This document discusses the technique of relay cycling. It explains that a relay occurs when the lead cyclist moves laterally to the left, allowing the following cyclist to take the lead position. It is important for the transition to be synchronized without hindering the group. The departing cyclist should move to the right or left of the group based on wind conditions or prior agreement. Key aspects of effective relays include avoiding them on slopes or curves, maintaining a constant speed after taking over to prevent cuts in the group, and making gradual changes in pace when in the lead position.
3. • This time we will address the issue of
aerodynamics from a more technical and
realistic view, we will expose the cycling relay
4. • All or almost all road race fans who have come
out with a group of friends have occasionally
been involved in a tug to relay squad.
Although it may seem very simple, it really is
not and relay technique is important
depending on the type of terrain, weather
conditions and the cyclists themselves. In this
post I intend to explain briefly how to
undertake a series of shooting in relays.
5. • We all know who are the "relay in cycling," but
it is worth remembering that it is a change at
the top of the group of cyclists, it occurs when
the runner who commands the group deviates
laterally to left passing by peers going to chase
him placed in a rearmost position.
6. • Seen this way, there seems to be more
problematic, but its implementation is of
particular technique for perfect synchronization
and group performance. Indeed, the broker has
to separate relieved that this group is not
hindered at the time of overtaking and in that
short time, between the abandonment of the
first position and return to the last, running
relieved, placed right or left the group according
windy or as agreed for the safety of the group,
"descend" to subsequent positions to recover
from the effort.
7. Important aspects in the relay in
• Avoid "where possible" relay in the final part of a
slope or before a curve.
• After taking over, recovering energy goes up a
crown in gait and cadence increases.
• Keep constant speed, speed not alter because the
group just out of the relay can not recover and
cuts can occur in the group. If the group wheel
40kmh tagged in at the same speed.
• Slows in roundabouts, curves or intersections to
avoid cuts and accidents in the group.
8. Important aspects in the relay in
• If you can not stand the pace of the group gives
shorter relays or simply rests within the group.
• If you will not be able to relay, stay and not
bother to queue, uses the slipstream of your
• When you're on top of the group do not do
abrupt changes of pace, try to increase or
decrease the speed is progressive, and avoid
problems, stomach and cuts in the group.