Cronograma de los estudiantes para el proyecto hoja1 (1)Daniela Trujillo
Este documento presenta el plan de actividades para un proyecto escolar sobre valores que se llevar叩 a cabo durante mayo. El proyecto busca fomentar los valores de la escuela a trav辿s de diversas actividades como la creaci坦n de afiches, sopas de letras y separadores sobre un valor seleccionado. El cronograma detalla las sesiones de trabajo para investigar sobre el valor, desarrollar los materiales y evaluar el proyecto.
La tabla proporciona informaci坦n sobre 6 estudiantes que practican deportes, incluyendo sus nombres, edades, grupos, deportes practicados y g辿neros. Dos estudiantes de 15 y 16 a単os practican basquetbol femenino mientras que 4 estudiantes de 16 y 17 a単os practican basquetbol y f炭tbol masculino.
The document provides 4 examples of goal statements for different subject areas:
1) High School Economics goal is to understand and apply economic concepts like scarcity and markets.
2) High School Family and Consumer Science goal is that nutrition choices impact health throughout life.
3) Grade 8 Art goal includes demonstrating art skills and techniques while expressing ideas across cultures.
4) Grade 3 Physical Education goal is applying movement skills and concepts like manipulative skills.
The document provides an overview of virtual reality (VR) technologies and their potential impacts. It summarizes the results of a survey of 2000 UK consumers which found that 67% are unfamiliar with VR headsets, but 70% would consider purchasing one. The survey indicates VR will most impact gaming and entertainment. It also reviews several VR hardware options like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear, and Google Cardboard.
This document provides instruction on using the articles "a", "an", and "the" in English. It explains that "a" and "an" are used with singular countable nouns to refer to things in general, with "a" preceding words starting with consonants and "an" preceding words starting with vowels. "The" is used to refer to something specific or unique in the context. Examples are given of sentences using these articles correctly. A list of words is provided and the reader is asked to write 5 sentences using the articles and words. The last part of the document is an incomplete text for the reader to fill in with the correct article from the choices given.
Disposiciones antes de entrar a la sala de computoRenzo Cortez
El documento enumera 4 disposiciones que proh鱈ben introducir dispositivos de almacenamiento, alimentos, mover equipos o arrojar basura en la sala de computo. Tambi辿n recomienda no poner en peligro la seguridad de personas u equipo, usar lenguaje soez o programas inadecuados, y establece sanciones como suspensi坦n por violar estas normas.
Enterprise Architecture professionals can help deliver disruptive change without disruption to current operations by improving utilization of existing enterprise assets and helping identify and execute necessary changes. They integrate strategic planning, project management, enterprise architecture, systems development, IT service management, and continuous improvement. They also educate and mentor staff, lead major transformations by example, and hand over capabilities to internal teams.
The document provides an overview of virtual reality (VR) technologies and their potential impacts. It summarizes the results of a survey of 2000 UK consumers which found that 67% are unfamiliar with VR headsets, but 70% would consider purchasing one. The survey indicates VR will most impact gaming and entertainment. It also reviews several VR hardware options like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear, and Google Cardboard.
This document provides instruction on using the articles "a", "an", and "the" in English. It explains that "a" and "an" are used with singular countable nouns to refer to things in general, with "a" preceding words starting with consonants and "an" preceding words starting with vowels. "The" is used to refer to something specific or unique in the context. Examples are given of sentences using these articles correctly. A list of words is provided and the reader is asked to write 5 sentences using the articles and words. The last part of the document is an incomplete text for the reader to fill in with the correct article from the choices given.
Disposiciones antes de entrar a la sala de computoRenzo Cortez
El documento enumera 4 disposiciones que proh鱈ben introducir dispositivos de almacenamiento, alimentos, mover equipos o arrojar basura en la sala de computo. Tambi辿n recomienda no poner en peligro la seguridad de personas u equipo, usar lenguaje soez o programas inadecuados, y establece sanciones como suspensi坦n por violar estas normas.
Enterprise Architecture professionals can help deliver disruptive change without disruption to current operations by improving utilization of existing enterprise assets and helping identify and execute necessary changes. They integrate strategic planning, project management, enterprise architecture, systems development, IT service management, and continuous improvement. They also educate and mentor staff, lead major transformations by example, and hand over capabilities to internal teams.