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Remote Client Copy
Please resetusersap* on db level intarget system; as it is lockedautomatically duringpost
processingin clientcopy
Please read note 568784 Terminationwith clientcopy local or Remote (Financial Basis)
Because local or remote clientcopygenerateserrorafterall postprocessingsteps performed which are
under as
o FINB_TR_CC_EXIT_TARGET (Application Exit Error)
o MDG_TR_CC_EXIT_TARGET (Application Exit Error)
o Logon to targetclientwithuserSAP*
o Create RFC connection fromtargetclienttosource clientusingt-code FINB_TR_DESTor
? E.g FINBTR@PRDCLNT450 or anyexample:TRN_ATF
? Destination:Source System
? User: Tkhan (User must existin source System)
? User type: System or communication(Insource system)
o Note:Please use systemorcommunicationuser withRFCconnectionfromtargetto
source systemwithSAP_ALLandSAP_NEWauthorizations
o Duringfirststepthe systemcheck RFC dictionary objects on bothsystemsource and
? if tablesor fieldsare missingonremote systemthenthesetablesorfieldsare
copiedinthe target without excludingthemusingreport(RSCCEXPT)
? if tablesor fieldsare missingonlocal systemthenyouhave toadjustthose
tablesor fieldsorexclude themfromthe source systemafterconfirmingfrom
functional consultants.
o Please runreport RSCCEXPTon bothsource and targetsystemsto checkeither tables
are excludedornot onboth systems.Youshouldonlyexcludedtablesinsource system
if you dontwantto copy ontarget system.Please alsochecktableson targetsystemas
well asthese tableswouldnotcopiedontargetsystemif these existson source system.
o Disconnectandlock otherdialogusers.
o Suspendbackgroundjobs:
? Thiscan be done usingreportBTCTRNS1.The jobswill be releasedafterwards
o For remote clientcopies,the datadictionariesbetweenthe source andtargetsystems
shouldbe the same.
o If not, incase of clientcopybetweenaproductionanddevelopmentsystem, youcan
exclude tablesfromthe clientcopyusingreportRSCCEXPT.Youhave to be sure that
your targetclientwill stillbe usable andconsistentcomparedtoyourneedsdepending
on the table excluded
o Please create logical systemusingBD54duringremote clientcopywhichpointsto
source systemwithitsclientnumber,dontenterlanguage;Use systemor
communicationuserintargetclientwithfull authorizations
? You musthave sufficient disk space indatabase byadding more datafilesondatabase level
? Adjustmemoryparameters tomaximumvaluesdependingonhardware
? Setparameterlogin/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 on target system
? Setparameterrdisp/max_wprun_time= 0 on bothsource and targetsystem
? Setparameterrdisp/wp_no_dia =40 -50 on bothsource andtarget system(Whenyouare using
parallel processes,thesedialogworkprocesseswill be usedinsource andtargetsystems)
? Setparameterrdisp/wp_no_btc =8 or 10
? Addmore db logfilesatdb level tospeeduploadingdataontarget system
? Users shouldnotlogintosource and targetsystem (Please lockdialogusers)
? Setoverwrite mode =overwrite onTargetsystemto avoidtakinglogbackupagain and again
? You mustset AutoLogbackup=OFF on db-studiobecauselotsof LOGbackup hasto be takenif
youchoose AutoLogbackup= ON
? SuspendbackgroundjobsusingSE38->BTCTRNS1
? You can alsoexclude tablesonsource systemwhichare notontarget systembyusingSCC9
o Source system
o Choose menuEdit->expertsetting
o Selecttabtable and entertableswhichyoudontwanttobe importedontargetsystem
? For COPA missingtablesandfieldsplease afterdiscussionwithCOConsultantimportbelow
o DEVK913144 : COPA 01
o DEVK913146 : COPA 02
Execution Steps:
? Create clientusingSCC4
? Logon to newlycreatedclient
? Create RFC connectionfromTargetto source system
o Checkconnection
? SCC9
? Selectprofile andsource destination
? Chose iconparameterforparallel processes(Setaccordingtoworkprocesses) thensave
? You can testrun to estimate time andspace requiredforremote clientcopy
? You can schedule remote clientcopywithtime orimmediately
? For Log choose SCC3
? Remote clientcopycancelsatRBDLSMAP phase
o SCC4 and uncheckoption:Lockeddue toClientcopy
o Logon withdialoguser
o ImplementSAPNote: 0001754066 with dialog user
o Restart SCC9
? Logon to newlycreatedclient withSAP*
? SICK: For consistencyandinstallationcheck
? SE06: Selectdatabase copy,clickpostinstallationprocessingafterclient copy
? STMS: (Onclient000), check andrecreate if necessary
? SE38: run RSBTCDEL
? RZ04: delete oldinstance schemaandregeneratenew one
? ResumingSuspendedbackgroundjobs:
o SE 38 jobswill be releasedafterwardsusingreportBTCTRNS2.
? SM37: reschedule all nonsystemjobs/Delete if required
? SM36: Create jobsstandards(Defaultscheduling) andsuppressduplicatejobs/UsingDDIC user
? SCC4: Change role accordingly
? RZ10: Execute importprofilesof active servers
? DB13: reorganize jobsif scheduled
? Check SM21, ST22 and SP01 forany errors andtroubleshooting
? If duringremote clientcopystepRBDLSMBAPfailedthentryto restartafterapplyingnote,
otherwise youwillhave toruntransactioncode BDLS to change the logical systemname and
adapt to the new system.
Errors during client copy:
1. Duringremote clientcopythere are longrunningtablesgetslocked?How tounlock
You can restart clientcopyagainafterall processesgetcompleted.Please checkwhetherrestart
mode active?
2. RDBLMSAP: Clientcopycancelledagainandagain
The systemistryingto convert logical system name for runningclient.Thisprocessis necessary
and shouldnotbe avoided
ImplementSAP Note:1754066
The mentionednote cannotbe implementedwithSAP*user. Tryto implementwithdialoguser.
Followingare stepstoimplementandunlockingof clienttemporarily
? You have to unlockclientforother dialogadministratorusertoimplementthisnote
? Unlockclientinscc4
? Uncheck option lockeddue to clientcopy
? Logon withdialogadministratoruser
? Implementnote:1754066
? Logoutadministratoruser
? Restartclientcopy withSAP*and please note thatrestartmode shouldbe active

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Remote client copy

  • 1. Remote Client Copy Preparation Please resetusersap* on db level intarget system; as it is lockedautomatically duringpost processingin clientcopy Please read note 568784 Terminationwith clientcopy local or Remote (Financial Basis) Because local or remote clientcopygenerateserrorafterall postprocessingsteps performed which are under as o FINB_TR_CC_EXIT_TARGET (Application Exit Error) o MDG_TR_CC_EXIT_TARGET (Application Exit Error) o Logon to targetclientwithuserSAP* o Create RFC connection fromtargetclienttosource clientusingt-code FINB_TR_DESTor SM59 ? E.g FINBTR@PRDCLNT450 or anyexample:TRN_ATF ? Destination:Source System ? User: Tkhan (User must existin source System) ? User type: System or communication(Insource system) o Note:Please use systemorcommunicationuser withRFCconnectionfromtargetto source systemwithSAP_ALLandSAP_NEWauthorizations o Duringfirststepthe systemcheck RFC dictionary objects on bothsystemsource and target ? if tablesor fieldsare missingonremote systemthenthesetablesorfieldsare copiedinthe target without excludingthemusingreport(RSCCEXPT) ? if tablesor fieldsare missingonlocal systemthenyouhave toadjustthose tablesor fieldsorexclude themfromthe source systemafterconfirmingfrom functional consultants. o Please runreport RSCCEXPTon bothsource and targetsystemsto checkeither tables are excludedornot onboth systems.Youshouldonlyexcludedtablesinsource system if you dontwantto copy ontarget system.Please alsochecktableson targetsystemas well asthese tableswouldnotcopiedontargetsystemif these existson source system. o Disconnectandlock otherdialogusers.
  • 2. o Suspendbackgroundjobs: ? Thiscan be done usingreportBTCTRNS1.The jobswill be releasedafterwards usingreportBTCTRNS2. o For remote clientcopies,the datadictionariesbetweenthe source andtargetsystems shouldbe the same. o If not, incase of clientcopybetweenaproductionanddevelopmentsystem, youcan exclude tablesfromthe clientcopyusingreportRSCCEXPT.Youhave to be sure that your targetclientwill stillbe usable andconsistentcomparedtoyourneedsdepending on the table excluded o Please create logical systemusingBD54duringremote clientcopywhichpointsto source systemwithitsclientnumber,dontenterlanguage;Use systemor communicationuserintargetclientwithfull authorizations Pre-Steps ? You musthave sufficient disk space indatabase byadding more datafilesondatabase level ? Adjustmemoryparameters tomaximumvaluesdependingonhardware ? Setparameterlogin/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 on target system ? Setparameterrdisp/max_wprun_time= 0 on bothsource and targetsystem ? Setparameterrdisp/wp_no_dia =40 -50 on bothsource andtarget system(Whenyouare using parallel processes,thesedialogworkprocesseswill be usedinsource andtargetsystems) ? Setparameterrdisp/wp_no_btc =8 or 10 ? Addmore db logfilesatdb level tospeeduploadingdataontarget system ? Users shouldnotlogintosource and targetsystem (Please lockdialogusers) ? Setoverwrite mode =overwrite onTargetsystemto avoidtakinglogbackupagain and again ? You mustset AutoLogbackup=OFF on db-studiobecauselotsof LOGbackup hasto be takenif youchoose AutoLogbackup= ON ? SuspendbackgroundjobsusingSE38->BTCTRNS1 ? You can alsoexclude tablesonsource systemwhichare notontarget systembyusingSCC9 o Source system o Choose menuEdit->expertsetting o Selecttabtable and entertableswhichyoudontwanttobe importedontargetsystem ? For COPA missingtablesandfieldsplease afterdiscussionwithCOConsultantimportbelow mentionedtransport o DEVK913144 : COPA 01 o DEVK913146 : COPA 02
  • 3. Execution Steps: ? Create clientusingSCC4 ? Logon to newlycreatedclient ? Create RFC connectionfromTargetto source system o Checkconnection ? SCC9 ? Selectprofile andsource destination ? Chose iconparameterforparallel processes(Setaccordingtoworkprocesses) thensave ? You can testrun to estimate time andspace requiredforremote clientcopy ? You can schedule remote clientcopywithtime orimmediately ? For Log choose SCC3 ? Remote clientcopycancelsatRBDLSMAP phase o SCC4 and uncheckoption:Lockeddue toClientcopy o Logon withdialoguser o ImplementSAPNote: 0001754066 with dialog user o Restart SCC9 PostSteps ? Logon to newlycreatedclient withSAP* ? SICK: For consistencyandinstallationcheck ? SE06: Selectdatabase copy,clickpostinstallationprocessingafterclient copy ? STMS: (Onclient000), check andrecreate if necessary ? SE38: run RSBTCDEL ? RZ04: delete oldinstance schemaandregeneratenew one ? ResumingSuspendedbackgroundjobs: o SE 38 jobswill be releasedafterwardsusingreportBTCTRNS2. ? SM37: reschedule all nonsystemjobs/Delete if required ? SM36: Create jobsstandards(Defaultscheduling) andsuppressduplicatejobs/UsingDDIC user ? SCC4: Change role accordingly ? RZ10: Execute importprofilesof active servers ? DB13: reorganize jobsif scheduled ? Check SM21, ST22 and SP01 forany errors andtroubleshooting ? If duringremote clientcopystepRBDLSMBAPfailedthentryto restartafterapplyingnote, otherwise youwillhave toruntransactioncode BDLS to change the logical systemname and adapt to the new system.
  • 4. Errors during client copy: 1. Duringremote clientcopythere are longrunningtablesgetslocked?How tounlock Solution: You can restart clientcopyagainafterall processesgetcompleted.Please checkwhetherrestart mode active? 2. RDBLMSAP: Clientcopycancelledagainandagain The systemistryingto convert logical system name for runningclient.Thisprocessis necessary and shouldnotbe avoided Solution ImplementSAP Note:1754066 The mentionednote cannotbe implementedwithSAP*user. Tryto implementwithdialoguser. Followingare stepstoimplementandunlockingof clienttemporarily ? You have to unlockclientforother dialogadministratorusertoimplementthisnote ? Unlockclientinscc4 ? Uncheck option lockeddue to clientcopy ? Logon withdialogadministratoruser ? Implementnote:1754066 ? Logoutadministratoruser ? Restartclientcopy withSAP*and please note thatrestartmode shouldbe active