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Jack Ryan Reifert
Home Address: 2528 Orella St. Unit-B  Santa Barbara, CA 93109  858-922-5923  reifert@lifesci.ucsb.edu
Work Address: Neuroscience Research Institute  BLDG. 571, RM. 6131  Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5060

Ph.D.   Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) / Neuroscience Research Institute                        2005-2011
        University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

B.S.    Pharmacological Chemistry                                                                                      1996-2000
        University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

Additional Education:
 Technology Management Program at UCSB: Business education courses pertaining to the health care industry.            2009-2011
 UCSD Extension courses: Introduction to Pharmacology, Mechanisms of Disorders I and II, Neuropharmacology            2002-2005

Industrial Research Experience:
Salmedix INC. La Jolla, CA / Research Associate                                                                      2002-2005
        Bendamustine (Treanda), won FDA approval for treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
        and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL), 3 years after being acquired by Cephalon pharmaceuticals.
  Working with the biology research group, our work directly influenced Bendamustine clinical trails for B-cell NHL
    and provided evidence for a mechanism of action divergent from other chemotherapies. (See publication for reference.)

BD Pharmingen. La Jolla, CA / Quality Control Associate I                                                              2001-2002
 Coordinated team meetings to efficiently approach problem products, resulting in release of multiple reagents
  from backorder and updated data sheets with new information specific to each product.

Academic Research Experience:
Chemical Engineering (UCSB), Santa Barbara, CA / Postdoctoral Fellow (CIRM)                                            2011-Present
 Topic: Using bacterial peptide display for the detection and inhibition of proteases involved in ovarian cancer
         metastasis with an emphasis on targeting cancer stem cells.

Neuroscience Research Institute (UCSB), Santa Barbara, CA / Graduate Research Assistant                          2005-2011
 Topic: Mechanisms of amyloid beta induced neurodegeneration - involvement of microtubule associated protein tau.

Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging (UCSD), La Jolla, CA / Research Associate                        1999-2001
 Was an author on two publications for investigating the involvement of wnt / 硫-catenin signaling in the promotion
  of rheumatoid arthritis using primary synoviocytes isolated from patients.

Selected Publications:
Reifert J, Hartung-Cranston D, Feinstein S.C. Tau fragmentation without marked changes in tau phosphorylation precedes
amyloid beta mediated cell death in cultured hippocampal neurons. J Biol Chem. 286(23): 20797-811. Jun. 2011

Leoni LM, Bailey B, Reifert J, Bendall HH, Zeller RW, Corbeil J, Elliott G, Niemeyer CC. Bendamustine (Treanda) displays a
distinct pattern of cytotoxicity and unique mechanistic features compared with other alkylating agents. Clin Cancer Res. 14(1): 309
17. Jan. 2008

Sen M, Reifert J, Lauterbach K, Wolf V, Rubin JS, Corr M, Carson DA. Regulation of fibronectin and metalloproteinase expression
by Wnt signaling in rheumatoid arthritis synoviocytes. Arthritis Rheum. 46(11): 2867-77. Nov. 2002

Selected Research Skills:
Dissection and culture of primary neurons           RNA, DNA, protein isolation                   Site-directed mutagenesis
Glial cell isolation                                Molecular cloning/subcloning                  Flow cytometry
Tissue embedding and sectioning                     PCR, qPCR, primer design                      Live and fixed-cell imaging
Mammalian tissue culture                            HPLC Protein purification                     Peptide display library design
Immunoprecipitation                                 Transformation / Transfection                 Size exclusion chromatography
In-vivo drug delivery (oral gavage, IV)             Western blotting / 2D Westerns                Virus production / infection
Multiple microscopy systems including fluorescent, confocal, and DSU.                             Cytotoxicity assays

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Reifert Resume

  • 1. Jack Ryan Reifert Home Address: 2528 Orella St. Unit-B Santa Barbara, CA 93109 858-922-5923 reifert@lifesci.ucsb.edu Work Address: Neuroscience Research Institute BLDG. 571, RM. 6131 Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5060 Education: Ph.D. Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) / Neuroscience Research Institute 2005-2011 University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) B.S. Pharmacological Chemistry 1996-2000 University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Additional Education: Technology Management Program at UCSB: Business education courses pertaining to the health care industry. 2009-2011 UCSD Extension courses: Introduction to Pharmacology, Mechanisms of Disorders I and II, Neuropharmacology 2002-2005 Industrial Research Experience: Salmedix INC. La Jolla, CA / Research Associate 2002-2005 Bendamustine (Treanda), won FDA approval for treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL), 3 years after being acquired by Cephalon pharmaceuticals. Working with the biology research group, our work directly influenced Bendamustine clinical trails for B-cell NHL and provided evidence for a mechanism of action divergent from other chemotherapies. (See publication for reference.) BD Pharmingen. La Jolla, CA / Quality Control Associate I 2001-2002 Coordinated team meetings to efficiently approach problem products, resulting in release of multiple reagents from backorder and updated data sheets with new information specific to each product. Academic Research Experience: Chemical Engineering (UCSB), Santa Barbara, CA / Postdoctoral Fellow (CIRM) 2011-Present Topic: Using bacterial peptide display for the detection and inhibition of proteases involved in ovarian cancer metastasis with an emphasis on targeting cancer stem cells. Neuroscience Research Institute (UCSB), Santa Barbara, CA / Graduate Research Assistant 2005-2011 Topic: Mechanisms of amyloid beta induced neurodegeneration - involvement of microtubule associated protein tau. Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging (UCSD), La Jolla, CA / Research Associate 1999-2001 Was an author on two publications for investigating the involvement of wnt / 硫-catenin signaling in the promotion of rheumatoid arthritis using primary synoviocytes isolated from patients. Selected Publications: Reifert J, Hartung-Cranston D, Feinstein S.C. Tau fragmentation without marked changes in tau phosphorylation precedes amyloid beta mediated cell death in cultured hippocampal neurons. J Biol Chem. 286(23): 20797-811. Jun. 2011 Leoni LM, Bailey B, Reifert J, Bendall HH, Zeller RW, Corbeil J, Elliott G, Niemeyer CC. Bendamustine (Treanda) displays a distinct pattern of cytotoxicity and unique mechanistic features compared with other alkylating agents. Clin Cancer Res. 14(1): 309 17. Jan. 2008 Sen M, Reifert J, Lauterbach K, Wolf V, Rubin JS, Corr M, Carson DA. Regulation of fibronectin and metalloproteinase expression by Wnt signaling in rheumatoid arthritis synoviocytes. Arthritis Rheum. 46(11): 2867-77. Nov. 2002 Selected Research Skills: Dissection and culture of primary neurons RNA, DNA, protein isolation Site-directed mutagenesis Glial cell isolation Molecular cloning/subcloning Flow cytometry Tissue embedding and sectioning PCR, qPCR, primer design Live and fixed-cell imaging Mammalian tissue culture HPLC Protein purification Peptide display library design Immunoprecipitation Transformation / Transfection Size exclusion chromatography In-vivo drug delivery (oral gavage, IV) Western blotting / 2D Westerns Virus production / infection Multiple microscopy systems including fluorescent, confocal, and DSU. Cytotoxicity assays