This document summarizes a renal arteriogram/renal angiography procedure. A renal arteriogram uses x-rays and dye injected into the renal arteries to visualize the kidneys' blood vessels. It can help diagnose issues like tumors, high blood pressure, kidney masses, and transplant complications. The procedure involves inserting a catheter into the femoral artery and injecting dye while taking x-rays. Potential complications include bleeding, blood clots, and temporary kidney failure.
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It is a special type of X-ray picture that helps doctors to see the blood vessels in kidneys.
1. To differentiate renal cysts from tumors
2. To evaluate hypertension
3. Prior to renal transplantation
4. To demonstrate the configuration of total renal vasculature before surgical procedure
5. To evaluate chronic renal disease or renal failure
6. To investigate renal masses and renal trauma
7. To detect complications following kidney transplantation such as non-functioning
shunt or rejection of donor organ
1. Blood clots
2. Blockages of kidneys
3. Abnormal structural issues
4. Spasms in the vessels
5. Tumors
6. High blood pressure in the vessels
7. Widened blood vessels
1. Uncontrolled hypertension
2. Chronic DM
3. Severe bleeding disorders
Before procedure
1. Obtain an informed consent
2. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the procedure.
3. Patient can take normal medications as per doctors order
4. Nurse will place an IV in hand for the administration of fluids
During procedure
1. Using a needle, the doctor inserts a thin wire into a large artery in the groin (femoral
artery) into the renal arteries.
2. Once the catheter is in place, the X-ray dye is injected through the catheter and X-rays are
taken of the arteries.
After procedure
1. Nurse will remove the catheter and hold the site for 15 to 20 minutes to prevent
2. Monitor vital signs
3. Monitor the puncture site frequently for any complications
2. 4. Cold compression may be applied at the site of puncture
1. Hematoma formation
2. Arterial thrombosis
3. False aneurysm formation
4. Temporary kidney failure