rd Dan
Yodan 4th Dan
Godan 5th Dan
Rokudan 6th Dan
Shichidan 7th Dan
Hachidan 8th Dan
Kudan* 9th Dan
Judan* 10th Dan
*Grades 9 Dan and 10 Dan are bestowed for outstanding achievements in popularizing and
the development of Judo in Libya.
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Rules for Obtaining Competitive Master's Degrees (1 - 6 Dan)
Sporting Requirements for Competitive Masters Degrees 1-6 Dan
1. A player applying for the right to take the examination for Dan degrees 1- 6 must
achieve a minimum of 30 points in international or national competition included in
the calendar of the Libyan Judo Federation, African Judo Union or the International
Judo Federation.
2. If a player is awarded Olympic Champion or World Champion then the player shall
receive a promotion of a higher degree of Dan.
Technical requirements for Competitive Masters Dan Degrees
Degree Requirement
Shodan 1. Go Kyo
2. Nage No Kata (3 groups)
Nidan 1. Go Kyo
2. Katama Waza
3. Nage No Kata (5 groups)
Sandan 1. Renzoku Waza in the range of Go Kyo
2. Katama No Kata
Yodan 1. Full knowledge: Nage Waza with techniques are not
covered by the Go Kyo
2. Nage No Kata
3. Katama No Kata
Note: A Judoka, who has limited participation in the official competition in the calendar
of the Libyan Judo Federation, African Judo Union or the International Judo Federation or
does not want to participate in competition but is actively practicing Judo may still earn
degrees without the condition fulfilling the sporting requirements. The non-competitive
active Judoka may apply for examinations under the following conditions:
a. Obtaining the consent of the Chief of the Dan Commission
b. A documented gain of 100 points, in the period of a calendar year, against
opponents listed by the Libyan Judo Federation in club level Randori.*
c. Passing the examination before the Chief of the Dan Commission
* For one Randori victory at club level the Judoka is awarded 1 point. For valid points for
a club level Randori a victory, points must be confirmed by a qualified Libyan Judo
Federation coach and documented on the Annexure No.2 form.
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Note: Women may instead perform Nage No Kata Ju
No Kata
Godan 1. Kime No Kata or Kodokan Goshin Jutsu
Rokudan 1. Kodokan Goshin Jutsu or Kime No Kata
Time Criteria for Competitive Masters Dan Degrees 1-5*
*Does not apply if a player has won a medal in Olympic Games, World Championships or ME.
Degree Competition Recreational
1st Kyu Shodan 1 year (age min. 16 years) 2 years (age min. 16 years)
Shodan-Nidan 2 years 4 years
Nidan-Sandan 3 years 6 years
Sandan-Yodan 4 years 8 years
Yodan-Godan 5 years 10 years
Godan-Rokudan 6 years 12 years
Criteria for Master Degree Coaching (2-8 Dan)
Sporting Requirements for Master Degree Coaching (2-8 Dan)
To be admitted to the technical exam for promotion the coach must demonstrate, that in the
period from obtaining a previous degree, that he has met at least one of three conditions:
1. The Coach has led in training a group of players for a minimum period of four years
from last the coaches exam.
2. That two athletes trained by him - for at least for two years at any stage of training -
have won medals at the Libyan Championships or international tournaments in any
age group.
3. Two athletes trained by him for at least for two years at any stage of training - have
been called to the National Team in any age group.
Technical Requirements for Master Degree Coaching (2-8 Dan)
Degree Requirement
Nidan 1. Katame Waza
2. Nage No Kata (5 groups)
Sandan 1. Renzoku Waza in the range of Go Kyo
2. Katame No Kata
15. 15
Yodan 1. Nage Waza, along with techniques not covered by
the Go Kyo
2. Nage No Kata
3. Katama No Kata
Note: Women may instead perform Nage No Kata
Ju No Kata.
Godan 1. Kime No Kata or Kodokan Goshin Jutsu
Rokudan 1. Kodokan Goshin Jutsu or Kime No Kata
Shichidan 1. Ju No Kata or Itsutsu No Kata
Hachidan 1. Koshiki No Kata
Time Criteria for Masters Degree Coaching
Degree Requirement
Shodan-Nidan 2 years
Nidan-Sandan 3 years
Sandan-Yodan 4 years
Yodan-Godan 5 years
Godan-Rokudan 5 years ( age minimum of 35 years)
Rokudan-Shichidan 5 years
Shichidan-Hachidan 5 years (age minimum of 45 years)
Time criteria for Coaches meeting the all the Sporting Requirements
Degree Requirement
Shodan-Nidan 2 years
Nidan-Sandan 4 years
Sandan-Yodan 5 years
Yodan-Godan 6 years
Godan-Rokudan 8 years (age minimum of 35 years)
Rokudan-Shichidan 8 years (age minimum of 35 years)
Shichidan-Hachidan 8 years (age minimum of 45 years)
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Masters Degree Referee
Sporting Requirements for Masters Degree Referee
Judges have the right to test for higher grade Dan in the following cases:
a. After obtaining the degree of federal judge
b. After obtaining a license judge the World "B"
c. In respect of activities and places in the annual Judges central training group Judges
union or worldwide after a favourable opinion of GKS
d. After obtaining a license, a judge of the world "A"
e. After achieving a 5-fold positive result for judging African Championships or after
achieving a 3-fold positive result for judging World Junior Championships.
f. After qualifying and judging at the Senior World Championships least 2 times.
g. After qualifying and judging Olympic Games
Technical requirements for Masters Degree Referee
Degree Requirement
Nidan 1. Katame Waza
2. Nage No Kata (5 groups)
Sandan 1. Renzoku Waza in the range of Go Kyo
2. Katame No Kata
Note: In the case of the meeting the conditions for items f or g the judge is awarded with
the higher degree of "Honorary Dan".
Note: The time criteria are waived when:
a. At least three players trained by the coach for a minimum period of two years were
appointed in a given year to the Libyan National Team for the Olympics or World
Championships. This does not apply to coaches of national teams.
b. Athletes trained by the coach for minimum of two years have won a medal in Olympic
Games, World Championships in any division. (Trainers SC applies only to point b).
c. For outstanding achievements coach may get a degree upon nomination for which he
considered to be:
1. Applying for degrees 2nd 4th Dan
2. Qualify one Player to the Olympics or winning at least one medal by trained
player during the World Cup or African Championships in any division.
3. When applying for a 5th Dan degree or higher achievements as above but only in
the senior division.
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Yodan 1. Nage Waza, along with techniques not covered by
the Go Kyo
2. Nage No Kata
3. Katama No Kata
Note: Women may instead perform Nage No Kata Ju
No Kata.
Godan 1. Kime No Kata or Kodokan Goshin Jutsu
Rokudan 1. Kodokan Goshin Jutsu or Kime No Kata
Shichidan 1. Ju No Kata or Itutsu No Kata
Hachidan 1. Koshiki No Kata
Time criteria for Masters Degree Referee
Degree Requirement
Shodan-Nidan 2 years
Nidan-Sandan 4 years
Sandan-Yodan 5 years
Yodan-Godan 6 years
Godan-Rokudan 8 years (age minimum of 35 years)
Rokudan-Shichidan* 8 years (age minimum of 35 years)
Shichidan-Hachidan* 8 years (age minimum of 45 years)
Honorary Degrees (1 to 10 Dan)
1. An honorary Dan degree can be awarded to a Judoka for outstanding service to Libyan
Judo Federation if he has received a minimum of 1st Kyu for coaching or judging, and
now for other reasons cannot satisfy the necessary requirements to obtain a degree
in competition or coaching.
2. An honorary Dan degree may be assigned only once, and in exceptional cases twice.
3. The Dan Main Committee awards honorary degrees
*Note: For degrees Rokudan-Shichidan and Shichidan-Hachidan time criteria do not apply
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Final Remarks
1. A candidate applying for a degree examination must report to the Kyu trainer orally
and express his readiness for exam and submit documentation relating to his sports
record for the degree applied for.
2. A candidate must submit a certified record of randori, competition results or indicate
that he is recreational Judoka.
3. A candidate applying for a degree examination must provide Dan Committee with a
written request containing accurate personal data and data on his readiness for
examination. The application must also contain an opinion from
The candidates coach if the candidate is a competitor
Or if the candidate is a coach, his direct superiors or the Council of Trainers
Or if the candidate is a referee an opinion from the Main Jury
4. After passing the exam the candidate pays a fee for the certificate.
5. The cost of the examination fees is determined Libyan Judo Federation and is
announced in a press release.
6. These rules shall cancel all previous regulations.
7. Regulations come into force on 01-09-2015.
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This document is the creation Chris Morton (MakeNET and Judo Master Andrjez Blady (Rokudan IJF for the Libyan Judo Federation
Libyan Judo Federation (LBY)
President Persons
Sports City Tripoli Libya
Tripoli P.O. Box 879
Phone: +218214780481
Fax: +218214780481
Mr. Suleiman Ragab Tubal Vice President:
Adel Ashuor Ebrahim
Tel: + 218913407843
General Secretary:
Jalal Mohammed Nasser
Tel: + 218925409459
Khaled Mohammed Shaban
Tel: + 218925205663
Email :
Referee Director:
Abdassalam Sheklu
Sport Director:
Nabil Elalem