Joins allow tables to be combined if they share a common field with a relationship. The main types of joins are cross, equi, natural, and outer joins. Cross joins return the Cartesian product of all rows between tables, equi joins match rows on equality of fields, natural joins match on common fields, and outer joins return all rows including those without matches.
A JOIN works on two or more tables if they have at least one
common field and have a relationship between them.
JOIN keeps the base tables (structure and data) unchanged.
12. Cross join
Cross join is also know an cross product or Cartesian product
In sql cross join is default implemented with out using the clause
how cross join is applicable on Relation or a table?
14. Working of cross Join
Number of columns in resultant table=m+n
Example : In above table the resultant table would contain 5
coloumns i.e
two columns from table1+three column from from table2
Result =2+3=5
15. Number of rows in resultant table = M*N
i.e [individual row in table1] * [All rows in table2]
In above example total number of rows is M* N=6
i.E 2 rows from table1 * 3 rows in table2=6
i.E result= 2*3=6
16. Syntax of cross join
With out using cross join syntax looks like:
Select * from student,course;
Syntax: select * from student cross join course;
17. Equi Join(=)
SQL EQUI JOIN performs a JOIN against equality or matching column(s) values of the
associated tables. An equal sign (=) is used as comparison operator in the where clause to
refer equality.
Syntax: select column1,column2 from table1,table2 where
Example :select sname,cname from table1, table2 where table1.sid=table2.sid;
Select sname,cname from table1 join table2 on(table1.sid=table2.sid);
18. Natural join
We have already learned that an EQUI JOIN performs a JOIN against equality or matching column(s) values
of the associated tables and an equal sign (=) is used as comparison operator in the where clause to refer
The SQL NATURAL JOIN is a type of EQUI JOIN and is structured in such a way that, columns with the
same name of associated tables will appear once only.
Syntax: select * from table1 natural join table2;
Example 1: select * from table1 natural join table2;
Example2: select sname,cname from table1 natural join table2;
20. 1.Left outer joins
SQL LEFT join fetches a complete set of records from table1,
with the matching records (depending on the availability) in
table2. The result is NULL in the right side when no
matching will take place.
22. Syntax for left outer join
Select * from tab1 left outer join tab2 ON
Example: select * from student left outer join course on
Example2: select sname,cname from tab1 left outer join tab2 on
tab1.sid=tab2.sid where sname='raghu';
23. 2. Right outer join
The SQL RIGHT JOIN, joins two tables and fetches rows based
on a condition, which is matching in both the tables ( before and
after the JOIN clause mentioned in the syntax below) , and the
unmatched rows will also be available from the table written
after the JOIN clause ( mentioned in the syntax below ).
25. Syntax for right outer join
Select * from table1 right outer join table2 on
Example 1: select * from student right outer join course on
Example2: select sname,cname from student right outer join course
on student.sid=course.sid where student.sname=ganesh;
26. Full outer join
The SQL RIGHT JOIN, joins two tables and fetches rows based
on a condition, which is matching in both the tables ( before and
after the JOIN clause mentioned in the syntax below) , and the
unmatched rows will also be available from the table written
after the JOIN clause ( mentioned in the syntax below ).
28. Syntax for full outer join
Select * from table1 full outer join table2 on
Example1: select * from student full outer join course on
Example2: select * from student full outer join course on
student.sid=course.sid where sname=ganesh;
30. Inner Join
Inner join is a join which displays the common part of rows matching
as a resultant.
Inner joins can be implemented as
Example1: Select * from table1 inner join table2 on
Example2: select * from table1,table2 where table1.sid=table2.sid;
Example 3: select * from table1 cross join table2 where