The presentation showing details of the relief activities done in Thar Pakistan for the draught affected people. The funds were donated by Pakistan Professional Forum Qatar and the relief work on ground was carried out by a group of volunteers called Team Karachi
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Relief activities in thar from ppf
1. Distribution of 300 Ration Pack to
the draught effected families in Thar
Donated by
Pakistan Professional Forum Qatar
Distributed by
Team Karachi on April 20th, 2014
2. Summary of the Relief Activity
• Pakistan Professional Forum (PPF) donated an amount of QAR 60,000 for the relief
efforts in draught effected areas of Thar in province of Sind, Pakistan
• In Pakistan , PPF collaborated with Team Karachi, a group of volunteers to carry out the
relief work on ground
• The relief efforts are divided in following two phases;
1. Distribution of Ration Packs to 300 families for immediate relief
2. Installation of 10 water hand pumps and 3 wells for the long term remedy.
• The phase 1 of the project is completed on April, 20, 2014 when Team Karachi distributed
300 ration packs in 15 villages of Thar
• This presentation provides summary of the phase 1
• The phase 2 of the project is under progress and Team Karachi will shortly provide
progress report
3. Details of Expenses
Item Amount (PKR)
Phase 1 Expenses
Cost of 300 Ration Packs (2,260 x 300) 678,000
Cost of Logistics (Packing and Delivery)-
These expenses are born by Team Karachi
Total expenses 738,000
5. Distribution Points
• Distribution at 1st point was for below
mentioned people of 4 different villages:
1. Hoti Kharch, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
2. Bhinghrraai, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
3. Thebaai, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
4. Athaai, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
• Distribution at 2nd point was for below
mentioned people of 4 different villages:
5. Phararro, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
6. Phararro, Raahma Parrhah, Deeplo, d/s Mithi,
7. Dhedhwar, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
8. Chrakrro, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
• Distribution at 3rd point was for below
mentioned people of 2 different villages:
9. Kari Veri, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
10. Veeram Veri, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
• Distribution at 4th point was for
below mentioned people of 5
different villages:
11. Dewaar, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
12. Tarkasar, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
13. Kharrkaasar, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
14. Sgaar, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh
15. Ismaailabad, Deeplo, d/s Mithi, Sindh