Stress Reduction through Relaxation Techniques and its BenefitsCharlene Kushler
Charlene Kushler is a psychologist who provides family therapy and treats conditions like behavioral issues and ADD. She teaches relaxation techniques to help reduce stress, such as progressive muscle relaxation which involves tensing and relaxing muscles for 10-20 minutes to release stress and clear the mind. A therapist can help people learn relaxation techniques like progressive relaxation as well as cognitive reframing to lower stress levels and experience benefits like reduced blood pressure and better concentration.
The document discusses the benefits of stress management. It notes that stress is a common part of modern life and prolonged exposure can negatively impact physical, emotional, and mental health. It states that stress management is an important skill to learn as it can lead to more stable moods, clearer thinking, improved relationships, and lower illness risk. The document provides tips for both short-term stress relief techniques like deep breathing and taking breaks, as well as long-term strategies such as relaxation activities, self-care, social support, and prioritizing responsibilities.
The Importance Of Managing Stress Presentationcazzar21
Stress is the body's natural response to threats and challenges. It is meant to be short-term but chronic stress takes a toll physically and mentally over time. The document discusses what stress is, its effects, and various strategies for managing stress such as removing oneself from stressful situations, relaxation, sleep, diet, and seeking help if stress becomes unmanageable. Managing stress is important to maintain health, happiness, relationships and work performance as excessive long-term stress can be very damaging.
The document discusses stress, its causes and effects on the body. It defines stress as the body's response to any physical or emotional changes, which includes increased heart rate and blood flow to muscles. Stress can be positive in moderation but chronic stress from issues like family problems, health, or financial difficulties over long periods is very harmful. The signs of stress include physical, emotional, mental and behavioral changes. Ways to manage stress discussed include being organized, assertive communication, time management, social support, relaxation techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Stress management involves reducing or managing stress through various techniques. There are two main types of stress: acute stress which occurs over a short period from events like deadlines, and chronic stress which occurs over longer periods from issues like family problems. Stress in the workplace can be caused by factors like workload, relationships, and job insecurity. While stress can be motivating in moderation, high and prolonged stress can negatively impact physical health, mental health, job performance, and business costs due to absenteeism and reduced productivity. Stress management techniques provide benefits both for individuals and businesses.
Stress is defined as a person's physical and emotional response to change. There are different types of stress including general stress, cumulative stress, acute traumatic stress, and post traumatic stress. Sources of stress can come from environmental factors, organizational factors, and personal factors. Common causes of stress include divorce, death of a loved one, financial setbacks, employment changes, and traffic. Stress can be positive or negative and classified as acute or chronic. Symptoms of stress affect behavior, physiology, and psychology. Stress management techniques include healthy living, exercise, social support, organization, anger management, flexibility, and pursuing hobbies.
This very short document does not contain enough substantive information to summarize in 3 sentences or less. It only contains the phrase "Maritime world" repeated twice and the word "end", providing no clear context or meaning that could be succinctly summarized.
This very short document does not contain enough substantive information to summarize in 3 sentences or less. It only contains the phrase "Maritime world" repeated twice and the word "end", providing no clear context or meaning that could be succinctly summarized.