The safety standards and measures Kissflow is taking to ensure that our employees are safe while we practice our new model of work - Remote+
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Remote + - Back to office safety protocol
2. Table of Contents
1. Travel from outstation
2. Commute to/from work
3. Entry to TIDEL
4. Workplace protocol
5. Food courts, Restroom and other facilities
6. Care at home
7. How to deal with symptoms
3. Travel Back from
Out of Town Locations
1. Get advice from your manager/HR about your mode of travel
from hometown.
1. Avoid using public transport to travel as much as possible
1. Always wear a mask and use sanitizers when travelling
1. Maintain social distancing (at least 1.5 metre) and avoid
crowded areas
1. Avoid travelling if you or any of your family members are
sick/have been sick recently. Inform your manager and HR
before you plan travel in such cases.
Step 0
4. Commuting to/from work
Step 1
1. Wear your face mask before you leave your house.
1. Avoid using public transport to travel to work. It is
recommended to come in a private vehicle
1. Avoid pillion rider for two wheelers
1. Maintain adequate distance between seated travellers. Use
sanitizers if travelling by company cabs or others vehicle.
1. If youre feeling sick, have a temperature or exhibiting any
other symptoms, please stay at home. Inform your manager
and People Ops
5. Parking and Entry to Workplace
Step 2
1. Wait and proceed without crowding in queues. Don't Rush.
Be Patient.
1. Be understanding and participate in the safety protocols
instituted in Tidel.
1. Practice distancing in the lifts as well. Take the next lift if it
gets crowded or use the stairs if possible.
1. Use disposable tissues / sanitizers to touch elevator
buttons, handles and other surfaces.
1. Do not use biometric, use the access cards given. Make it a
6. 1. Sit at your desk maintaining adequate distance from your
1. Avoid closed door meeting rooms. If meetings are
conducted, keep the crowd limited and maintain distance
when seated.
1. Do not use items that do not belong to you (laptops, pens,
phones, etc)
1. Use sanitizers and tissues placed in office space
Step 3
Workplace and
Workstations Protocol
7. Step 4
Food Court, Restrooms
and other facilities
1. Bring in your own water bottles to use in office.
1. Bring in your own coffee mugs. Ensure you wash them
1. Maintain distance when seated for coffee or lunch
1. Use sanitizers after using ATMs, door handles and other
surfaces. Avoid touching them as much as possible
1. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using the
8. Step 5
At home & Personal Hygiene
1. Maintain healthy diet and lifestyle to boost immune.
1. Use sanitizers regularly. Avoid reuse of masks. Dispose
masks, tissues carefully.
1. Avoid touching nose, eyes, mouth and shaking hands
1. Avoid travelling to public spaces or out of town often.
1. Limit worry and agitation by limiting watching or listening to
media coverage that you perceive as upsetting.
11. Dealing with Symptoms
If you have any of the symptoms or if you have
come in contact with any positive cases call the
state helpline number 044-29510500 or central
helpline at 011-23978046.
More details at
19/TN website
1. Stay at home if you have any of
the symptoms listed above.
1. If symptoms do not subside,
consult your doctor and follow
their instructions
1. Even if symptoms subside,
speak to HR before returning to
Fever, Fatigue, Dry cough, Aches and pains, Running nose, Sore
throat, Shortness of breath, Diarrhea
Symptoms to watch out for :
Editor's Notes
#5: Car Doodle in chalk
Commuting to/from work
Kindly check yourself for symptoms before starting to work from your place
Always keep you mask on making sure it covers the nose and mouth and try not to take it while making any communication during the commute
Be cautious while commuting, if traveling in public transport/cab follow the necessary precautions - sanitizer & social distancing
In case of experiencing any type of sickness symptoms, kindly be responsible and stay at home. Inform your timely decision to your respective Team Members
#6: Spritzer bottle doodle
Make sure to arrive ten minutes early to work to avoid the rush up while practising social distancing
Keep sanitizer bottle handy to use instantly if and when needed
Be patient while using the stair/lifts while practising social distancing
#7: School Desk doodle
Greet the teammates and encourage each other to fight the battle with safety
#8: Waterbottle doodle
Kindly share food with your friends and strengthen the bond by being cautious
#12: Before entering workspace
Check your health status
Clean your hands at the entrance of the Tidel security checkpoints
Display cards maintaining the distance
Always keep the mask on