This document provides an overview of basic relay driving circuits. It discusses how relays require a minimum current to activate their coils and stay energized. Simple circuits are presented using transistors or a 555 timer IC to allow low-power control of relays with higher current coils. The 555 IC circuit requires less input current than transistor circuits. Diodes are recommended to protect components from voltage spikes when relays deactivate.
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Relay driver basic
1. Electus Distribution Reference Data Sheet: RELAYDRV.PDF (1)
Relays are components which allow a low-power circuit to
switch a relatively high current on and off, or to control signals +12V +12V
that must be electrically isolated from the controlling circuit RLY1 Q2
Vin R2
itself. Newcomers to electronics sometimes want to use a
relay for this type of application, but are unsure about the
details of doing so. Here’s a quick rundown.
To make a relay operate, you have to pass a suitable ‘pull-in’ RLY2
and ‘holding’ current (DC) through its energising coil. And
generally relay coils are designed to operate from a particular D2
Vin R1
supply voltage — often 12V or 5V, in the case of many of the Q1
small relays used for electronics work. In each case the coil has
a resistance which will draw the right pull-in and holding
currents when it’s connected to that supply voltage. So the
basic idea is to choose a relay with a coil designed to operate A. NPN driver, relay on for Vin = +12V B. PNP driver, relay on for Vin = 0V
from the supply voltage you’re using for your control circuit & off for Vin = 0V & off for Vin = +12V
(and with contacts capable of switching the currents you want
to control), and then provide a suitable ‘relay driver’ circuit so
that your low-power circuitry can control the current through If our relay has a coil resistance of say 180Ω, so that it draws
the relay’s coil. Typically this will be somewhere between 25mA say 67mA at 12V, we’d need to reduce R1 to say 8.2kΩ, to
and 70mA. increase the base current to about 1.4mA. Conversely if the
Often your relay driver can be very simple, using little more relay coil is 360Ω and draws only 33mA, we could increase R1
than an NPN or PNP transistor to control the coil current. All to 15kΩ, giving about 0.76mA of base current. Each time we
your low-power circuitry has to do is provide enough base go for about twice the relay coil current divided by Q1’s hFE —
current to turn the transistor on and off, as you can see from get the idea?
diagrams A and B. As you can see a power diode D1 (1N4001 or similar) is
In A, NPN transistor Q1 (say a BC337 or BC338) is being connected across the relay coil, to protect the transistor from
used to control a relay (RLY1) with a 12V coil, operating from damage due to the back-EMF pulse generated in the relay coil’s
a +12V supply. Series base resistor R1 is used to set the base inductance when Q1 turns off.
current for Q1, so that the transistor is driven into saturation The basic NPN circuit in diagram A is fine if you want the
(fully turned on) when the relay is to be energised. That way, relay to energise when your control voltage Vin is high (+12V),
the transistor will have minimal voltage drop, and hence and be off when Vin is low (0V). But what if you want the
dissipate very little power — as well as delivering most of the opposite? That’s where you’d opt for a circuit like that shown
12V to the relay coil. in diagram B, using a PNP transistor like the BC327 or BC328.
How do you work out the value of R1? It’s not hard. Let’s This is essentially the same circuit as in A, just swung around
say RLY1 needs 50mA of coil current to pull in and hold to suit the PNP transistor’s polarity.
reliably, and has a resistance of 240Ω so it draws this current This time transistor Q2 will turn on and energise the relay
from 12V. Our BC337/338 transistor will need enough base when Vin is low (0V), and will turn off when Vin is high (+12V).
current to make sure it remains saturated at this collector Otherwise everything works just as before, and the value of
current level. base resistor R2 is worked out in the same way as for R1. In
To work this out, we simply make sure that the base current fact because the minimum hFE of the BC327/328 PNP
is greater than this collector current divided by the transistor’s transistors is also 100 at 100mA, you could use exactly the
minimum DC current gain hFE. So as the BC337/338 has a same values of R2 to suit each relay resistance/current.
minimum hFE of 100 (at 100mA), we’d need to provide it with The simple transistor driver circuits of A and B are very low
at least 50mA/100 = 0.5mA of base current. in cost, and are generally fine for driving most relays. However
In practice, you’d give it roughly double this value, say 1mA there may be occasions, such as when your control circuit is
of base current, just to make sure it does saturate. So if your based on CMOS logic, where the base current needed by
control signal Vin was switching between 0V and +12V, you’d these circuits is a bit too high.
give R1 a value of say 11kΩ, to provide the 1mA of base For these situations the circuit shown in C might be of
current needed to turn on both Q1 and the relay. interest, because it needs rather less input current. As you can
see it uses a readily available and very low cost 555 IC as the
relay driver, plus only one extra component: bypass capacitor
+5V C1.
RLY3 Although we normally think of the 555 as a timer/oscillator,
D3 it’s actually very well suited for driving a small relay. Output pin
4 8 3 can both source and sink 200mA (enough to handle most
small relays comfortably), and the internal flipflop which
6 IC1 3 controls its output stage is triggered swiftly between its two
Vin R3 states by internal comparators connected to the two sensing
2 inputs on pins 2 and 6. When these pins are taken to a voltage
above 2/3 the supply voltage, the output switches low (0V);
1 5 then they are taken below 1/3 the supply voltage, the output
C1 swings high. And the 555 can happily work at 5V, as you can
0.1uF see, so it’s very suitable for driving a 5V relay coil from this
supply voltage.
C. 555 'timer' IC as relay driver. Relay on for Vin > 2/3Vcc (3.3V),
Because the sensing inputs of the 555 are voltage sensing
& off for Vin < 1/3Vcc (1.66V) and need only a microamp or so of current, the value of input