The document discusses JavaScript remoting for Apex controllers, which allows making asynchronous AJAX requests from Visualforce pages to Apex controllers without reloading the entire page. Key points covered include how to configure and make requests to remote action methods, benefits like avoiding view state issues, and comparing JavaScript remoting to action functions.
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Visualforce: Using JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
2. What is JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers?
JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
AJAX request from an apex page to a controller.
Invoke Controller method
Synchronous request to the controller with an asynchronous
response to the page .
A way to separate the page from the controller.
without the need to perform a form submission.
This way to implement light weight visualforce page with faster
responce from database instead using action function.
3. What are the benefits?
JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
Decouples the page from the controller.
No Need reloading the entire page.
avoid View-State issue when you use JS remoting because you
will just give request and back the data to the user but not keep it
on the server.
4. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
What are the disadvantages?
Decouples the page from the controller.
A basic understanding of javascript is required.
Slightly higher barrier to entry.
5. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
How to use JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers?
add the request as a JavaScript invocation with the following form:
[namespace.]controller.method( [parameters...,]callbackFunction, [configuration]);
namespace is the namespace of the controller class.
controller is the name of your Apex controller.
method is the name of the Apex method youre calling.
parameters is the comma-separated list of parameters that your method takes.
callbackFunction is the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the
response from the controller . You can also declare an anonymous function inline.
configuration configures the handling of the remote call and response. Use this to
change the behavior of a remoting call .
6. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
Example 1 - Before any Event
Button will
8. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
<apex:page controller="JSRemotingBasicsController" id="page">
<script type="text/javascript">
function getText() {
var text = "";
function(result, event) {
if(event.type === 'exception') {
} else if (event.status) {
alert(result); // here will come welcome to cccinfotech
text = result;
document.getElementById('{!$}').innerHTML = text;
} else {
{ buffer: true, escape: true, timeout: 30000}
<h2>Simple Javascript Remoting Examples </h2> <br/> <br/>
<button onclick="getText()">Get Static Text</button> <br/>
<apex:outputText id="textResponseApexOutputText"></apex:outputText>
Visual forcepage
9. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
Controller -
global class JSRemotingBasicsController {
public JSRemotingBasicsController() {
public static String doGetText() {
return 'Welcome to cccinfotech';
The global access modifier declares that this class is known by
all Apex code everywhere.
When javaScript Remoting method is called, It
finds @RemoteAction methods in the controller.
12. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
<apex:page controller="sample" wizard="true">
<script type="text/javascript">
function getAccountJS()
var accountNameJS = document.getElementById('accName').value;
sample.getAccount( accountNameJS,function(result, event)
if (event.status)
// demonstrates how to get ID for HTML and Visualforce tags
document.getElementById("{!$Component.theBlock.thePageBlockSection.theFirstItem.accId}").innerHTML = result.Id;
document.getElementById("{!$Component.theBlock.thePageBlockSection.theSecondItem.accNam}").innerHTML = result.Name;
else if (event.type === 'exception')
document.getElementById("errors-js").innerHTML = event.message;
} else
document.getElementById("errors-js").innerHTML = event.message;
Account Name :<input id="accName" type="text" />
<button onclick="getAccountJS()">Get Account</button>
<div id="errors-js"> </div>
<apex:pageBlock id="theBlock">
<apex:pageBlockSection id="thePageBlockSection" columns="2">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="theFirstItem">
<apex:outputText id="accId"/>
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="theSecondItem" >
<apex:outputText id="accNam" />
Visualforce Page -
13. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
Controller -
public class sample
public static Account account { get; set; }
public sample() { }
public static Account getAccount(String accountName)
account = [select id, name, phone, type, numberofemployees
from Account where name = :accountName ];
return account;
14. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
Configure a remoting request by providing an object.
default configuration parameters look like this:
{ buffer: true, escape: true, timeout: 30000 }
Buffer :
Boolean Type , The default is true.
This buffering improve the efficiency of the overall request-and-response
Escape :
Boolean Type , The default is true.
Apex methods response.
Timeout :-
The timeout for the request, in milliseconds.
default is 30000 ms (30 seconds).
maximum is 120000 (120 seconds, or 2 minutes).
Configuring JavaScript Remoting Requests ?
15. Maxretries :
Integer Type
retries for the request when connection errors occur.
The default is 0. The maximum is 3.
new parameter could be as follows ?
{ buffer: true, escape: true, timeout: 30000, maxretries: 2 }
JavaScript Remoting for Apex
16. .
Important about Remote Action ?
JavaScript Remoting for Apex
Javascript remoting calls don't count against SOQL Governor limit.
17. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
JavaScript Remoting Campare with Action Function ?
Action Funtion
Action Function posts the data. Must need
of form .
View-State issue
need to ReRender
methods are instance
methods require bandwidth not less
communicate with VF page's
controller's methods without posting
your form.
avoid View-State issue
No need to ReRender
methods are static
methods require less bandwidth
18. JavaScript Remoting for Apex Controllers
JavaScript Remoting Campare with Action Function ?
Action Funtion
has to transfer the page view state
cannot update the page's view state.
Less server processing time,
because only the data you submit is
visible and the view state is not
Controller methods can return data
directly back to the calling
JavaScript, cannot update the page's
view state